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Lv 5
Truyer asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Has Yahoo violated my Right of free speech?

I have been essentially gaged, punished and suffered damages as a direct result of Yahoo's actions for asking "Who cares if Sheriff is operating a fictitious police agency" and naming him.

Under the First Ammendment of The Bill of Rights is the alleged irrevocable guarantee of free speech which includes the right to speak out against public/political figures uninfringed. This is an important check in our alleged democratic system, imagine if we (the people) were denied this inalienable right. Yeah, corruption would run rampant and unchecked, not to mention that the percieved illusion of equitablility, justice, and integrety by the "establishment" would be exposed and destroyed.

Regardless of my agreement to abide by their terms of use and community guidelines, this in no way or means can diminish my/our irrevocable and immutable social contract, despite their "sole discretion". (they can not impeed upon my Rights even if I made a contractual agreement which states they can)

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bill of Rights prohibits Congress from passing laws that infringe upon the right to free speech. As Congress did not dictate Yahoo! terms and conditions, they are not subject to the First Amendment. Your participation on all Yahoo! services is regulated only by the policies set out by the company.

    Learn a little law before you go spouting about your rights.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to go back and read your contstitution and study the History of this great nation. If you do, you will find that the constitution is a set of rules that apply to the government only, mostly the laws that congress can be passed. I am pretty sure that Yahoo answers is not mentioned anywhere in the constitution. In fact, is does not say anything about buisnesses or private entities. Our forefathers were great and wise men, they knew what they were doing and made it intentionally this way. They never intended that people could come out and be totally offensive and nobody could complain. The intention of this amendment was to give us the right to speak out against our government officials and policies without being imprisoned or killed.

    The only way that your constitutional rights would be infringed, is if the government took action against you for what you said.

    But as like many other parts of the contitution, this is amendment is being misinturpreted by mis-informed people.

    Source(s): God Bless America
  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo is a private company which allows users to use their space for specific reasons. If you felt like standing in the middle of your local town square and shouting the truth to the heavens and all that will listen, you are guaranteed that right under the Bill of Rights. But you can't go into someone's company and tell them you have the right to tell all their workers a special message, just doesn't work that way. Private companies are not included in that clause. In all actuality, you violated the terms of agreement,sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's sadly apparent you have no life if you can be so damaged by a website. You're one of those people that clog up our justice system with pointless law suits, aren't you? Just looking for a quick buck. Get a job and quit whining.

    Yes, they can censor you on their own website if they so choose. You agreed to the terms of use you nitwit.

    Yahoo! terms of use are not going to bring about the destruction of modern society.

    Now, you however....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That doesn't apply to private entities.

    Yahoo, however, is subject to regulation and may eventually be forced to allow properly worded, truthful, verifyable answers and questions to remain or may have to post a disclaimer that Yahoo Deletes questions and answers it deems inapproriate, even if they are legimate.

    That would be a tough pill to swallow. Yahoo would be admitting to biased answers and questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As stated in other answers, no your rights have not been violated. What does kill me on Answers, however, is when people report you just because they can't handle your opinion, and/or answer. I've been a violator of adult content, defamation, point gaming, not answer or question. Each and everytime I disagreed with the decision to remove my content and replied to the violation Email, but never get a response that is not "automatically generated".

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo is a private company, they can not be forced to host anything other then what they wish. After all, this is a free country.

    You can post whatever speeches you desire on your own web site, but you can't force someone to post your views on theirs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

    Last I checked, Yahoo isn't congress. So no.

  • You agreed to the terms

    Quit crying like a liberal after a lost election

    Grow up

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you certain that you're allowed to ask such a question??

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