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I'm a Truyer, (opposite of lawyer) a non-person, non-resident that is instead a being of natural authority commissioned by a superterrestrial entity as expert, agent & counsel @ truth, CHALLENGE ME!

  • Did you not get your Avance Auto Refer-A-Friend rewards too?

    If you have, let me know, if not tell me about it, I may be able to help you get your rewards.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Movie name with bully newspaper boy on bike saying "I WANT MY $2"?

    I recall he gets the $2 but don't remember how, can you elaborate?

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Has Yahoo violated my Right of free speech?

    I have been essentially gaged, punished and suffered damages as a direct result of Yahoo's actions for asking "Who cares if Sheriff is operating a fictitious police agency" and naming him.

    Under the First Ammendment of The Bill of Rights is the alleged irrevocable guarantee of free speech which includes the right to speak out against public/political figures uninfringed. This is an important check in our alleged democratic system, imagine if we (the people) were denied this inalienable right. Yeah, corruption would run rampant and unchecked, not to mention that the percieved illusion of equitablility, justice, and integrety by the "establishment" would be exposed and destroyed.

    Regardless of my agreement to abide by their terms of use and community guidelines, this in no way or means can diminish my/our irrevocable and immutable social contract, despite their "sole discretion". (they can not impeed upon my Rights even if I made a contractual agreement which states they can)

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What of "Jesus" if zombies are evil monsters?

    Thinking outside of the christian doctrine or 'box' lucidly, this a valid and important question based on a strong self-contradictory cultural belief.

    Seriously, it is not wise to hide behind the preceptions of words to deny the similar factual circumstances of these occurances.

    What other than a "belief" substanciates exemption for the return of someone from the dead as 'good' and the other 'evil'? Especially, when recongnizing that logically, "belief" is the only means by which a deception can occur.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are officers the servants and protectors of 'The People' or something else?

    If you claim they are the prior, you'll need to submit evidence of the occurance. I've reasearched many thousands of reports which claim to have done so but am unable to find even one example that really did.

    I've concluded the misunderstand is based upon the false belief that people are persons, technically and legally speaking they are not.

    'People' are beings manifested by the order of natural creation, inherently good and indiginous.

    'Persons' are the abominable entities of an unnatural order, inherently evil and obviously alien.

    To which i'll admit they do serve and protect "persons" but not 'people'! In fact if anything the evidence overwhelmingly indicates they are the oath sworn enemies of 'The People'.

    For those who fail to comprehend the difference click on the following link http://www.worldnewsstand/law/person.htm

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does "God" suffer from psychological disorders?

    Readily "God" can be diagnosed with megalomania and a unique disorder of tri-polarism.

    Could medication possibly help this obviously non-omnipotent entity?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If zombies are evil monsters, why do so many worship one?

    Zombies are the dead reanimated. Not only was "Jesus" a zombie but even worse created them(Lazarth).

    Is this just another example of hypocritical "Christian" biased double-standards or is their possibly a factual basis for his exemption?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Know how to install oem supercharger on non-supercharged Ford V6?

    I'm interested in intsalling a supercharger on my '95 Cougar with original 3.8 V6.

    It is my understanding that this conversion is bolt-on and plug-in but don't know just what all parts are needed for a complete and correct installation.

    5 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Running lights don't come on or delayed when turning on headlights?

    The vehicle is a 1991 Honda Accord the problem seems temp. sensitive being worse in cooler weather. This sounds like a relay but i've checked the wiring schematic and there isn't one. The only thing else i can think of is the switch its self which is very expensive. Any alternatives or suggestions are appriciated.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are you offended by the "laws" deceptive abuse of the word 'person'?

    This is just one of many deceitful ways the minions of a self-proclaimed 'evil' deceive millions of innocent people into the possession and bondage of a demonic and unnatural(alien) entity.

    As born we are only a single people whole(y) as manifested by nature. We are then forced into their indoctrination and assimilated by the unknowing acceptance of our mutation into an unwhole(y) being that is part natural, part 'person' and in reality only an abomination.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I agree Bush is at least a personification of Satan, what is the book recommended by Chaves?

    Demon(Bush) supporters please don't respond as your statements/opinions are irrelevant.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why do so many twist the definition of belief to make non-belief some form of belief?

    Belief correctly defined is the acceptance as truth/reality things which defy/lack logical/factual evidence, proof or support.

    I find this rational decision to not jump to conclusions is by no means a belief. Apperently it makes them feel better to think they have all the answers, regardless if their wrong.

    I fully support volition/free will there is no intent to sway your decision i merely seek an understanding as to why someone would choose this alleged irrationality.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does "E PLURBUS UNUM" really mean "of many one"?

    Latin being read left to right rather than right to left wouldn't this translate to "one of many"?

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Isn't pope Beenadick's comment ironic when christianity is rooted in mass-murder?

    Ordered by their demonic "god(s)" (*it suffers from tri-polarism) for their sin non-belief (so much for its benevolence and omnipotence) and was known as the crusades (even in this age of atomic and other weapons of mass destruction this campain is by far the deadliest ever in the history of mankind).

    Understandably these innocent peoples' non-belief threatened the domination of this Demon in disguise as ONLY those who believe can be deceived.

    I grew up as, and around catholics and other christians and am well aware of their fascist, violent double-standard biases.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Whats up with Impco (IMCO) stock?

    I am aware it has merged into Fuel System Solutions (FSYS) but am concerned about why my IMCO shares have not been transfered into FSYS shares.

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • Is the so-called "law" just a phyucked-up and insane lie?

    Aren't real laws unbreakable rules, like the laws of nature once broken they are therefore proved false(a lie)?

    Isn't the refusal to accept truth/reality(denial) the definition of insane? (old Websters)

    Could this explain why all US courts refuse to accept truth and only permit "facts" to be heard(so they can cut and paste them to create their version of supposed truth/reality)?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Phyuck the "law"?

    The so-called law is actually a big lie?

    In reality, is law an unbreakable rule, like the laws of nature once broken it is proven false, a lie and therefore, not law?

    Is making the claim of "the rule of law" actually the 'rule of lies' and not the "rule of rules" as exagerations are in essence only and never more than lies?

    Are this alien order's assimilated mutants(officers) not true to life minions of evil, as this abomination proclaims itself "a necessary evil"? Is this not a lie also, when is evil ever needed?

    Is their claim of being the authorities(meaning creators) not an absurdity, an order not of natural creations making?

    Does the so-called law protect and serve you or its own interests, like a rancher protects its herd assuring it is safely brought to slaughter?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Are there bio-organisms that live in crude oil and eat steel?

    Don't laugh at me this is the claim of BP in regards to their corroded pipline!

    I think this is absolutely absurd, am I wrong?

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago