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Now that NASA is going to the MOON, do you think it is good or bad?

I believe it is a good thing:

Sure we have the "we should go to mars" people. The question is do they realize that is it the earths gravity that is the expense, inwhich, man must leave. By building a moon base and creating a landing station. could it not be possible to save money and expense in the BIG picture.

Saying if the so called Mars manned space flight left from the moon and not earth. Granted we would have to build it on the moon or on earth...The wise thing to do would be to build it on Earth launch it into high orbit and sling shot to the moon base. Instead of building it piece by piece say at the ISS. then going to the moon.

We could then...Save fuel cost...time and going from the moon to mars..Beside the fact that given the correct trajectory we would be alot closer in miles.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Construction should've started in the early 80's, but then challenger happened. The 80's would have been super cool with this:

    I say we shouldn't spend so much money on problems on earth, because most of that money goes towards the war, and it should go to education, retirement and the space program.

    I think it would also be helpful if they had a landing strip on the moon for the Space shuttle, but oh well, they are getting rid of the STS. And getting Orion... I guess I'm not the rocket scientist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know but building a giant telescope like Hubble times 10 on thew moon would be cool. A base I don't know seems expensive

    and due to are current technology what would we do up there uhh?? Mars doesn't have much to offer Right now a big desert

    with nothingness. Unless we had the tools to fully explore mars with ease than its a good idea.

  • 5 years ago

    i understand its pessimistic yet i do no longer think of we can see countless something, those persons devoid of particularly effective and funky telescopes. additionally there's no wind in area or gravity on the moon so how might any of the "airborne dirt and mud" flow if that's what they're predicting. i think of the only element which will take place is a huge style of money would be blown that would desire to bypass into convalescing some thing else that's an argument superb now.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it may not be too useful to go again.

    The R and D that went into the original trips taught us a great deal.

    Some times benefits and short falls are not obvious.

    AIDs is a scourge to mankind, but it has advanced viral technology that will benefit mankind in the long run,

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  • 1 decade ago

    Bad, the governent should use that money to fix the problems we have on earth, instead of sending it to the moon in a multi-billion dollor mission.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great! We should go just for the sake of being there. I'm tired of lagging behind in space exploration. lets get out there already!

    One of these days, Alice ... Bam! Straight to the moon!

  • 1 decade ago

    i actually think its a bad idea because why should go to other planets?? we can't even take care of our planet. yes it may be great to finally know how its like with minimal amout of gravity and to see the galaxy and all but can't we just leave the moon alone??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Going back to the moon and establishing a permanent base

    is a great idea...About time...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that it's a freaking shame that we will end up spending ONE TRILLION dollars in Iraq (500 BILLION so far).

    The things America could have done with that money....

  • 1 decade ago

    not only is it good--i think it's essential in order to expand our knowledge of our solar system---plus a lauching point to mars, whitch should be our next logical exploration. it's all good, so let,s go

    Source(s): carl sagan
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