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Lv 5
RoeB asked in Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · 1 decade ago

Heat Pump Compressor Burnt out. Here are my options. Help me decide.?

12 year old Unit, have installed new indoor coils 2 1/2 years ago. 10 SEER unit, Have had to have leak in outdoor coil repaired 1 1/2 years ago. Can have compressor replaced for around $700.00 can have complete outdoor unit replaced for $2000.00 to $2300.00 can have complete unit replaced for $3000.00. The indoor unit is for 10 Seer unit the outdoor unit would be 12 SEER. The complete unit would be 13 SEER. Would loose some efficency if I used the 10 SEER indoor unit withe the 12 SEER outdoor unit. What is my best alternative, Should I replace the Compressor? Go with the 12 SEER outdoor unit with the 10 SEER indoor unit or Go with new 13 SEER complete unit. Also do not know how bad oil and Freon is contaminated but smells burnt.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In your own words "Go with new 13 SEER complete unit." If you keep replacing this that and the other, then you are hoping that the diff. systems can work with each other and if they dont then it will co$t you more in the long run.

  • 1 decade ago

    My advice is to go entirely with the new 13 SEER complete unit because: (1) even if you just replace the compressor, there could be additional burnout in the system even after they completely flush the system , thereby causing the new compressor to burn out also, (2) with a new 13 SEER unit you will be saving money in the long run, & have a warranty on it , while only replacing the compressor only the new compressor will be under warranty, then usually something else not under the warranty would go out , then more money to fix that, & (3) a more efficient unit increases your property value....& you can write it off on your income tax....So it's a win/win situation for you to purchase a new system instead of nickel & diming yourself for repairs that may be constantly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh boy, I am unable to answer your question. If you can get natural gas service, I'd get a gas furnace and a new AC. There are some new HVAC regs, but I can't remember what the minimum SEER is. Ahhh, 13 SEER is the minimum, but you knew that. Then I'd go with the 13 SEER complete unit. Just an opinion. I don't believe mixing new with old. Good luck.

  • bob r
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Go With 13 seer

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had to replce mine and I went with a 13 seer unit and also installed a air handler the inside house. If you go just with the Heat Pump your only going to have to replace the indoor unit in a short time.If it.s 12 years old. mine was 15. I know it's expensive but it's worth the peace of mind having heat and cooling ,without worrying about a brake dowm. Mine was $4.200. Worth every pennie.You can get a tax brake from Uncle Sam if you live in the States.Hope this helped GOOD LUCK.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cut your loses and replace it. New one would be more efficient. Replacing the compressor would be a waste of money, and if the oil smells burnt (what color is it? is it darker, or turning black?), you are probably on the verge of a compressor burnout. It the cantaminated oil from a burnout traveled into the rest of the system, you would need a clean up, and that will be expensive. So invest in a new system.

    Source(s): 30 yrs in HVACR trade
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