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Does one usually need a high school diploma to drive a tanker truck hauling gasoline for a petrol supplier?

I have a friend who never finished high school who is out of work. The guy could use a boost. Anyway, another guy I know told me he heard a local petroleum refinery will be hiring tanker truck drivers like gang busters over the next year and a half. I don't think my pal has got the energy or the intererst anymore to go back and get his GED, so I was wondering if most trucking companies dealing in the delivery of gasoline and highly combustable liquids require their drivers to have at least a GED.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes they do. More bad news for your friend: hauling gas demands hazmat (hazardous material) certification, which demands specialized schooling. In fact, more and more truckers are going for college degrees in their field. Your friend wants to work on a garbage truck, he can't even be the driver without at least a GED Of course, if he does not mind being the poor slob who has to pick up the garbage, then he can continue, for now, to be a lazy jerk and not get that GED. Even that won't last though - more and more legislatures are talking about forcing even garbage collectors to earn their hazmat certification. Hey, it's a rough world out there. You don't do your friend any favors by helping him stay illiterate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You almost need a GED to work in fast food these days. It's a smart move to get it, because eventially he will need it somewhere for something. Better to get it over with now than to know one day you will need it. Seriously! I graduated high school, went to college and I am a stay-at-home mom of 2. My husband did not graduate high school, yet managed to take college courses from a place like P.C.D.I., the places you see the late night infomercials on, and he has a wonderful job working in air conditioning, making $22 an hour. I guess the best answer would be it would be a smart move to get it now!!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Probably not, he would at least have to have a commercial drivers license & probably a Haz Mat certification to drive a tanker. I guess it just depends on how large the company is. It is hard to work any where without at least a GED.

    Source(s): My ex husband is a trucker
  • RoZ
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My husband is a truck driver. I don't know that a diploma is required but I'm sure you would need to go to a truck driving school, especially if you are planning to haul hazardous material.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The GED is very easy to obtain, you only need basic skills. ounce your friend obtains the CDL his options are endless. Im lookin into driving myself, its a growing demand

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually yes, but most companies never check into stuff like that when it comes down to it.

    The thumbs down idiot can down me all they want. But I know for a fact I am right considering my husband has been driving semis for almost 8 years now.

  • 1 decade ago

    im sure they do require a ged.youll even have to take a driving course and get a HAZ/MAT endorsement on your license,like a CDL>

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I doubt driving requires proof of education, just the ability to read, follow directions and be straight. refering to not high when I say straight..just to prevent violation notices. Tell him to go for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes...i know where i live you need to go to a special school to learn how to drive and handle combustible need to be certified

  • 1 decade ago

    most jobs you have to have a GEDor diploma but they can work around that if he really sales himself for the job.

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