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Why does God disapprove of divorce?

I recently read a question from a woman who is in a marriage that any sane person would abandon. She only stays married to her husband because God says that divorce is sinful. Her husband used to hit her and only stopped because he was sent to jail for it. He doesn’t care for their daughter at all. When she is working and he is supposed to be watching the child, he doesn’t feed her and doesn’t change her diaper. He calls her (the wife) worthless, even though she is the main breadwinner of the family. How can anyone believe in a god that would make this woman believe that she should stay with a man like this?


According to her post, she prayed, but got no answers.

Update 2:

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe this lady should separate herself from this man until he shows responsibility and caring. God also said


    10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.

    I believe she should get counselling from her pastor to be able to endure this hardship.

    But her husband can't be a freeloader. Nope. God doesn't instruct this. She has rights for separation until he comes to his senses.

    In case he doesn't, after a certain period of time, (not sure how long she should allow) then she should go ahead and divorce. She should be in heartfelt prayer about this.

    Source(s): Jesus! Above All!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he doesnt! For it is written the unrighteous will be divorced and the righteous will be given to others!

    If it was not for the hardness of hearts there would be no divorce.

    And SIN interferes with faith and covenants too!

    but in the beginning people were faithful enough to keep their marriage as was the example of ADAM. when EVE came to him with the forbidden fruit He had already kept faithful in all temptation of the devil. But when he saw She had already eaten he did not want to lose the WIFE that God gave him. So he stayed with his wife.

    But until the days of Noah came, most of the children of god were were obedient and faithful. When Enoch was taken, so were all the righteous, and the beginning had an end.

    it became the law of moses that if a man saw any uncleanness in a woman he could divorce her. But nowadays, any woman can also divorce a man for sin and uncleanness, metaphorically speaking, they can divorce for no cause whatsoever.

    in the biblical sense Adultery was allowed for cause of divorce. but it was usually adultery and fornication that was the cause in the first place to marry again.

    Physical Abuse is an act of uncleaness and sin. it is grounds for divorce. for it is written that men should cease to be brutes. If a woman must leave amarriage there are numerous battered womens homes that will help any woman get away from such abuse.

    Of course your assumption that it is God that requires this is completely in error. basically it is HER decision to STAY or Leave. and possibly an incorrect interpretation of the laws of marriage.

  • 1 decade ago

    God disapproves of divorce because the marriage relationship is based on the mystical relationship between Christ and the Church, which is spoken of in scripture as "the Bride of Christ." It's pretty deep, but this is the basis of the sanctity of marriage.

    God does allow divorce under certain circumstances, but says the divorced person should remain unmarried or be reconciled to his or her spouse. We are told in the Word that the only reason God ever allowed divorce in the first place (as in the Law of Moses) was because of the hardness of peoples' hearts!

    Divorce should never be engaged in lightly. God does understand, though, that many people have serious problems with a spouse, which is why He does allow divorce in some circumstances. Though all husbands fall far short of the ideal of Christ, the perfect Bridegroom, some husbands can be truly vile in their treatment of their wives and/or children or through involvement in adulterous relationships, and in these instances, divorce is not wrong. It's in the area of remarriage that people usually get it wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you enter the holy sacrament of Marriage, you are both supposed to enter for life. Unfortunately sometimes one or both partners do not take these vows seriously.

    What my question would be is "How well do people really get to know each other before they decide to marry? The old saying "A tiger doesn't change his spots" clearly is relevant to a lot of marriages these days. I think a lot of people think that their partner with "change" after marriage or everything will be better once "I get a ring on her finger".

    I truly believe (Married for 22 years) That if you enter marriage truthfully, honestly and with your eyes wide open and your head ruling your heart, marriage can and will last.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible DOES say that what God brings together no man shall tear apart. and speaks quite distinctly about divorce. the Bible says that anybody who marries a divorced woman or man is committing adultery (and we all know where that stands in Gods eyes) having said that God is a just God, RESPECT is also very high on His list - and i dont think divorse in this womans case can possibly be construed as a sin. in my opinion - if her life is being threatened, as well as her childs, she should leave! God will understand that!

  • 1 decade ago

    God disapproves of a person leaving their spouse for lustful reasons. Such as a man divorcing his wife so that he could be with a supermodel. I cant see God wanting that woman to be in an abusive relationship.

  • 1 decade ago

    God doesn't disapprove of divorce. All relationships are karmic and one must come back into contact with certain relationships over and again until the karmic debt is paid. After this they are "free" from one another. This doesn't excuse abandoning one's responsibilities to the "partner" for callous reasons ... as you will be brought back into the cycle with this person again until all "unfinished" business is attended to. Each case is separate, so you can't generalize about it ... but God does not disapprove of divorce as a concept.

  • 1 decade ago

    God disapproves of divorce because it breaks up a family. The two people who got married took a vow to remain married until death. The only scriptural grounds for divorce is adultery. But in cases of physical abuse and of spiritual endangerment she could separate from him (but not divorce him). If she chooses to separate he then chooses to file for divorce, she could consent.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians marry under Covenant with God and they have vowed to God that 'till death do us part'. Marriage is one way God will use to transform people to be like Jesus as the couple sought God's direction and help in their marriage as they respond to and live with one another according to God's word. Jesus needs to be the center and foundation for any Christian marriage to succeed. The Holy Spirit's direction should be sought when any marriage breaks down. If the person is not spiritually sensitive to be directed by the Holy Spirit then he/she should seek help from a spiritual counsellor in his/her church. The Holy Spirit will give God's wisdom as to what to do in any situation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People disapprove of divorce. I never heard God say a thing about it.

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