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Have you really learned anything in here?

Honestly. Most of the questions asked can either be researched easily or don't amount to a hill of beans. The silliest are people looking for medical advice, in my opinion, or girls asking if they are pregnant.


Can I get some of those recipes?

Update 2:

Hoped for more answers, oh well

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have mainly learned how little I know. You are correct that many, if not most of the questions can be answered by cutting & pasting them into the little search bar under the question. Those questions, we play like a game, to see who can get the answer in first.

    As far as the personal advice questions, I have found that although they seem trivial to us, the person asking them may be isolated, and/or embarrassed to ask their friends or relatives.

    It's fun, and oddly enough may actually help someone. Enjoy!

  • 1 decade ago

    among the silliest, I think you forgot all those high school kids expecting people to do their homework for them

    did I learn something in here at Yahoo! Answers? Nope, I don't think so. The more interesting moments for me have been when asking for others' opinions about some various non black / white theme - the problem being that Yahoo! would quickly stop the flow of questions after on average about 15 (sooner if the question had some potentially negative implications about Yahoo! - fair enough I guess).

    Is Yahoo!'s aim that people learn something here? Nope. Their aim is for this to be a living community with a lot of page views so that a lot of people will advertise on it and pay for it, helping Yahoo!'s finances. A side goal was also to kill Google Answers - and they've managed it but it was because Google Answers involved payment, my bet is that Google will sooner or later come up with a free version of their Anwers, and given Yahoo! a run for their money, no?

  • Bert
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    True. Some questions can be googled just as easily. Two things get me: When kids ask questions that are clearly homework assignments and they give you a list of 10 questions to answer like anyone wants to take the time to do their work for them. Although they do have a homework section in here, which encourages this, but they show up everywhere though. Also when people ask legal questions and they inevitably get ten responses that say "Talk to a lawyer." People do ask good questions all the time - you just have to sift through a lot of garbage to find them. I posted a dream I had and asked for help interpreting it and user TM gave an incredibly thorough answer that knocked my socks off. It happens occasionally.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes man, u are right that most of the answers could be found by research but if others are willing to researched it for you, and save the time of yours why not ask here only. Most chances are you might not find the good answer one is looking for but still they are usually good(excluding some really dumb questions).

    Yes, medical advice doesn't count here so its not that much of a help plus following some wrong advice may lead to some casual ti.

    All in all, its fun here but for beginners there is quite a lot of help here.

    For example some don't know how to change time format from 24hrs to AM PM in comp or vice-versa.

    Its not that only craps are written here, hence i will rate yahoo answers 7/10

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  • 1 decade ago

    This totally made me laugh, because I think it's really true. I've given some people recipes, but I don't know if I actually "helped" them. And noone has helped me because I don't ask anything!

  • I just joined and like answering but I would not rely on my answers as solid, reliable help or information. I tend to answer in a silly manner. I also would not rely on others answers as reliable, heck I don't know who they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes i have learned something and that is that most of the people on this are dumb bored as hell or some other stuff and i know thsi as a fact because im one of those people. besides i dont have learn anything im just on this cause its funny as hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Opinions from others with experience is not research-able.

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