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Lv 56,811 points


Favorite Answers18%
  • les Catholiques sont-ils des Chrétiens?

    - accumulent les représentations du Christ (alors que toute représentation de Dieu est interdite par la Bible - elle est d'ailleurs aussi interdite par les Juifs, ou les Musulmans)

    - invention des "saints" qui ne sont cairement que des divinités paiennes recyclées. Concept clairement interdits par la Bible (sans parler du fait que cela fait des représentations physiques supplémentaires, toujours interdites)

    - énorme proportion des prières adressées à Marie qui n'a rien de divin, mais semble un recyclage de la "déesse mère" des paiens (un symptôme: après un baptême, on lui présente le bébé, comme si Marie était nettement plus importante que Dieu)

    - croyance à diverses magies paiennes (comme la transmutation de l'hostie en la chair du Christ, alors qu'il ne s'agit que d'un symbole - et que toute magie, ou croyance en la magie, est interdite par la Bible)

    Je n'ai rien contre les Catholiques - je trouve juste qu'ils ne sont pas très Chrétiens, sur la base de la Bible...

    14 AnswersReligions et spiritualité1 decade ago
  • for or against the death penalty? and why?


    - not shown to serve as a deterrent against crime

    - is irrevocable, so what if you execute an innocent?


    - where there is undisputable evidence that someone is guilty of horrible crimes, is it healthy that society as a whole should be sacrificing resources to keep the criminal in jail for decades, when clearly that money could be better used to develop the said society (the same money could probably schools a dozen children till college)?

    15 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Pourquoi sur Q/R France, les gens récompensent le réponse qui les flatte...?

    ...même si elle est fausse / incomplète / mal construite,

    alors que, sur Yahoo! Answers (USA), les gens tendent à choisir les réponses qui répondent le mieux à leur question, peu importe que ces réponses leur plaisent, ou non?

    est-ce qu'il y aurait une sorte de spécialité française consistant à se mettre la tête dans le sable, dès que quelque chose déplaît?

    ou ne s'agit-il que d'une suite de coincidences?

    16 AnswersSciences sociales - Divers1 decade ago
  • why is the intellectual level so low on the US version of Yahoo! Answers, compared to Europe?

    is it because the school system in the US is even much more decadent, than it is in Europe?

    is it because the US is home to a much larger, ignorant sub-class of population? Or is it just that Europe also has that kind of ignorant population, but that it does not go on-line there?

    just wondering

    20 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • why are so many questions repeated?

    (1) many questions are repeated, over and over? Why is this? Is it because many are randomly generated by IA software, based on the (few) real ones?

    (2) when browsing through pages of questions, the very same question can reappear many times - are these pags, or not? Why can't questions be sorted better?

    9 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • why are any questions about Yahoo! Answers...?

    ...quickly blocked (I guess by staff)

    too bad

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Why do I feel that a Googl Answers would be better?

    Why do I feel that, if Google started a Google Answers, it would be faster, cleaner, and things would be organised by themes in a much clearer way? And why do I feel that humour would be largerly allowed on it, unlike on Yahoo! Answers?

    (they'll probably kick me out for having dared to ask this?)

    6 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • why do so many questions on Yahoo! Answers seem like fake, computer-generated questions?

    Many don't make any sense. All of a sudden "themes" even very obscure emerge and lead to dozens of very similar questions. As if by coincidence all those have no avatar associated.

    What is the proportion of questions from real human beings, as opposed to questions generated by Yahoo!'s AI software, to the total? Are 1/4th of the questions human, at best?

    I'm already betting with myself that i'll receive hate answers from Yahoo!'s micromarketing employees (posing as users) for this. But it will still be fun! ;-)

    10 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • why are synthetic fibre t-shirts so expensive? Why do people buy them?

    I run a few times a week. I bike. I use cotton t-shirts most of the time. I've wanted to try synthetic ones because they're marketed so heavily. First thing was sticker shock, they're easily 3-4 times more expensive. Then I noticed that while they didn't get wet (of course, they're plastic) they weren't comfortable to wear. And the minute you stop running you start smelling horrible which does not happen with cotton. So overall cotton winds hands down for me.

    So, why are so many people happy to buy those branded, very expensive, synthetic fibre t-shirts, despite all the problems?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Who are Y! Answers big experts: losers?

    people who've spent hundreds of hours helping people they don't even know?

    Is it that they don't have a life? Are they losers? Anti-social types? Hopeless nerds? Don't they have friends with whom to spend those hundreds of hours, rather than sitting in front of a screen?

    and how do the Yahoo! marketing types describe them? Anti-social nerds? They must have a low opinion of them or else they wouldn't need that they can lure them with points that buy nothing, i.e. make them work without pay?

    19 AnswersInternet1 decade ago