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Do you think illegal aliens represent a net benefit, or a net detriment to the country/economy etc?

19 Answers

  • Spud55
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Several studies have shown that there is a detrimental economic impact of the illegal immigrants in the US. I like the following exerpts:

    "What's Different About Today's Immigration. Many native-born Americans observe that their ancestors came to America and did not place great demands on government services. Perhaps this is true, but the size and scope of government was dramatically smaller during the last great wave of immigration -- not just means-tested programs, but expenditures on public schools and roads were only a fraction what they are today. Thus the arrival of unskilled immigrants in the past did not have the negative fiscal implications that it has today. Moreover, the American economy has changed profoundly since the last great wave of immigration, with education now the key determinant of economic success. The costs that unskilled immigrants, or unskilled natives for that matter, impose should not be seen so much as a failings on their part, but instead as a reflection of the nature of the modern American economy. Put simply, large-scale unskilled immigration is incompatible with current economic conditions and an extensive welfare state. If the fiscal costs are to be avoided, then our immigration policies need to reflect current fiscal and economic realities and the number of unskilled immigrants, legal or illegal, should be reduced."

    "It is indeed likely that middle-class Americans would not be interested in most of the jobs held by Mexican immigrants, because they are generally low-paying jobs done by unskilled workers. However, it is also clear that there are millions of Americans who are already doing precisely these kinds of jobs. In March 2003, there were 8.8 million native-born adults without a high-school education who were employed, 1.3 million native-born dropouts unemployed, and a further 6.8 million not even in the work force. There is a good deal of evidence that these Americans – nearly 17 million people – are in direct competition with Mexican immigrants – i.e., these are jobs that Americans will do and are doing already.... ....Another way to think about whether Mexican immigrants compete with unskilled native-born workers is to look at their median wages. If Mexican immigrants were employed in jobs that offered a very different level of pay than native-born dropouts, then it would imply that the two groups do very different kinds of work. But, in fact, the median wage of Mexican immigrants and native-born high school dropouts is very similar; the median weekly wage for native-born high school dropouts who work full time is $350, while the median weekly wage for full-time Mexican immigrants is $326. Like their distribution across occupations, the wages of the two groups seem to indicate that they hold similar jobs. Indeed, a 1995 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics concluded that native-born and immigrant high school dropouts are almost perfect substitutes for one another in the labor market.The idea, then, that there are “jobs Americans won’t do” is simply false. But what would be the result of reducing illegal immigration without replacing it with a guestworker program? In other words, what would happen if there were fewer of the people industry lobbyists have labeled “essential workers”?""

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone that does the research and does the math would have to agree that illegal immigration is a net detriment. We have all heard the tired Mantra "They do work that Americans wont" and we know that is pure unadulterated crap. Illegal aliens do not benefit Big business as most people want to believe. They benefit small businesses. Only a very small percentage are employed picking fruits and veggies, the rest are working construction, mowing lawns, working in fast food/restaurants, and other low skill occupations. These businesses are benefiting from the cheap labor, not the American people or the American economy. The American economy would not come to a halt if all of a sudden you had to mow your own lawn or cook your own hamburger. The American economy would not collapse if all of a sudden 20 billion dollars per year stayed in the US instead of being sent out of the country and the economy would not collapse if all of a sudden we did not have to pay for the incarceration of the criminal aliens.

    In short there is no benefit to illegal immigration. The benefit of having a 99 cent hamburger is far outweighed by all of the hidden benefits that are provided at taxpayer expense.

  • 1 decade ago

    Net Detriment

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a second generation mexican-american and regardless of my contributions to society (taxes, social security, Military service ,etc etc.) I am still viewed as "One of those Mexicans" Some one even said to me that I am still an "Ilegal" because my parents must have crossed that river or border. Lets remember that the first "W_ _back" was an Anglo who crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico! =)

    Many immigrants who work use fake ss#'s to work. It may be in the fields of California or in a 5 star restaurant in N.HollyWood which ever it may be they are using them. I know someone who gets paid more then I do by working as a cook with a fake ss# yet when I do my taxes I know that I will get a few bucks back yet this guy NEVER see's any of that money and they take thousands of dollars every year!! Where does this money go? They do not collect welfare contrary to what people think, they cant. They do collect aid when there children are born here but technically they are AMERICANS because of that. Lets remember that this country was not yours to begin with you were brought here for the same reasons they leave ther countries now (Freedom from whatever you want to call it) What did you the Anglo contribute?? Death, native american reservations and small pox =) Also , mexico and its economy is torn to crap because of these major AMERICAN industries moving in and exploiting cheap labor. If I could get paid DOLLARS instead of PESOS to do the same job you can bet your money my butt will be crossing that border for a better LIFE!

    The bottom line whether you and I like it or not is that we nor our gov can stop this. The children of these immigrants (not only mexicans) our the future of this country, I suggest you embrace it beacuse they will be the ones protecting our Land Of Freedom!

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is a texas town that has a "spanish Only" ordinance. We made the world speak english to do business with us.

    AP Online


    Mayor Pushes Spanish in Texas Town

    EL CENIZO, Texas (AP) -- The mayor of a Mexican border community says he doesn't know and doesn't care how many of the town's residents are illegally in the country.

    Mayor Rafael Rodriguez stood fast Thursday behind ordinances adopted last week declaring the town a ``safe haven'' for illegal immigrants and requiring Spanish at City Council meetings.

    ``We don't know who's legal or illegal. I would treat anyone the same, whether they're here illegally or not,'' said Rodriguez, who was once an undocumented resident. ``We're residents and ...

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Net detriment.

  • 1 decade ago

    They represent a definite detriment.They are a HUGE drain on the welfare system. They cost the taxpayers millions in medical, education and law enforcement cost. They overcrowd our schools. Millions are paid out in death benefits to the widows of law enforcement officers annually. Most recently the police officer in Houston Texas who was shot and killed by an ILLEGAL alien. I have attended far too many funerals of city, county, state, and federal law enforcement funerals, that have died at the hands of ILLEGAL ALIENS.

    Source(s): 19 years Border Patrol
  • 1 decade ago

    a detriment they weigh heavily as a financial burden the abuse our good will and enough is enough they export American $ they refuse to pay taxes they drain the education system they leach off the welfare system and live better than i do because they are going unchecked tax free our sons and daughters are dying in the military and the government cant afford to supply them with armor because the illegal alien drain on our system they have no right being here and i demand they be deported

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a net benefit. I know all the arguments about picking fruit and veggies but here is what I think. I think that no one else would do it for what the illegals are getting paid. If the Americans were picking them then they would want union wages. That would cause the cost to go up significantly. And even though people say they would pay the difference, in all actuality, no one would. No one would pay $17.00 for a quart of strawberries. So that would mean we would have to get them from over seas where they are sold at a much cheaper rate. Then the owners of the farms that grow the fruits and veggies would go out of business and would loose their land.

    So you see, the illegals in my mind provide a net benefit.

  • Leah
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Net detriment. They show that following our laws is not important to them. This is not acceptable in our country. If I break a law, I suffer the consequences. So should they.

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