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After seeing this,who thinks CNN/Lou Dobbs should sue Yahoo!?

I'm one of many people who've reported this slander to Yanswers abuse and the YA Team,yet they leave it.I've e mailed this link to CNN/Lou Dobbs for their review,stating that Yahoo! has been informed of this abuse.Do you think they should/will sue?;_ylt=Ah0IH...


Slander and lible are crimes,they don't fall under the first amendment for that reason.If that were the case then nobody could sue for lible or slander,but they do every day.

Update 2:

I really care what you think b94897p8.I looked at some of your answers,your opinion really matters to me.You've been wrong every other time,why change now?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well that's a tough seems like they are just expressing their opinion (rediculous or otherwise), but I very much doubt CNN or Dobbs could/would sue over some internet 'tard's simple-minded opinion. But your question presents something else: are you, then, agreeing with Lou Dobbs? Or are you simply against this other person saying the things she's saying? There's a difference, think about it. I personally don't think Dobbs is a racist, whilst I don't agree with everything he says. But I don't think reporting it to Yanswers is going to do much good, it never seems to when I report stuff. I think the best you can hope for is to get the question in question (har har) removed.

  • 4 years ago

    Lou Dobbs is between the few human beings on television somewhat telling us what is going on.... no longer the political spin that's continually feed to us on maximum information courses. Our gov't officials refuse to uphold and implement the guidelines of the u . s .. operating example immediately, San Fran's city board voted 10-a million to furnish identity playing cards to illegals, do you imagine ABC, NBC and CBS will record this? I doubt it! each and every flesh presser must be forced to video exhibit Lou Dobbs each and on a daily basis!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't think they will or should sue anybody. The lady is using her right as an American to have freedom of speech, she's simply stating her opinion, I'm not saying I agree with her, but when I last checked they hadn't gotten rid of the first Amendment, yet.

    She's not slandering, but simply stating her opinion, if you knew anything about law, you'd know that it's only considered slander, if she made things up. In her opinion, what she says is true. Be that or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Freedom of Speech dude .. what could he say anywayz, "Uh, yes I did use those terms, and I was referring to Hispanics."? All she did was clearly state the obvious and her opinion about it. Not a big deal, she was just expressing her views on the situation. I commend her for having the guts to say what people just gloss over. She is standing up for people who clearly don't have a voice because they are still illegal.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Relax dude, you got way too much time on your hands. I'm sure Lou (errr, CNN) can take care of himself/themselves.

    And I'm a Liberal that HATES with a passion Fox News.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are obsessed.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I don't

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