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If you don't like America, why don't you leave it?

If you have problems with the way the American government protects American's freedom and way of life... why don't you pack up and leave?

This is a serious question and is not meant to be condasending.

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is because people love the United States that they stay to try and change what they feel is wrong with her. Nobody who loves their country up and leaves when she has gone astray. They stay and be part of the solution, not the problem. If you agree with the way things are going in this country then you have the right to be satisfied with the status quo. I am not happy with the way this war, terrorism, and immigration are being handled. So I have the right as an American to voice my opinion and vote to help effect change. This time around my vote was one of millions that effected a change in the majority of the House and Senate. Love her or leave her is a fine saying. I love her, I'm staying, and I'm working to help change her. It's wonderful to be American and have that undeniable right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do conservatives equate their favorite political leaders to America?

    Bush is not America, and criticizing Bush and his idiotic policies are not criticizing America.

    Why don't we leave? Because this is a democracy, which means the people participate and decide how things should be run.

    So when people try to do that, they are being more American than your "cut and run" solution.

    Now, if you can't accept that people have not only a right, but an obligation to dissent in a democratic society, why haven't you left for a nation where you're not allowed to criticize the government?

    Saudi Arabia, communist China, North Korea, Iran, and Cuba come to mind. Those seem more aligned with your values on how citizens and government should interact.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a good question for Socialists. There are several nations with strong Socialistic societies that they could join. Since they do not mind learning 10 languages learning a new language shouldn't be a problem. They oppose English only laws and rules here so obviously they don't care what language they speak.

    For a Constitutionalist/Libertarian and many other groups there is no where else to go. Believe me if there was a free nation out there I'd moved by now. If there was land availible to make a new nation I'd gone there. The US is as close as it gets to free and those freedoms are flying out the window by the day. Our forign policy is a mixture of hand wringing, half done jobs and sometimes outright appeasement saying "please don't hurt us mr bad guy. Here take whatever you want" It disgusts me. The injustice in the nation disgusts me. The corruption found in both parties disgust me. The favortism for this group and that disgusts me. Most of all the way the Constitution has been abandoned disgusts me. Most of our problems are self made and there to divide us. To turn American against American for the enrichment of corrupt politicians. Take out the politicians and you'd be amazed how many problems just went away with that simple act.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only problem with this is that you try to protect your freedom by attacking a country that wasn't a danger for you. and also with your less than 300 hundred years of history, you want to impose your principles to countries that have thousands of years behind them. No wonder you are hated.

    And don't forget that you are not real Americans. The real one are the one your ancestors chased in the past. You are only either an ancestor from a European or African that emigrated there or was sent there.

    But you don't have to worry, I didn't have the intention to go the USA to begin with.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The premise is a joke, and it is condescending.

    Since this is part of what makes America great, it would seem like you have more of a problem with America's freedom and way of life than the critics of our government do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are mistaking a dislike of an administration's policies for a dislike of the country. Your entire premise is misguided. Americans who don't like America DO leave - Americans who don't like what America is doing try to change it. This is the meaning of patriotism.

    Perhaps I have you all wrong. Did you return to this country after 8 years of Clinton, having fled during his Presidency? Didn't think so. It is ironic you hold others to a standard that you cannot yourself match.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whatever happen to the freedom of choice? the right to dissent?

    I think you will be more comfortable in North Korea, Iran or any other authoritarian state because you have not learn anything from being an American, or what America stands for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because all citizens have a right to criticize and scrutinize the United States government. It's run by people. And people aren't perfect. Therefore, the government isn't perfect.

    It's the evolution of the government that has turned into what it is today. Hopefully, with continued criticizing it can only become better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no problem with constructive criticism, it is the hate that the opposition displays daily for the President and anyone that disagrees with them.

    Brainsbane how much do you need?

    Burndiwisdomweed....if our money is good and our country sucks, please go now and make the money you need where you are building your house. That is like being an illegal alien sending the money they earn here back to Mexico.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love America. It is the country with the most alterable and representable government. I will never leave!

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