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how much is too much? homework?

im 36 i have 2 grown children and am now raising my bro. 6 yr old hes in kindergarten. im not a teacher and for good reason-i have NO patience teaching someone now my 6yr old brings homework home on wed. thats due fri. 7 pages! i dont like getting mad at HIM but i dont have the patience to help with that much work. isnt it her (teacher) job? i have no problem with anything else. we read together and "study" but i pay her wages to teach my child, and isnt 7 pages alot for grade k? help please im ready to explode!!


i appreciate all who answered HOWEVER to the last couple people who answered_ this is NOT my brother its my nephew and not to make you feel bad but in your words"my flaky brother" commited suicide a few months ago im raising his son!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When i was in Kindergarten, i remember doing numbers, colors, and patterns. its been a while and times have changed but i am a preschool teacher and in my educated opinion they (kindergartners) are not ready for that kind of work. It is illogical and if i am correct against OCCS regulations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are you raising this child? What happened to his parents? It sounds like you already did your job in raising your kids, your flaky brother should be raising his son and doing what you seem to dislike, and that is raising another. If you have taken on this job and responsibility, then don't get mad at him! He only wants to be loved and get help when he needs it. I hope you can provide him with the answers and love he will certainly ask and need in the future. I hope you did that with your kids. That is not only the role of the teacher, but YOU as a provider of that boy's safety and welfare. YOU HAVE TO BE A TEACHER, ALSO!!! Don't rely on his teacher to teach him everything. Yes, 7 pages in two days maybe excessive, but what is it? Are these pages pertainent to the child's education or trivial b.s., that is just busy work. Remember that practice is important and the more you do, the better you do. TEACH THAT CHILD IF YOU'RE RAISING HIM. If you don't have the patience, then send him somewhere else where he can get that. Kids need their teachers and parents to be patient with them. Grow up and quit whining!!! He will certainly get more homework as he gets older; and, by the way, 3rd grade is worse! Just give him breaks away from it often. One minute of homework for every year of age, then a break. Start with the easiest and then finish with the harder stuff. If you can't do it, then find a tutor or older child who would be willing to help. Good luck. I hope that for your sake and that boy's sake, this is something YOU WANT TO DO!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems a bit much to me. I have a son in kindergarten and he gets 3 or 4 pages of homework on Monday that is due on Friday. We stretch it out so that he only has to do one page a night -- that teaches him that homework comes first, no matter what day of the week it is. If we have something special planned that week where we will be out during the evening, he has to double up on homework the night before so that he can participate in the special activity (like dinner at a friend's house or Family Fun Night at school). Talk to the teacher about your concerns. Tell her that your brother is having difficulty finishing all of the work in only 2 days and ask if she has considered reducing the amount of work or giving it out earlier in the week so the kids have more time to finish it. A word of advice though: please don't tell the teacher "I pay your salary." I am also an educator and nothing irritates us more than hearing that. We pay taxes too! You don't want to put your brother's teacher on the defensive, so just let her know of your concerns and hopefully you will get the results you want.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    it is a little too much but it is good to start them off strong or they will have a harder time getting through the years of k-3. it is also helpfull to have some actience and some help. don't get mad just stay in a good mood if you can. if you are having trouble getting along eith this much homework for him, then you maybe try reading 3 1/2 pages each night and then you will get it done a little at a time and then you will not be so stressed. you are not doing her job. she is doing her own job. besides if he gets more homework noe he will be able to do him homework with less help from you as he gets older. so just help him but don't do all of his work for him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I got that much homework in Kindergarten and it increased until the third grade when I moved to another country where the teachers didn't give us that much but I still worked very hard. Then, in grade five, I was flooded with homework that I blazed through just because I'm used to it, I work hard, and I'm determined to get good grades. I'm not in the eight grade and I thank all my teachers for pushing me beyond the limits.

    I guess it really just depends on how you perceive things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is something to bring up to the school board/district. i'd have to agree that 7 pages of work for a kindergartener is a bit much. to be quite honest, weekly homework is a bit much. i think kindergarten should be focused mainly on social activities, as well as some in-class academic projects, but take-home work should be kept to a minimum.

    Also, try to see it from the teacher's prospective. Todays education has very low standards. Kids graduating high school and going off to college often don't have the know-how to get through the college level material, and have to take remedial classes in college in order to catch up. Some districts pass failing students to keep from losing money. Maybe this teacher is trying to prepare the kids (maybe a little too soon) for whats to come in the not so distant future.

    In anycase, bring it up to the school board/district.

  • 1 decade ago

    7 pages is more than too much for a kindergarten child 7 pages how can a teacher expect to give a 6 year oold 7 pages of home work to do that is slackness i an at college and some times i can manage to do 5 pages more over a 6 year old to do 7 pages. but any way please have some more patience with him and help him it is not his foult and he need the help so please pray and then help him. GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE

  • 1 decade ago

    are you telling me that you cannot do k homework? it takes what, 5 minutes if that per page? why did you take your brother in if you are not willing to help him be the best he can be? how long do you think it will be before he feels your resentment? he probably already does. i feel sad for him feeling not wanted by you. i could cry. very sad.

    even more of a reason not to make the child feel bad. how do you think he is feeling now? please dont compound his misery because of kindergarten homeword.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow i didnt even get homework in kindergarden! And i didnt even get 7 pages of homework till the 7th grade.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No we need to teach our kids to work hard and start young.

    You should be thankful that someone outside of the home wants to push your kids, not the other way around!

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