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Peace asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Please ONLY MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!?

Dear Muslims........

Why non-muslims say "all muslims are terrorirst" ???? Cos of LAdin or kind of terror attacks? ??? Whats your opinion?

What s the way to explain Islam doesnt support killing innocent ppl_?


All right,,,Do not think you violate my Q.....No matter.....Thank you...

9 Answers

  • Lexie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Apologies, as I am not a Muslim, either. I'm sort of a follower of many religions - mainly Hinduism as that's what I was taught at home, and Christianity, since that's what was taught in my school. As such, I like to think (and hope) that I'm very tolerant of all religions (at least, I try to be...), and that all religions, when practiced respectfully and truly, are in essence the same.

    They all preach kindness, generosity, goodwill, and the golden rule of "loving your neighbor as yourself".

    The problem comes with any religion, when individuals take those beliefs to the extreme.

    Islam doesn't support killing innocent people. Radical Muslims (the keyword there is radical, NOT Muslims) - those that take it to the extreme - are the ones to blame. Those that take the holy teachings and distort it to support their beliefs, and allow themselves to kill people in the name of God, believing that it's the right thing to do.

    I liken it to Christians bombing abortion clinics. You're not supposed to kill innocent people. We all know that. Yet there are radical Christians who will go out and bomb abortion clinics to kill the doctors because they beleive abortion is wrong and that by killing the doctors, they're fixing the problem and "eliminating abortion".

    That is COMPLETELY the wrong way to look at the situation. First off, if people are doing to have abortions and there are no doctors, they're going to go somewhere else (probably a lot less safe) to get them done. Second, you're not only killing doctors - you're killing nurses, technicians, patients, and the babies they were looking to abort anyway...

    Besides, look at how much more respect was given to peaceful demonstrators like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. You don't need to destroy the world to get your point across. A simple demonstration - a PEACEFUL demonstration - is enough. And if agreement to disagree.

    It's possible to have different viewpoints, but still peacefully coexist. Respect each other for the differences that are there. We're all humans, and there are going to be aspects of us that are different and unique. We have to learn to appreciate the differences of others instead of being so critical and judgemental.

    That's my "man in the mirror" speech. :o) Thanks for letting me say my piece...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I too am violating your request. I'm Taoist, far from Muslim. Most Christian Americans see Islam as the guiding force behind terrorism, oblivious to the fact that their religion has caused, likely as much or more terrorism over the years. Not many Americans believe that Terrorism and Islam are synonymous anymore, in fact, there is growing support for Islam in America. Just wait out the post 9/11 firestorm and I'm sure the opinions of the masses of westerners will change.

  • 5 years ago

    Salam :) i'm a Muslim teen residing in Canada. I placed on hijab alhamdullilah and it particularly is for the main area universal right here because i stay in a huge city with a widespread Muslim inhabitants. I do get the few ignorant comments and idiots in college however who ask stuff like "yo have been given a bomb decrease than there hahaha". however the toughest area is being distinctive out of your friends. Being a Muslim, events, alcohol relationship boys wearing revealing clothing etc is haram, and jointly as i do no longer opt to try this besides, it particularly is slightly awkward to ought to describe why i do no longer do it to those who evaluate it purely a factor of being a teen and its user-friendly to them. Muslims residing in Muslim worldwide places actual have it much less difficult whilst it comprises installation in. And with nutrition it particularly is slightly frustrating yet I constantly attempt to study the label if i'm unsure of the components. yet i would not wanna be the different faith no rely how difficult it gets and how distinctive i've got self assurance from each and every person else, i'm happy to be Muslim :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Why people forget that who is Bin Ladin. Who was supporting them in war with Russia in Afghanistan. Why big powers have their troops in the whole world and ignore United Nations where their interest was involved.

    True fact is that American Governments have always supported Muslim cause.

    I reproduce a para from an article which prove that any religion has no connection with terrorism.

    "Although priests were among those murdered, survivors have reported numerous incidents in which Catholic priests and nuns took part in killings, encouraged their congregations to kill or colluded with gangs of killers in rounding up victims."

    "Some of the ugliest massacres were committed in churches, missions and parishes where Tutsis who took shelter were hunted down by Hutu militias. At least two other Catholic priests are facing charges in Arusha."

    Services of Christian Missionary to humanity need no comment. I have no words to praise their greatness.

    All religion preach peace and love. Any body deviating is not a religious man.

    Source(s): Yahoo News -Reuter Article By George Obulutsa Wed Dec 13, 11:15 AM ET
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, I violated your request- I'm not Muslim.

    I don't think many non-Muslims believe your statement. However, concerning the radicals in the Middle East, actions speak louder than words.

    A few bad apples spoil the whole bunch probably sums up the thoughts of those that do believe your statement.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi! I'm a Muslim. I think nobody can be the best. Every body in the world can be a terrorist. It doesn't depend on his/her religion. So we can't deny that some Muslims are terrorists. Of course they aren't real Muslims. They are some crazy people that -in their opinion- want to kill bad people and they can't realize that only God can do it and we aren't allowed to kill them.

    Imagine you're a non-Muslim. Every day you watch on TV that some body is killed by a Muslim. What would you think?

  • 1 decade ago

    Please accept my apology also, as I am not muslim but felt compelled to answer.

    I recently received an email regarding the difference between muslims and christians. Let me see if I can remember the message....

    Muslims are encouraged to act on suicide missions as this will ensure their good-will towards allah and they will be rewarded greatly. Christians, however, are taught love and acceptence (most of the time) and we denounce terrorism or terristic acts. We don't kill in the name of our God.

    I will search my emails and if I can find this one, I will post it here.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the Kuran it says "If you kill one human being its just like killing everyone" and if you save one its like saving everyone.

    Terrorists have been brainwashed, their crazy people.

    Hope that helps and peace ♥

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish I could respond to your question, allas I am no muslim, so sorry.

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