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If all the Religions in the world united, what would be the 5 things they could all have in common?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they will all give religious comfort to troubled people.

    Treat others like you would want to be treated.

    love and compassion.

    live and let live.

    eventhough in some religions they don't believe in god, all religions have their own leaders. the teachings of all those leaders are similar to each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Arguing about God

    2. Cult of personality(not as though there's really another kind).

    3. Monopoly thought police.

    4. An inquisition that would no longer be a legend, but a reality.

    5. Lust for power

    "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the widows and fatherless in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." new testament, James 1.

    As an aside, Buddhism is a philosophy, rather than a religion. Buddhism is said not to believe in the existence of God, even though prayers are made to "buddha" and I don't know who else.

    There is actually no need for the world's "religions" to unite. You are the reason why that's true.

    If you have a religion, do you seriously want the whole world deciding what you believe about any thing? Why would you want to lose your individuality? An atheist can tell you how badly that arrangement could end.

    Do you seriously want a group of theologians being allowed to control what literature you read? They could charge any price they wish for it. Monopoly.

    The two groups every person needs to survive are their family and friends.

    There are religious people that behave badly, and that is sad. Uniting people like that with people who try to do good makes for oppression. At the minimum, life gets to be a little unpleasant for any one with a sense of ethics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All religions? Islam, Wicca, Celtic tribal religions, Buddhism, Hinduisms, etc etc?

    1. Belief in a higher power, either one God or multiple Gods or spirits, etc...

    2. Some human authority, a central figure of knowledge or power, either official or unofficial.

    3. Have some sort of control mechanism to unite all followers of the faith.

    4. Have some sort of belief that rationalizes things we can't control.

    5. Establishes answers to basic questions such as morality and our origins.

    Basically, that's the definition of religion, a set of beliefs that is common among a group and is used to explain the world around us. All religions in the world are going to have that in common.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Some sort of afterlife heaven, hell, etc.

    2. A morals system i.e. 10 commandments

    3. A place of worship. Church, Mosque, Synagogue

    4. A form of prayer.

    5. An excellent storybook i.e. the bible

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  • Colin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Treat others like you would want to be treated.

    Surrender to a spiritual force/God who is much greater than you.

    Be compassionate toward others.

    Commit yourself to a religious practice that will help you fully integrate compassion and faith in your daily life.

    Live with gratitude and joy.

  • 1 decade ago




    Self Superiority


  • 1 decade ago

    If you have major leader of each religion; what they should do is sit down,debate respectfully, and come to the proper conclusion about which is right.

    But of course that will always be Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I was debating on weither or not to be sarcastic.. So what the heck.. They would have to ask for alot of money, have 2 scandals a week (my pastor/rabbi/preist slept with my aunt's cousins' dogs uncle), ask for more money, make sure you know you are sinning and then make sure they ask you for more money..

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The belief that there is a God who made us and loves us.

    That after loving God, the major challenge is to love one another?

    And, that it is better to give than to receive (we are at our finest when we help and serve others).

    That something has to be done (or had to be done) to solve the problem of evil, ultimately.

    And, that we will live forever. Thank you, God.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Killing innocents is wrong.

    2. Stealing for anything but to feed your poor stomach is wrong.

    3. Hurting anyone for any reason is wrong.

    4. People come in different colors and nations and thats not wrong.

    5. God is one.

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