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Lv 610,935 points

Maurice H

Favorite Answers5%

Born in San Angelo,TX ; raised and live in Dallas,TX Love God Love girls And love girls smelly feet

  • Does Adobe still provide boxed CS6 copies ?

    I recently gave into getting Adobe CC the whole package cause I need it for my class plus I lost use of my CS6 due to a virus I had to get fixed by some professionals. When I got the laptop back all the sudden my CS6 was in trail mode instead of full. I couldnt reactivate full software cause me and a family member unwittingly bought the CS6 via OEM from a company that disappeared.

    All that's just background, as the title ask can I still buy a CS6 in a box ? I'm considering it as essentially a spare tire in the event I lose access to CC.

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Can anyone recommend a good wide angle lens for a Nikon camera and maybe some good tips ?

    In the past few days I video surveyed a couple girls about girls opinions on certain sexual fetishes.

    My survey was only about 7/8 questions and then I took some pictures. Again I have a Nikon camera, a D3200 (hoping to get eithe a 5000 or 7000 later on) and I seem to have a problem where I either use her feet as my subject area I m framing around but I lose the girl s face or vise versa frame with her head first but lose her feet.

    I have the kit lense 18-55 and a telephoto 55-200. The 200mm ok, that makes some sense; but the 18-55 I still felt like I couldn t get the whole girl in the picture unless I went with more of a wide shot, but I m trying to get a good close us head to feet with feet as the main focal.

    One last note the space I was working with was kind of a side hall passage that people mainly pass through but it was still maybe 15X10(LXW). the lenghth part has stairs up to another building(college) the width is a wall on one side and wall and double door on the other.

    I stood on the wall side and I put my subjects the girls on the side with the door, so we were somewhat close. None the less is there a better wide angle lense for this situation described or could I have used the 18-55mm better?

    If a better lense is needed what are your reccommendations ? I started out more videographer than photographer and Ive had my 3200 for a year+ going on 2 maybe.Any suggestions or tips ?

    2 AnswersPhotography6 years ago
  • Atheists and agnostics, I'm just curious, if you watch news at all...?

    Particularly national news, what is your opinion of westerners that leave their home country to go join groups like IS and A-Queda to join their caliphates? And why you think someone born and raised in the U.S or other western countries would be compelled to join such people that have little regard for human life ?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What do Muslims believe about..?

    How to get to Heaven ?

    Hell ?

    How to be blessed in this life ?

    Sex before marriage ?

    Gay marriage ?

    Abortion ?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Asking Muslims again, Are girls women allowed to expose and show any skin ?

    Forgot to put details in my previous question.

    Where I live I know they cover their torso, legs, sometimes head. I presume shoes are just shoes. Are girls allowed to expose their arms, hands and feet or no ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Girls, Just my curiosity, how would you feel if...?

    I'm a guy, but I've been living long enough to know a little bit of how girls think and assume about guys.

    The general stereotype of what guy like about girls and are into is that we like butts, boobs, legs and flat stomachs. Flat stomach is usually true even for guys that say they like girls with meat on the bones. Those guys would still take a girl with a nice fit body.

    But thats not my point or question; my question for you girls is given this stereo type about what guys are into; how would you feel and think about a guy that's into something besides those things ?

    A guy that's into feet, or into armpits(yes there are such people), or maybe into backs?

    I personally do belong to one of these groups of guys into something other than the traditional. I'm curious how do you ladies feel or think about a guy when you learn he's into something besides the traditional, maybe even something you find weird ?

  • Does anyone remember a story about an epileptic Golfer that died in the early 2000's?

    I'm doing a speech soon and I'm trying to remember the details of who the golfer was and the event ect ect.

    Does anyone here remember a story like this back in the 2000's ? My brief memory and paraphrase was that there was a golfer, a guy that had an epileptic seizure on the course and unfortunately walked or fell into a body of water on or near the course.

    I've already tried Google but no luck. So if you remember an incident and story like this from back then; can you tell me the golfer's name and/or the event he was at ?

    FYI: My speech is about epilepsy cause I'm also an epileptic.

    1 AnswerGolf7 years ago
  • What are some great camcorders to pair with a Nikon D3200 ?

    My main skill is videography and I have a Nikon D3200 which has worked well for me as far as taking pictures and nicer quality video. I working toward doing media professionally, and I'm leaning toward getting a better camcorder to use with my SLR.

    What I'm looking and hoping for is a camcorder that takes really fine video and pictures, such that when I start a shoot with my Nikon and finish with the camcorder and later video edit and put the two sources together, the camcorder footage is great enough to be almost indistinguishable from the footage shot by the SLR.

    I have an older SONY camcorder that I use right now, but I'm hoping for a better camcorder quality wise and wifi would be great also.

    Any suggestions on a great camcorder to pair with the Nikon 3200 ?

    2 AnswersCameras7 years ago
  • Question for all the single girls and women: Just an informal survey - Foot rubs, Yea or Nay ?

    First question: How many of you girls like foot rubs/massages from guys or foot rubs in general ?

    Second question: If a casual friend (someone you kinda sorta know and hang with) asked or offered to rub your feet; in part or whole cause he/she likes feet and has either mentioned it before or just openly admitted it ; Would you accept the offer knowing that's what the person is into.

    Third: In general on a 1-10 scale (1=Completely normal , 10=Completely psycho weird) how normal or weird do you think a foot fetish is; a person that loves,enjoys and excited by feet?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Quick question for Muslims; girls and women especially...?

    I've asked this question to Muslim girls before and the responses vary.

    The "hijab" , the head covering and all that most or a lot of Muslim women wear; I understand the main reason given for wearing that mainly is modesty; but those of you that chose not to wear it or cover up when you go out; my question(s) is why? Why do you personally choose not to wear it if your religion mandates it?

    And whatever your reasons; are you not technically sinning against your god by not being covered up when you're in public? If so aren't you willingly choosing to sin then?

    I'm not trying to start an argument or anything just curious, cause I have a Facebook friend in Africa that's a Muslim and I've seen her pics and see that she doesn't always wear the covering. When I asked her she basically said she wears it when she wants to. I'm in college and have a female Muslim friend who also doesn't wear the hijab; she dresses normal like any other girl; still modest in my opinion with jeans a nice shirt and she likes to wear short boots. When I asked her about it she got a little bent out of shape cause she doesn't like answering that question.

    Again not starting an argument just curious as to some Muslim girls rationale for not wearing the covering when they go out. And for the Muslim guys reading this question, what are your feelings about the Muslim girls that dont wear the hijab?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What size does an image need to be for a Note 2 screen?

    I want to make some images to use on my Note 2 phone as my wallpaper; but what size do my images need to be to fit on the Note screen without having to crop anything off when I set it in the phone?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Can Facebook phishing scams steal your email and password by just having you click a link?

    As the question says, can devious people steal your email and password; log in info by just getting you to click a link?

    I just changed my Facebook password cuase someone got into my account and started posting bogus stuff on my page and sending it to a bunch of my friends; something like "I just quit my job after 4 I'm working at home making $35,000..... And it was followed by a link.

    That's what was posted on my page; I think I messed up when I got similar but different message from a friends account that was saying something like "I've been trying to get a hold of you for a long time....there's nasty pictures of you on this site. That also had a link in it and I clicked the link which look like it was going to a page but quickly covered up by a page that looked like Facebook and asked you to log in.

    When the Facebook log in appeared like that and I knew I clicked on the link from Facebook where I was already logged in I thought it was suspicious and didn't enter my log info; just went to a another page and eventually back to the actual Facebook page. Well yesterday and today I soon found out my page was sending multiple messages to people on my friends list.

    I changed my password now, removed the spam and have my account back; but I was wondering can email and passwords be stolen just by clicking the phishing links? Cause when I ended up on that fake Facebook page I didnt enter my email or password.

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • Vintage camera Question: Does anyone know if Fuji Instax film(Wide) will work in a Kodak Colorburst 50 camera?

    I found an old camera helping my parents clean out a storage space they want to get rid of; a Kodak Colorburst 50. The camera appears to be fine, nothing externally wrong from what I can tell; I know it takes a J battery that I can easily get a a local battery store.

    What's not so easy as anyone old enough to remember this and similar cameras knows is that the exact PR-10 film is no longer produced becuase of a lawsuit Kodak lost against Poloroid. Thus my question; presuming the camera with a good J battery still works does anyone know if Fuji Instax pack film (Wide) will work with the Kodak colorbust 50 I have.

    In general is there any pack film sold in the U.S. or elsewhere that will work with this Kodak instant camera?

    2 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • How do you connect a YouTube,Twitter ect. to non-personal facebook page?

    I know it's possible to connect your different social media accounts to personal facebook accounts. But what if a person,entreprenuer or business wants to connect an account like a YouTube Channel,Twitter,Instagram ect to a non-personal facebook page.

    I'm trying to do a YouTube to facebook connection; the YouTube is used for church/ministry purposes and we already have a facebook page for the same ministry as well as having personal accounts. Can someone explain or give me link on how to connect the ministry YouTube to the ministry facebook?

    cuase my username and password i would enter go straight to my personal account wich I dont want, when on facebook(personal) I would just click over to the pages that I admin. Would it work the same way from youtube where I can tell it which page to connect to or do I need to know something else?

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • Fellow Christians, Is it alright to ask....?

    If you have a friend or friends that are of a different faith is it alright in generally casual conversation to ask someone you know believes in a different faith &/or God to pray for you?

    Probably everyday there's a somebody going through a tough time or worried about something, so if that person is a Christian and a neighbor or friend they're close to believes in something else; is there any Biblical reason or prohibition against asking the friend or neighbor to please pray for you?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Bi girls and lesbians, would you let a straight guy...?

    If a straight guy is interested in you even though he knows you're gay, but he doesnt want sexual intercourse, rather he has a foot fetish and asked you if he can smell,kiss,sniff ect your feet and toes; would you consider letting him since he's not asking for intercourse &/or you find it entertaining that a guy wants to do this with you?

    Or would you just tell him to get lost cause you're gay &/or you find that disgusting?

  • Anyone know a link that has this Super Mario sound...?

    I'm doing an After Effects project, a final project for basic animation class; the video is pretty much done I'm adding the sounds now and I'm doing like a Mario type of effect in my video where:

    I got a couple friends to help, one acting as Mario the other as one of the little short brown enemies that mario jumps on. Well the friend being Mario he starts off walking a little bit then I asked him to jump and make a hitting motion upward (I added in the ? block like in the game); and also in after effects I added a mushroom that comes out when my friend hits the block.

    then a little further forward he kicks the other friend helping me where in After Effects I made him disappear in a puff of smoke; finally Mario walks a little more and I had the friend to jump; in After Effects I made him disappear down a green portal tube like in the game.

    Well my question is does anyone know the sound when mario hits a ? block and a mushroom comes out; does anyone know a website that has that sound and lets you download it free? Not the 1-up or power up sounds; the sound when a mushroom first comes out of the ? block?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Truth or Dare game.... suggestions please ?

    So a couple days ago a couple girls I know I my school (college) were insisting on painting my fingernails which I wasnt excited about; well both girls are kind of goofy,playful and jovial but they were insisting on painting my fingernails and if possible the fingernails of some friends of mine that i usually hangout with up at school.Well first they didnt paint my fingernails cuase I was asking for something in return; I made for suggestion and they didnt like like the suggestions; one was a bit sensual/sexual, that one I understand the hesitation but the other three they just didnt want to,so that day ended with my nails still paint free.I was actully ready to go along with their sillyness pending I could get something in return. One of my request was since we have a Subway in our school I asked for some macadamian cookies which was very reasonable.

    But non-the less their next scheme is to play truth or dare; me them and probably 1,2 or posible three of my other guy friends. Anyways they know one thing about me that I told them the other day but I wouldnt necessarily want repeated to a bunch of other people even my guy friends; something sexual, I'm very bashful about it but not exactly ashamed cause it's not illigal or anything and it's part of who I am.

    But truth or dare is not a game I've played that often so can ya'll give me some suggestions of what kinds of dares that would be good to use on theese two girls in a school setting (im my case college; not a big university but descent size community college) ?

    And suggestions about what kinds of questions would be great also if they decide to choose truth.

    Suggestions ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girls and women: When you think of parts of a female that guys usually like....What comes to your mind?

    I'm just curious to see what most girls and women think and say about what parts of a female guys like; cause me personally I have fetish for a particular part of a woman; while actually common it's not the first thing that pops to a person's mind that a guy would be attracted to or obsess a about a girl.

    So very simple ladies, in your opinion and understanding what part or part(s) do you usually presume or think that most or some guys like or tend to like the most about you all and girls in general ?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago