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I keep getting a paper jam error on my HP psc1315v?

There was a paper jam and I removed the jam and now I still keep getting a paper jam error. I reset the printer several times. I get the error even when there is no paper in the tray. What could have happened when I pulled out the paper causing the jam. How does it know if there is a jam to begin with?

Thanks in advance


4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did the paper tear when you pulled out the jammed paper?

    If the paper tore, there could be remnants still in the printer. Most of the time, the paper is stuck at the back end of the printer where it's difficult to check or reach. What you'd need to do is to remove the back cover (there should be a back door which can be easily removed).

    Look at the back of the printer - do not prise or use force to remove anything that does not look removable. There should be a small door to remove and if there are remnants of paper, it should be visible there.

    Another possibility is if you broke something while pulling out the paper forcefully. Then the paper sensor may have snapped, in which case, the hardware is toast (hopefully not).

  • kull
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    the plain answer, of direction, is to sparkling the paper. in case you have tried that already, your concern might desire to be led to by using some extremely some issues. HP printers locate jams with sensors that locate the presence of paper at countless factors interior the print direction. whilst the print cycle starts off, the printer is familiar with how plenty time it is going to take for the paper to bypass each sensor. If the paper takes too long to attain a sensor, or if a sensor detects paper whilst there must be none, the printer throws an blunders. this suggests that "paper jam" blunders might properly be led to by using paper being not on time, paper catching interior the direction, an blunders in a sensor, or an blunders interior the circuit board that reads the sensor. i could attempt a pair of issues to be certain this: a million) be certain that the paper in perfect loaded interior the paper tray and the sizing publications are properly set. this ought to restoration ninety 9% of postpone blunders. 2) verify ALL get entry to doorways for the presence of paper. 3) Unplug the printer from wall potential and attempt to push a stiff piece of paper (like card-inventory or a manila folder) contained in direction of the paper direction. this might sparkling out any paper scraps that would desire to be trapped in an area you won't be able to see. Be comfortable. The 3320 isn't a stable gadget. If those issues do no longer paintings, you're able to ought to flow directly to dismantling the gadget to replace sensors or boards. If this is under guarantee, carry it in for maintenance. If no longer, chuck it and get a clean one. New areas could value merely approximately as much as a clean printer.

  • 1 decade ago

    while I surf the net for info for a new all-in-one printer, I came accross paper jam problems with HP all-in-ones in various forums. I do not have a solution but suggest you," Google" your problem and hopefully find a solution. I understand this is a common sore point about HP all-in-ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you kick it real hard on the left side from the back it might work. if not... oh well, at least I got 2 points.

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