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Christian Evolutionists: If god wanted to make humans, why would he waste billions of years with evolution?



God is all powerful and could have just made it all right? So why make evolution and blah blah blah if what he wanted in the end was the humans and all these species of animals?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably because evolution is beautiful. Don't engineers often like to create something just to see how it will work? Obviously, they know HOW it will work, but will create something just to watch it. (I'm an engineer)

    Why create a static model? Why not start with something small and simply watch it grow? Isn't it more magical to plant a seed and watch it grow from seedling? Don't you let your children watch a small plant grow and flower and produce fruit?

    Why would people like to get a puppy or a kitten rather than a fully grown dog or cat? We like to see things grow. Perhaps this is part of the mind of what we call God? Perhaps it's a miracle to create a fully grown planet with what we consider to be established species. Might it not be as much, if not more of a miracle to just stir the cosmos and watch it all happen on it's own?

    Just my thoughts. I'm only an engineer though, and don't claim to know the mind of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are an evolutionist then why do you feel that this is the last version of species or that we are as good as we can get? If evolution teaches something is that everything changes, maybe is not us what He wants, maybe a cataclysm that eliminates humans and current species is what will generate different better intelligent species…

    Maybe evolution is part of a higher concept that not only relates to mass but to a way of existence. I can’t picture the point of life without the chance to change, create and evolve…may be is an opportunity…

  • 1 decade ago

    The real Christian God is outside of time, and He can waste all the billions of years He wants. If you insist on confining God to ink and paper, or even time itself, then you have no right to claim God is all-powerful.

    Evolution is not a religion, it is a science, a measure of the fossil record we can see, weigh, measure, and calculate. Like any scince, it tells us more about the world around us. The truths of science cannot contradict the truths of faith. They both come from the same God, and it is not the evolutionist Christian that makes such mindless reductions of God's power and glory.

    And no Christian evolutionist can say that the human soul evolved, and still be a Christian.

    I don't know of any that do.

    Source(s): "no real disagreement can exist between the theologian and the scientist provided each keeps within his own limits. . . . If nevertheless there is a disagreement . . . it should be remembered that the sacred writers, or more truly ‘the Spirit of God who spoke through them, did not wish to teach men such truths (as the inner structure of visible objects) which do not help anyone to salvation’; and that, for this reason, rather than trying to provide a scientific exposition of nature, they sometimes describe and treat these matters either in a somewhat figurative language or as the common manner of speech those times required, and indeed still requires nowadays in everyday life, even amongst most learned people" (Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus 18).
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To be perfectly frank, God doesn't want us to know He exists. He only wants us to THINK he does, to BELIEVE He exists.

    In His infinite wisdom, He probably figured out that we'd one day grow to a level of intelligence where we actually could break down where the Universe came from (hypothetically), and let us evolve from early primates to give us the Ultimate Question; Did humanity just happen on it's own, or did God create us Himself? There is evidence that states MAYBE we just arose from primates for no very good reason at all. Meanwhile, we could say that evolution is only the "how" we exist, not the "why".

    God COULD have made us in the blink of a human eye, but I think He chose not to just to make Himself appear all the more ambiguous and subtle so that believing in Him (who is someone who may not even exist) actually means something to Him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There has been so much debate on whether Evolution or Creation is correct and also whether God created exactly as the creation story in Genesis depicts or whether He created over millions of years using something like evolution.

    We are never going to know the answer until me meet Him face to face so rather than spend time and energy debating the issue we should rather ask the question:

    What does creation (however God did it) tell us about God?

    Why did God create ?

    Simply God created so that He could be in a relationship with something that was not Himself. He wanted to create something that He could love and would show Him genuine love in return.

    The whole Bible from Genesis through to Revelation is the story of God's desire to have a relationship with His creation.

    How do we respond to that do we reject God? Or do we come to Him and Love Him as our God?

  • 1 decade ago

    yes I am a Christian and yes I believe in evolution as does Billy Graham. The time factor means nothing to God. He is so infinite time does not matter at all. He is the Master Scientist. We'll know the answers to all our questions one day. I don't worry about "how" or "why".

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, disclaimer: I do not believe in the humans from apes evolution theory. However, I can explain the billions of years before he put us humans on hearth. Because we believe that God is timeless, that is, without beginning or end, it would seem that thousands or even millions of years would feel to God as mere seconds would feel to us. Therefore, seven days, as explained in the Bible, to God could potentially be more time than either you or I could fathom.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I absolutely do NOT believe in evolution and I don't know any Christians that do. Second, we were created in the image of God Himself and He is NOT a monkey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He made the world diffrent from other worlds and he did this by evolution......He did not waste time with evolution ;he simply made the world ready for us humans after evolution He will simply ready the next generation

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, agree, those Christians believing in evolution will be in serious trouble when Jesus returns. In the NT Jesus speaks of the creation, not the evolution.

    Christians, if you believe in evolution, you are in serious trouble!!!

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