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Has anyone taken a behavioral test for a job?

I interviewed for a job and was informed that I would take a test that would determine whether I'll be hired or not. She informed me that it would take an hour to ninety minutes. Has anyone ever done this? Could you give me some insights? I'm a little nervous.

12 Answers

  • Chris
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    More and more, employers are doing "Personality" tests, (or "behavioral" tests) to determine if a person will fit in with the people already working there, or with the companies values. I, personally, would not be nervous. You can expect such questions like: If you saw a coworker stealing, would you tell a supervisor? And then, they tend to repeat the same question in 4 different versions of it. (About 10 questions later). Just remember to breathe deep, keep your cool about you and answer the questions honestly. (since most people are honest) Keep remembering the 4 C's: Calm, Cool, Collected, and Confident!! Good luck!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    First, the term "Behavioral and Developmental Specialist" is a very generic term, basically anyone could be considered this. Are you talking about a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician? If so, they would be a good start regarding the Tic, so so would a Child/Adolescent Psychiatrist or a Child/Adolescent Psychologist (or Neuropsych). For testing of SLD, a qualified Child/Adolescent Psychologist, Pediatric Neuropsychologist, or the School Psychologist at the school would all be good choices. I wouldn't suggest a B/D Pediatrician for evaluation of SLD. For a true evaluation, there needs to be many areas tested- all of which, a Pediatrician is not qualified to do. I generally always recommend a School Psychologist to do Psychoeducational Evaluations, being that they are most qualified and trained in the intersection of psychology and education. An evaluation is more than just test scores, it is how to use those scores to gauge the best Special Education classification and best accommodations. Nothing that you mentioned would warrant a Neurological consultation. SLD should not be evaluated by a Neurologist. While, a Neurologist could evaluate a Tic Disorder, I wouldn't recommend it. Often, people sees MD/DO and think they are more competent/qualified over a Licensed Psychologist or a Certified School Psychology, but in many areas- their knowledge fall short. On a side note: stating that the School Psychologist doesn't know what they are talking about is totally out of line. Maybe they were mistaken or misunderstood what specialist you were talking about. Also, you kept talking about how "wonderful" each of these doctors and the hospital is.. why the boasting?

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    Has anyone taken a behavioral test for a job?

    I interviewed for a job and was informed that I would take a test that would determine whether I'll be hired or not. She informed me that it would take an hour to ninety minutes. Has anyone ever done this? Could you give me some insights? I'm a little nervous.

    Source(s): behavioral test job:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Behavioral tests don't do much because certain people do not do well in a testing environment. Some may have skills that are only highlighted during some sort of work-related activity.

    Just take the test as if it was part of the job. Show the company what you can do.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have taken a test like that. There are no right/wrong answers. It just asks you questions like: If your children needed pens for school the next day, would you take them pens from work to use? Or...If you saw a co worker leave without clocking out would you tell a supervisor? The test I took was all yes/no answers. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question is a bit vague. Are you assuming its a behavior test I mean, is that what you were told?

    Its not....common place to be given a test like that for your avrage company. However, they are used to determine a PROFILE that would demonstrate your probability of being loyal to the company or not. Such as being more likely to steal or cause arguements. And let me tell you, they have a system in place to determine if youre lying on the form so try not to overthink anything because they will only assume youre being overly cautious in your answers. Which would lead them to believe you were lying. Example being, they will ask you one thing, and then 40 questions LATER they will REPHRASE the SAME question to be completely different, and see if you answer it the same way as before.

    You might want to ask yourself if you want to work for a company who relies on such tactics. It will also profile how easy you are to manipulate. Such as paying you less than you deserve and having you say nothing in protest about it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    I plan on going into law enforcement myself as an officer, I hate to say it but I hope you did it. You should have prepared and looked up example of questions that will be asled. From my own research and understanding, there are scenario questions ask to see how you would rate the importance of a call whatnot.good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I did for Petco...these are kinda stupid if you ask me. Some questions are repeated and tricky. What I can advise you is to answer the questions in the way you think they'd like to hear. Good Luck!

  • stormy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i did,it was a little tricky. just be as honest as you can and watch for trick questions like,if you saw your best friend stealing from the co.would you report them? stuff like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just answer the questions honestly, if you want to steal millions from the company, say so. They always appreciate honesty.

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