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Christians what is being born again?

What does it truly mean to be born again? When you're born again you stop sinning/you subject yourself to the Lord. Am I correct? I went to church last night and this guy asked me I'm born again and I told him no I'm working on it. He told me he still sins until today but he's born again. He read a verse and told me to be SAVED all you need to do is believe that Jesus died for our sins and that He is Lord. I know that but what I'm asking is about being born again. Let me say at the time of rapture not everyone will hear the trumpet and meet Jesus in Heaven, those that hear it are the ones who are born again (have the Holy Spirit) So in your own point of view, what is being born again?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    2 Corinthians 5:17

    "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" This is being born again, not becoming a better person, but a new one. Being born again is the same as being saved, and this is how you get saved:

    Romans 10:9

    "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

    Even though we still sin after we have accepted Jesus into our lives, His 'love covers a multitude of sins'. His dying on the cross didn't just pay for one sin, but all of them that we will ever commit. This doesn't mean that it is alright to keep sinning after becoming a Christian. But as we grow closer to God and learn to be more like Jesus, we will not want to sin because we will be desiring to please Him in everything that we do. And keep this in mind: Heb 10:26-27

    "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins..."

    Hope I helped!

  • RB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Born again are the ones that have accepted Jesus. Nicodemus had this conversation with Jesus. Born again gets to Heaven, either after physical death, or by the rapture. Since born again doesn't mean God, we all still sin, because we are human. Born again also helps us to lead a more sinless life, because the Holy Spirit will talk to us and help us live better. See John 3:1-20. If you have other questions, E mail me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being born-again is when God acknowledges your faith and belief in Him and sends the Holy Spirit to you. How do you know? You know , you are changed, you are a new creature with new thoughts.

    When you are born again, do you stop sinning? Of course not, we are in a corrupted flesh body. The difference is, we are forgiven. We strive to be pleasing to God and all sin is disgusting to us. We repent of our sin and move on striving to do better. Even the "little" sins will gnaw and disturb you. That is one sign that you are being healed and guided by the Holy Spirit, who is God.

    You have have to believe with your whole heart, mind, and soul...that is different then just coming out and saying a sinners prayer. Many have said the "sinner's prayer" and are no more Christian then any atheist. Why? They exclaimed with their mouth, but their heart was far from a true belief and faith in God. Yes, it;'s the first step toward salvation. You are calling out to god saying, yes, you believe in Him. You are not saved until God replies by sending the Holy Spirit. God can read your heart and mind...He knows whether you are truly seeking Him.

    You are setting yourself up for a serious letdown if you feel when one is born again they stop sinning. In fact, if truth be told, you will be attacked more often as a result of the conversion. People, especially, new believers must be aware of this fact. To prepare yourself by strengthening in faith, reading the word and praying to God, every single day. Know the attacks will come and at the same time know that God is with you as He resides in a born-again believer.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The trinity is not a Catholic thing at all, it's a part of nearly every Christian denomonation. Being 'born again' is a more common term among protestants. And just a note to the person who mentioned the King James Bible, I'm not sure where you're getting your information from but that version is becoming less and less common, most churches these days use the NIV, and as for swearing on it, no one should actually swear on a Bible because the Bible itself says not to swear on anything, "let your yes be yes and your no be no".

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  • 1 decade ago

    When you accept Jesus from your heart as your Lord and Savior you are born again when the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of you as His holy temple. To truly live in the born-again experience you have to crucify your flesh and walk by the Spirit so that you would not sin. This means putting off your old life in Adam completely and living completely the new creation life in Christ Jesus. Most Christians still sin because they have not begun or have not completely put off their old Adamic life in order to live their new life in Christ Jesus.

  • 1 decade ago

    As for me I reached a point in my life that I realized I could not face this world alone, so I finally started to listen to that little voice within, the good voice. All of your life you are taught that you have a conscience and to listen to it. If you really open your eyes and ears you will see that this is God and the Devil. Its really just like you see on the moves. You know the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. I finally heard him and realized I didn't have to stumble through this awful world alone anymore. At that point I ask him to forgive me and guide me and just come in and be a part of my everyday life. From then on I have been a different person as far as the way I think about things and i have love and peace in my heart. I know that no matter what he will find a way for me. Yes I do still sin, but no matter who you are you will because you are human, but the thing is to realize when you do and you don't keep doing the same things.. If you are truely born again you will not feel the need to do the things you once did, aqnd when temptation does come you have the strenght to fight it. Never expect your will to be done, just pray for his will to be done. He knows way ahead of what we know. It sounds like you are really in a struggle at this time and let me tell you, IT"S WORTH THE FIGHT! Be prepared the closer you get to God the more the Devil will mess with you. When he sees he is losing you thats when he really wants you. Sometime he comes in the best looking things, anything to get your attention. Be careful on here as well, as you can see it is full of unbelievers. Go with your heart and remember you have to believe first before you see .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    John 3:3

    Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

    The new birth is essential for entering into the kingdom of God (v. 5). As Jesus explained to Nicodemus, this is not a second physical birth, but rather a spiritual birth. Our spiritual man became dead unto (separated from) God through sin (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 7:9,11; Eph. 2:1,5). Just as we didn't accomplish our physical birth, we cannot produce this spiritual rebirth. We are totally incapable of saving ourselves (Jer. 13:23; Rom. 3:10-12; 8:7-8; Eph. 2:3); therefore, we need a Savior (Ti. 1:4; 2:13; 3:4,6). We simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we are saved (Acts 16:31). Faith is the only condition (Rom. 3:28; 10:6-9). Faith alone saves. However, saving faith is never alone. As stated in James 2:17-18, "faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone . . . shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." Salvation is not a reformation, but rather a regeneration, a new birth, a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17), that can only be accomplished by a creative miracle of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 1:13; 3:5).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my point of view, being born again is accepting Jesus died for you, living your life according to the simple guidlines he set up (The ten commandments), and going to church. Going to church isn't nesacary, buts its good to build up a stronger faith. Nobodys perfect and your still gonna sin once your 'saved' but you just ask for forgivness. And you don't have to have the holy spirit to be saved. Many good Christians arn't spirit filled. Its something that you have to ask for, like a gift. Ask for it, and God will give it. I hope that helps and Merry Christmas!

  • 1 decade ago

    Good question.

    Being born again means being born from above. We are all born into this world spiritually dead, meaning separated from the Spirit of God because of the original sin. We were created in God's image and Adam and Eve fell and now we are born in Adam's image, namely spiritually dead and in need of life. When a person places their faith in Jesus Christ, they recieve that Spirit of God withen them, bringing life to the dead, or being "reborn". Jesus spoke of this to Nicodemus in the gospel of Luke.

    About sinning. You will never stop sinning this side of heaven so we as christians focus less on "not sinning" and more on "abiding in Christ" knowing that when we do so, that the Holy Spirit is not slack in helping us overcome sin. He does not remove sin from us, but provides us a way to overcome it. We may not always live up to what we know we can do, but we try and trust that Jesus is the author and perfector of the saints (believers in Christ) and will do as He finish the work He started in us.

    I think you are right on with the born again believers and the rapture. Make no mistake, you don't have to ask to be born again, it just happens when you place your faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit comes in literally, giving you life spiritually and reconnecting you in a special relationship with God, reconcilled and life given, you are like the 5 virgins with "oil in their lamps". Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. I hope that helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's so simple even intellectuals cannot get it.. ACCEPT JESUS as your SAVIOUR (simple). Once you have accepted him sincerely you are SAVED... Being born again is to receive the HOLY SPIRIT. It does not happen automatically once you are saved but you continue to ask the FATHER to let the HOLY SPIRIT come into your life and it will (probably when you least expect it to). He never said we would not sin again, but we ask for forgiveness. We continue to sin over and over again (because we are human), but we try to do as JESUS would do if he was here with us. LOVE and ACCEPT each other as brothers and sisters because we are weather we want to believe it or not. RESPECT each other for our differences because that is what makes us unique. HONOR each other as Human Beings. GOD BLESS YOU.

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