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What is your opinion of Hillary Clinton running for President?

Keep in mind that our current president has not done a very good job for this nation. I feel that a democrate is needed in office again. I remember when we had Bill clinton I did not worry about the state of the nation, I knew we where going strong and doing well. Having Bush in office has made me uneasy especially when he has put this nation a war we don't need to be in and lied about his intentions for doing so or atleast has not giving good enough reasons for it. He still has yet to prove we need to be where we are. I think Clinton is a good choice because she was a Strong active first lady and has seen how things are ran and would be a very decive person in office and would help correct the current state of affairs in this country that has gone down hill since her husband left office. I only wish she would have Divorced BIll I think that will hurt her to not have divorced him. How do you feel?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Iit would be good for the USA. After six years of turmoil under the Bush presidency which is witnessing the worst opinion about the American Government ever, the countnry is more than ripe for a change. After all, the current administration is not entirely legitimate the way it 'stole' the election through the machinations of the president's brother in Florida. Further, Bush really did not ever have the mandate from the American people to act the way he has been doing, in pariticular taking the country to war with Iraq. His majority in "winning" the election was far too slim and his ignoring of the vast majority of the people in relentlessly pursuing a belligerent foreign policy has done the country little good, besides spending untold billions to no useful purpose other than satisfying a personal agenda and helping friends to grow richer.

    Mrs Clinton would be a breath of fresh air. She is articulate, intelligent and the experience she has gained as the First Lady and more so as a senator would be far superior to Bush on any count or any area of 'expertise.' I would rather have her elegance anytime than Bush's swagger and emptiness. Mrs Clinton for president any time; in any case, high time the country had a capable lady to guide it along after the bumbling and fumbling of the incumbent the last few years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It will be an interesting election. I personally like Hillary, and think she did a great job as president under her husbands name, but I feel that she will polarize the nation. Not nearly like W, but still, she will not be a unifier, which is what we so desperately need. Bama is too inexperienced, but may be a force in the future if he bides his time.Besides, his middle name will make for great Republican sound bites.

    On the republican side, mc cain and juliani have the party split between moderates and fundamentalists ( conservatives). Do I hear any votes for carter?

    As to the question of health care, which would you prefer? Government subsidized health care, or no health care, which is what the majority of Americans have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let her run and then the republicans will have 4 more years in the White House and this will be a good thing. The woman is shrill and opinionated. I think Condi Rice should be the first woman president.

  • 1 decade ago

    If she runs, she'll lose. Period. I hope the Democratic Party understands this. If she heads the ballot in 2008, 4 more years of GOP control of the Executive Branch. Same with Obama.

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  • 1 decade ago

    How was she a strong active first lady other than standing up for her hubby when he was caught red handed over the Monica thing? Other than trying to make our health system totally government run, and that is working great in Canada isn't it????

  • 1 decade ago

    I will vote against her with every fiber of my being. Now that's not to say that I wouldn't like a woman President, I just don't want her to start things off.

    Have a good day.

  • 1 decade ago

    She voted for the Iraq Resolution. Enough said. If she wins Bush might as well be president for four more years. They are all just puppets anyway.

  • she can run in every field and president too but she can be run diplomaticaly and have to do lot of social work and i know these activities are in her skill and really she can fight and win because her life is only for public work and social services and mr clinton is also too much fame due to his life is also donated for publically and socially work and involve and supporting if any one need and if she fight and tell me who is against her then i can tell result and what she must do i can tell as i am also a master in spritual tantra and fortune also

    Source(s): 09827284384
  • TRAF
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No problem, let her run. Let her have a chance, man.

    She'll probably need Bill to help her, though.

    Source(s): another of my fantastic opinions. I have many. Many that have proven to be 95% improbable. Quite often, my opinions can be easily changed - I'm somewhat wishy-washy.(its that Adult ADD,you know)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm from Great Britain but I doubt she has sufficiently got it. At the same time, nor has mr. bush, which is why she is a possibility.

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