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How good is the Canadian health care system, really?

Peanutbutter asked people to identify the one thing that Canadians could take pride in - and many people responded with the Canadian medical care system.

Interesting that the healthcare system came up so frequently.

In my experience most of the Canadians that I have met abroad have very clearly explained how awful the Canadian medical system was in comparrison to local healthcare and expressed gratitude at being able to use the local system because they "would never have gotten the right treatment in Canada", "would have had to suffer for months before getting the right tests scheduled", "would have died before being able to see a specialist", "would have lost their baby if they hadn't run across the border to get proper care", "are living in <country> because Canadian healthcare sucks", "husband would have died", etc. (note THEIR words, not mine).

I heard this most recently in Spain this year. So what's the real story?


Please note that I'm not intending to bash Canada here. I want to understand how the healthcare system can be percieved as so good and so bad at the same time.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm Canadian and our health system is pretty good. It's not perfect but what is?

    I take pride in our democracy. That's what stands out for me being Canadian.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    We have heath care but we also have politics, unions, and numerous business interests. We have companies here (some American) that would love to get their hands on the big bucks spent on heath care They all have an agenda, and a strategy to move their agenda forward. If Canada spent just 75% of the money the Americans do (50% more for us), we would have a system nobody (NOBODY) would ever complain about. Another way of looking at is that we are not socialized enough! Had chest pains this morning and was considering going over to the hospital, I didn't, but I know if I do I will be seen by a doctor within minutes (if I had a cut finger I would have to wait a while) (but all free) The Doctors / nurses move to the US with one focus, money. They know how much they are gouged down there. They justify the move with anything except the lust for money Americans sometimes don't realize that when money is involved you are suddenly dieing and need expensive emergency treatment, at the usual premium of course

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    About the same as any other socialized medicine country. You may get care WHEN they get around to you and only WHAT they say you need. Got money? Go to the head of the line. I have known Canadians that come to the states for major things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    None of the Canadians I've known have ever had anything bad to say about their system. Even had a trainee once who, after several really bad experiences (including one that left her unable to conceive) with U.S. medicine, would jump on a plane and go home for things as simple as treatment for the flu.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm, being Canadian, I think our healthcare is great. In my family my mom has had to have her gull bladder out, my brother broke his leg, my aunt and friend's mom had cancer, my brother, mom, dad and myself have needed x-rays and plenty of visits to the doctros, dentists, etc, etc. I think it's pretty cool that I can walk into a place like the hospital, tell them my problem and then walk out with a solution witout paying any money,

    With that said, of course if your injury or w/e is not very serious and other people do have more serious problems, you may be waiting awhile because...well, they are in more serious need.

    But personally, I think our healthcare is great and it's one of the reasons I'm glad I live in Canada and only visit the states because I always hear how ppl there are under so much stress and have to sell their belongings in order to get medical care. (the movie John Q *tear*)

  • R C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Everyone is going to have their opinion on this...I'm from Regina, Canada and have lived in the US. What differences there may be does not denote the quality.

    In today's society (no matter where or who you are), if you don't have insurance/greenbacks, then you'll get what the government says is adequate for you to have gratis...

    Source(s): Life...
  • 1 decade ago

    Canadian relative had his heart surgery and his rotator cuff in the US

    He said he was tired of waiting for a date for this so called elective surgery

    their hospitals are slighly substandard BUT well staffed

    surgeries are not cutting edge technology

    I'm with Canadian relative idea and stick with USA hospitals and MDS

    sometimes something for "FREE" is not always better

    Source(s): used to be ER RN
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the fact that they have nationalized health care is what they brag about, but whta most wont tell you is that sometimes you might wait a year to see your doctor, and that you dont get the choices of who your doctor really is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know a lot of them go to the Cleveland Clinic for health care??dont know if its for special care but there are a lot of them! maybe basic care is all yu get with their health care???primary care?

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