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I have a 7 yr. old boy that still wets the bed at night. Its like he doesn't wake up to go, when I wake him up

and make him go he still is wet in the morning. Like really wet. I have taken him to the doctor and tried the nasal spray, didn't work. It is really starting to bother him. I have been told by several people and doctors that it is normal for boys to be bed wetters so now I am asking some advice from someone who has experienced the same thing with their boy.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have one son who had this problem until he was about 9. We tried everything that people have recommended here, but nothing worked. Then a friends recommended a "wet-alert" which had helped her son. It is a device, either pinned into his undies, or ours was a pad that went under the sheet, that buzzes obnoxiously at the very first bit of wet and wakes up the child. It trains him to wake before wetting (waking the child and taking them to the bathroom yourself usually trains them to wet while asleep because they don't usually wake up all the way). My son stopped wetting with in the week, and I've since loaned it to two friends who's sons also stopped really fast! I got mine from JCPenneys many years ago, but I'm sure there are things like this available online. He was so happy! Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly its more normal then you think. They make pull ups and good nites that are more like underwear and not diapers. Also the underwear that are like cloth diapers work good to.

    I was told by a doctor NOT to wake them up in the middle of the night because it hurts them more in the long run. Basically they outgrow bed wetting but the sleep habits of waking up never go away. My nephew never drank after a certain time, and still woke up wet. And sometimes he didn't. He was a very heavy sleeper. So from 5-8 he wore the special underwear and still was able to spend the night at friends, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son at 7 still wet the bed not every night but 2 or 3 times a week. I up a plastic bag under the sheet to protect the mattress, then stop all but sips of water after 6 p,m. if it is really bad then diapers poor kid. but you do not want to change sheet s every day do you?

  • 1 decade ago

    i was a bed wetter. my 6, almost 7 year old is a bed wetter. there are only two things that can reduce, or even stop it entirely. the first one is a no-brainer. don't let the child have any liquids within an hour to two hours of bed time. the other one... patience. it's just something he is going to have to grow out of. in the mean time, be supportive of him. let him know it's not his fault, and not to be too embarassed about it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Has his doctor checked him to see if he is having bladder spasms? My niece was completely pottite trained and started having accidents when she was 5-8. At first she was punished and when my sister found out she had this problem she felt bad for punishing her. I know boys are worse than girls and I had a brother that did the same thing until he was a teenager atleast now they make pullups to use. I'm sure he will outgrow it and I would talk nicely to him when it happens because yelling just makes any matter worse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My nephew wet the bed till he was almost 12. Yes, it is normal...but if you are waking him up to go to the bathroom then only thing you are getting across his a schedule for you to wake up. He will grow out of it...he really will!

  • 1 decade ago

    I did it till I was 9. My father started giving me cranberry juice instead of other liquids. My daughter is 5 and does it, she just sleeps sooo hard. I put pull ups on her and try not to make her feel so bad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i have expirenced it, myself. he will out grow it. and yes some kids just wet the bed and cannot help it no matter what you do. get him some goodnites and dont make it a big deal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, when you wake him up, make sure that he goes and regular his liquid consumption before going to bed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When my sons were this age I stopped giving them liquids an hour before bed time and they never had any accidents again.

    I also made sure they went potty before bed time.

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