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Lv 4
Dark asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Let's try this nuke thing again...?

Apparently my position was HORRIBLY missunderstood before so lets try this again I'll leave no room for ambiguity. I am AGAINST nuclear proliferation.

Many people ask, "If the U.S. has nukes what right do they have to tell others they can't?"

You see how much conflict and killing there is in the world right now? Now imagine that EVERY conflict, just or not, has the potential to be a NUCLEAR conflict. This crap in Somalia? Nuclear. Turkey and the Kurds? Nuclear. Sri Lenka and the Tamil Tigers? Nuclear. Think of every conflict that happens not only on a yearly or monthly basis but DAILY becoming a stand off between nuclear armed rivals. Eventually someone WILL slip and a whole region will go up in a mushroom cloud with global consequences.


But, you know since the U.S. and a handful of other countries have them then who cares, huh? Let’s gamble with the fate of humanity for the sake of fairness. We can leave a message on a giant tomb stone monument to whatever civilization comes after: At least we were fair...

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Having spent half my life around the cursed things, I fancy that I know a little bit about them.

    Simply put, the more countries that have nukes, the bigger the problem is that ABSOLUTE POLITICAL CONTROL of those nukes will be lost. For instances, during and immediately after the Cold War, there were periods when the Soviet/Russian arsenal was not in full control of the Supreme Soviet. This caused problems (to put it mildly).

    Recently the U.S. gave Pakistan some nuclear technology - not to make better weapons, but to control those nukes. Pakistan's security forces are known to be a little bit fundamentalist and the U.S. needed to give the Pakistanis a control system to ensure that the fundamentalists can't grab a nuke and give it to a NGO like Al-Queda.

    Remember, it is long standing policy of the United States that an attack on it with a WMD (Chem, Bio, Nuc) will be responded to with nuclear weapons.

  • 1 decade ago

    That lack of faith in humanity is showing again. I have thought through both sides of this issue and my conclusions are thus. If every nation had a nuke force there is the potential for global Armageddon but people being people think of self preservation 1st greed later. So after one set of combatants kills off one another which would take about 2-3 hours it just might scare the others straight and force a global ban on nukes. As for the complaint of why others can't have nukes it is simple the other countries signed a treaty saying they wouldn't thus the other countries have every right to enforce the treaty.

    Source(s): GMG3 USN/USNR
  • 1 decade ago

    Nuclear proliferation is not a good thing. I see where you are going with the If everyone has one thing. But if any nation should have Nukes then it should be the USA !!! We are still the only Nation to have ever used a nuke (Never mind that we actually used 2) in anger. The fact that we still have them and they are larger and more powerful than the nukes dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

  • 1 decade ago

    The simple answer is that the US can not use nukes, according to LOAC. LOAC accounts for three key areas, Military necessity, Distinction, and Proportionality. Using a nuclear device would violate all three of these areas. Which is why in a third world country you drop conventional munitions and put soldiers on the ground. Even if a third world country had a nuclear device, we wouldn't use one on them. Not that we wouldn't be inclined to discuss it.. We have much more interesting ways of dealing with it. The best part is that if they use a missle to deliver a device it is quite easy to shoot out of the air. If they are intent on mutually assured destruction between other countries in their region, I am afraid we would put our foot in the door to stop it, which isn't the greatest of positions to be in.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree nuclear proliferation is not a good thing. But it's too late. You can download info on the internet about building a nuclear device. If you don't want to go nuclear, just "dirty bomb", depleted Uranium is easy to get.

    In answer to "is i". Have you ever seen a nuclear explosion? Other than on TV. Ever been close to a radioactive source? Ever been exposed to radiation in any shape or form?

    Source(s): Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    If we start up nuking people we're not going to have truthfully anybody left interior the international to do "their situation". however as corrupt as we've become perhaps nuking N. Korea is the way of letting the international do their situation. We nuke them they nuke us the face of the earth is erased and evolution or God (finding on your ideals) can start up throughout returned. perhaps they are going to do it ultimate this time!

  • 1 decade ago

    well... everybody knows we wont use the Nukes. and the US doesnt want ANYBODY to use the Nukes because it seems that the people who are making them are the people that dont really like the US that much..

  • 1 decade ago

    trying to see where you're coming from...all i can say is i think the difference between us and some others is we would think about it before using them where alot of the others will just do it.

    is that what we want????? if you say yes then lets blast them right now...send em to allah...let him sort em out

  • mimi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The US is trying to avoid the destruction of our planet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well said, but expect the less intelligent to still not "get it"

    Source(s): If countries can have nukes, why not states or private people.
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