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Lv 4
Dark asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Illegals profit states while draining local governments?

Dallas Morning News, The (KRT) via NewsEdge Corporation :

Dec. 8--AUSTIN -- Illegal immigration is draining hundreds of millions of dollars from local governments but bolstering the Texas economy by $17.7 billion a year, the state comptroller estimates in a new report.

And when it comes to taxes, illegal immigrants are a boon. They cost the state $1.16 billion in services, such as public health services and education, but they pay $1.58 billion every year in taxes and fees, according to the report, released Thursday.

That's a net profit to the state of $420 million.

But counties pay the price: They're taking in $513 million in local taxes and revenues -- but spending $1.44 billion in indigent care and law-enforcement costs. Cities and school districts suffer as well, the report said.


That's $927,000,000 taken out of the local governments. Even of we add in the profit the state makes that's still well over half a BILLION dollars that illegals cost just Texas. Think the cost will go down when we legalize? When illegals are legally eligable to recive MORE welfare, health care and food stamps?

Update 2:

Sooo, Woodlande, I shouldn't believe my state comptroller I should Sorry I think I'll stick with trusting the "evil" news although I bet if they had said something you liked you'd be all over it.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    illegal immigration is going to bring the united states to her knees. and are ignorant govt is going to sit back and let it happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    So is this a question or a statement? Try telling the hospitals and emergency rooms and doctors that have filed for bankruptcy that treat these people that they are a boon to our economy. Are you telling us the the Federal taxes spent on illegal immigration isn't a drain on tax payers. Regardless of what Texas may receive....they are a drain on the economy when you look at the overall picture. Ask the unemployed Americans if people working for less money aren't hurting their economy. What do Illegals pay for placing their kids in our school systems, I'll tell you--NADA

  • 1 decade ago

    Why? Read the last paragraph, where it states the costs that the local governments are faced with.

    The state doesn't pay for a night in the county or city jail, and education is also largely funded by locals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will probly get reported by a illegal,but I say hell YAAAAAAAA,your exactly right!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you would like to check out our yahoo group where the illegals cant report you for voicing your right to free speach Hope to see you there.No loretta Im not are you? Check out our group.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So if it comes out in the "news" is true. You need to understand how statistics are manipulated by the media to attract numbers. Most people now days believe more in the news than in the bible and that should open your eyes.

  • Dizney
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE CRIMINALS!!!! They are bankrupting California and people don't give a sxxt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ahhh you are just a racist lol

    Yup...everything you said is true...but they will never admit to it!

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