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What have you learned over the years?



I have learnt that "Everything happens for a reason; nothing happens haphazardly." What about you?

30 Answers

  • Yulia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have learned to have my own opinion and not to believe blindly

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've learned -

    that you cannot make someone love you.

    All you can do is

    be someone who can be loved.

    The rest is up to them.

    I've learned -

    that no matter how much I care,

    some people just don't care back.

    I've learned -

    that it takes years to build up trust,

    and only seconds to destroy it.

    I've learned -

    that it's not what you have in your life

    but who you have in your life that counts.

    I've learned -

    that you can get by on charm

    for about fifteen minutes.

    After that, you'd better know something.

    I've learned -

    that you shouldn't compare

    yourself to the best others can do,

    but to the best you can do.

    I've learned -

    that it's not what happens to people

    that's important. It's what they do about it.

    I've learned -

    that you can do something in an instant

    that will give you heartache for life.

    I've learned -

    that no matter how thin you slice it,

    there are always two sides.

    I've learned -

    that it's taking me a long time

    to become the person I want to be.

    I've learned -

    that it's a lot easier

    to react than it is to think.

    I've learned -

    that you should always leave

    loved ones with loving words.

    It may be the last time you see them.

    I've learned -

    that you can keep going

    long after you think you can't.

    I've learned -

    that we are responsible for what we do,

    no matter how we feel.

    I've learned -

    that either you control your attitude

    or it controls you.

    I've learned -

    that regardless of how hot and steamy

    a relationship is at first,

    the passion fades and there had better be

    something else to take its place.

    I've learned -

    that heroes are the people

    who do what has to be done

    when it needs to be done,

    regardless of the consequences.

    I've learned -

    that learning to forgive takes practice.

    I've learned -

    that there are people who love you dearly,

    but just don't know how to show it.

    I've learned -

    that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

    I've learned -

    that my best friend and I can do anything

    or nothing and have the best time.

    I've learned -

    that sometimes the people you expect

    to kick you when you're down

    will be the ones to help you get back up.

    I've learned -

    that sometimes when I'm angry

    I have the right to be angry,

    but that doesn't give me

    the right to be cruel.

    I've learned -

    that true friendship continues to grow,

    even over the longest distance.

    Same goes for true love.

    I've learned -

    that just because someone

    doesn't love you the way you want

    them to, it doesn't mean they don't

    love you with all they have.

    I've learned -

    that maturity has more to do with

    what types of experiences you've had

    and what you've learned from them

    and less to do with how many

    birthdays you've celebrated.

    I've learned -

    that you should never tell a child

    their dreams are unlikely or outlandish.

    Few things are more humiliating, and what

    a tragedy it would if they believed it.

    I've learned -

    that your family won't always

    be there for you. It may seem funny,

    but people you aren't related to

    can take care of you and love you

    and teach you to trust people again.

    Families aren't biological.

    I've learned -

    that no matter how good a friend is,

    they're going to hurt you

    every once in a while

    and you must forgive them for that.

    I've learned -

    that it isn't always enough

    to be forgiven by others.

    Sometimes you have to learn

    to forgive yourself.

    I've learned -

    that no matter how bad

    your heart is broken

    the world doesn't stop for your grief.

    I've learned -

    that our background and circumstances

    may have influenced who we are,

    but we are responsible for who we become.

    I've learned -

    that sometimes when my friends fight,

    I'm forced to choose sides

    even when I don't want to.

    I've learned -

    that just because two people argue,

    it doesn't mean they don't love each other

    And just because they don't argue,

    it doesn't mean they do.

    I've learned -

    that sometimes you have to put

    the individual ahead of their actions.

    I've learned -

    that we don't have to change friends

    if we understand that friends change.

    I've learned -

    that you shouldn't be so

    eager to find out a secret.

    It could change your life forever.

    I've learned -

    that two people can look

    at the exact same thing

    and see something totally different.

    I've learned -

    that no matter how you try to protect

    your children, they will eventually get hurt

    and you will hurt in the process.

    I've learned -

    that there are many ways of falling

    and staying in love.

    I've learned -

    that no matter the consequences,

    those who are honest with themselves

    get farther in life.

    I've learned -

    that no matter how many friends

    you have, if you are their pillar

    you will feel lonely and lost

    at the times you need them most.

    I've learned -

    that your life can be changed

    in a matter of hours

    by people who don't even know you.

    I've learned -

    that even when you think

    you have no more to give,

    when a friend cries out to you,

    you will find the strength to help.

    I've learned -

    that writing, as well as talking,

    can ease emotional pains.

    I've learned -

    that the paradigm we live in

    is not all that is offered to us.

    I've learned -

    that credentials on the wall

    do not make you a decent human being.

    I've learned -

    that the people you care most about in life

    are taken from you too soon.

    I've learned -

    that although the word "love"

    can have many different meanings,

    it loses value when overly used.

    I've learned -

    that it's hard to determine

    where to draw the line

    between being nice and

    not hurting people's feelings

    and standing up for what you believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot. Most of which I have learned over the past year, specifically. This might have something to do with the fact I'm 18, so at this age learning is a huge part of life.

    One major thing that I have, and am still learning about is the difference between selfishness and the neccessity to care for oneself. I lived my life believing that I would be the happiest and have it the easiest if I did what others wanted, because it would not cause conflict or failure in their eyes. This works well, untill I was faced with the problem of two different people I cared about wanting exact opposites of me. This was years ago, although I still struggle with this now. It has shown me that sometimes you do need to look within yourself and do what is important to you, even if others may not understand or agree with it. As long as it is not to intentionally hurt another person, it is okay. If you fail to meet your own needs first, how can you truely make others happy? If you neglect yourself, it will eventually destroy a part of you.

    Respect others. Try your hardest to understand why they do or want or feel how they do, so you hold no anger or anything against them. If you truely understand anothers (or your own) intentions you cannot be angry at them or hold the grudge, because you will see why they did what they did.

    I could probably go on for ages. It's been a year full of trials and blessings.

    Good question!

    Love and Blessings

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was young, I prayed that I would live long enough to outlive my partying ways. Well, I do not do drugs, including alcohol. I also have learned that all things work together for good for those who love God. I realize that all things are not good but they can work together for good. I've learned to relax and be happy. I have learned to stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord. I have learned that all suffering is not for discipline and that suffering can be turned into blessing. I finally understand the death of my father and baby brother when I was a child. I am grateful that their deaths and the abuse that I experienced as a child has brought me to the Lord Jesus Christ. Peace out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have learned that splashing this chat group with massive quotes (whether poems or scriptures) is a turn-off to the reader.

    Oh? Do you mean, what have I learned of value?

    This is what I have learned. The tough part is to learn to apply this information.

    In a nutshell, this is the Christian essence:

    Jesus said, " You should forgive others when they make mistakes; If you do not forgive other people, your father in Heaven will not forgive you."

    What is Jesus rhetorically asking us? And, What is Jesus plainly telling us?

    Do you hold a grudge against anyone? -- If yes, you will never get along with them.

    Do you hold a grudge against anyone? -- If yes, God will never forgive you.

    Do you hold a grudge against anyone? -- If yes, You do not qualify for Heaven.

    We Christians make a lot of mistakes. But, we are willing to settle down and invite peace into our lives. If you want peace, forgive us of our mistakes, and we will try very hard to forgive you for your mistakes.

    smiles --



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many things...but the most important thing is,whatever happens in our life is all for good no matter how bad it may seem at the time there is a gift in it.Happiness is a choice we make regardless of our circumstances,and after every bad period in our lives we become stronger,and appreciate the good times that much more.No one has all the answers,there are many lessons to be learned all through our entire life journey.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have learned much. Much more do I seek to learn. Most of all I learned of the light that gives life. Many years have passed, yet the knowledge runs deep.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have learned that religion is useless, and hinders the advancement of our species.

    I have learned that most Christians are not Christians.

    I have learned that if it wasn't for the idea of political correctness the Christians that are Christians would have no problem with words like fag, and ******, and would use them openly.

    And the list could go on forever.

    Source(s): _You can fill in the spaces, your clue is homosexuality.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Reason and meaning did not exist until humans came along. Cause and effect exist.

    Over the years you have invented things to learn, and you may be unable to separate wishful thinking from responsible thinking.

    That's okay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have learned that the universe and the multiverse it resides in is so freaking big and is full of wonder, awe, mystery, and nature, and anyone who hopes to learn everything about it can expect their brain to explode after the first shift.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have learned there is a lesson within every experience - the worst experiences often give the best lessons. Also, that I am 100% responisible for my every action and inaction. 'Someone else made me do it' is a cop-out, and you'll still bear the consequences.

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