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I dont understand.. what makes some guys go for Fat women???

To be frank: Id dump a woman if she gained a pound of weight. call me shallow, but i think its just fair, i stay in shape, why should she stuff her mouth with big macs? I no offense.,.. wouldnt it be gross to see her naked with all the flabs hanging in the side? what about the putrid sweat? strech marks here and there... is this out of desperation or is it true love. Im sure a lot of you will say, maturity.. but come on, do feelings really hide the Flabs??? I meant I cant imagine being with a fat woman. I go to clubs alot with my petite girl and i really wonder how dudes can stand dancing with a fat girl. How does He deal with all the Grossed out look in public?



40 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    each to there own i suppose. i personally am a little shallow too in that i would find it hard to date a fat man, but if i went out with him when he was skinny and he became fat - i guess love would win overall. Hope i never have to find out though cause i am never gonna be fat, just not in my gene pool. Good on you for admitting that you are 'shallow' though. Other people would feel the same but not have the guts to admit it. After all you are entitled to your opinion and you did say that you didn't mean to offend - it's just an honest question.

    Source(s): I love the way some people assume you'd find your wife or girlfriend pregnant as being repulsive. weight gain is normal in pregnancy - of course it has to happen there's a baby inside and most of it goes after the baby is born. That's different to people not looking after themselves and staying fat. Obviously concessions are made to those who have a medical condititon but lets be honest, there are a lot of fat people (men and women) out there who do NOTHING to slim down. It's not just about looks, it's about health and also the cost to society as these people are at increased risk to diabetes, heart attack etc which costs us tax payers money.
  • 5 years ago

    Plus size women can be beautiful too. I know a lot of girls who have rocking bodies but very plain faces( if your avatar is any indication, i am assuming your girl fits into this catagory) There are also heavier women with the most beautiful faces. You need to stop being such a jerk, and grow up. I got news for you. Flab sweat and stretch marks happen to all men at some point in their lives too. Usually when they reach 35. I really hope at that point in your life young women look at you and ask themselves the same question. Picking on the overweight is not okay. It is rude, discriminatory and ignorant. I am sure there are many things about your appearance that make you less than hot or attractive. Your personality sure does.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well,it could be that the person has a metabolic disorder,and that they fell in the love with the person on the inside,and their looks are inconsequential.

    I knew a woman who lived next door to me once,and she had a thyroid problem,no one really believed her. I saw her after her operation,after medical advances in the field,and she looked like a totally complete different person. She lost a lot of weight,and she was really really big before. The guy she liked,(she was married but had a boyfriend) even when she was big,was as skinny as a rail ,tall and thin.

    He seemed just as happy with her when she lost the weight as when she gained the weight.

    I have been with women who were thin when I met them ,but gained weight,and I understand your feelings,but a lot of guys like a fat women I guess because they think that if their woman is fat,no other guy will look at her and he does not have to worry about her cheating.

    The cheating aspect is not true,I met a girl online,few years ago,who was overweight,but then she told me she was married and had numerous affairs with guys online just because she was bored,and no desire to get a divorce from her husband who is madly in love with her still. I met them both actually and had Thanksgiving dinner at their house a few years ago.

    I could never have had sex with her though,not because of her weight,but mostly because of the fact that she was married. I asked if she had any "single friends".

    Personally I prefer tall,long legged thin women,with average breast,and a nice butt.A brain that goes along with it would be ideal but we do not live in a perfect world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shallow isn't the word man,you're an almost totaly dry puddle.Looks don't make the person ( although in your case I guess they do ) What do you consider fat.98,100,130,200.What is fat.I guess it would be ok with you if your girl dropped you because you gained a pound.You would be runnin home to Mama cryin Why Mama Why. Great that you keep (yourself) in shape to impress all the petite girlies out there but,all men don't have your simple mind.Here one for ya,What do ya think of skinny girls dancin with FAT guys.Makes YOU wanna puke doesn't it?

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  • mikey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    To be frank, Understand this! Who do you think you are? What makes you so superior in your judgment to classify fat women as less significant than you because they are fat. I think the shallow person is you. You lack the capacity to accept people the way they are and the courage to overcome your lack of character. You will encounter a life threatening situation and a "fat" plus size woman surgeon will save your pathetic life. Or better yet your petite girl will triple in weight and during sex will break your pelvis in half causing an aneurysm that blows out your pea brain.

    Grow up!

    Ugly is skin deep!

  • 1 decade ago

    I've always wondered why some guys are so hooked on looks and don't care what a person has to offer inside of herself. I can't imagine being with a fat-head, self-indulged guy like that! I figure there must be something very wrong with him to make him that shallow and insecure that he has to have a particular type of "trophy" women he thinks will impress others. And I also wonder, why would this lovely girl be with him? It would gross me out to think I was being used for my looks. Dude, you're never gonna make anything of yourself in this life and will always be unhappy and dissatisfied with yourself and others. You might as well get yourself a tee-shirt that says "socially retarded" on it. Frankly, I don't even know why I bothered to write this to you...I'm done. Godloveya, Pea-brain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you ever seen the Vicar of Dibley?

    yes that's right DAWN FRENCH - total Hottie!

    She is totally hot, she has an amazing personality, shes pretty and funny. Doesn't matter that she is a big lady, but I would like to spend time with her, even if she wasn't famous!

    It's because what counts in the inside? Don't be shallow - look what happened to Jack Black in Shallow Hal, infact watch that film you'll learn something :P

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depends on what you mean by "fat". I like chubby girls with all the right curves, something feminine and sexy about that bit of extra flesh in the cheeks, lips, breasts, hips, legs, etc. But I'm not into Obese girls. Too unhealthy looking. I'm also not into girls so thin that they look like sickly effeminate boys. I like healthy thin, to healthy chubby women.

    Hope my point of view helps a little bit. I think some guys go for the unhealthy obese girls to use them for easy sex because some don't have enough self-respect due to their low self-esteem....both the girl and the guy who's using her.

    Oh, BY THE WAY, I'll get thumbs down for this because it makes no sense to most, but seems logical to me:...You are an example of "shallow". However, those who say "it's ONLY the inside that counts", are wrong. For that to be true, we'd all have to be bisexual. Clearly looks are important as well as personality, because no straight guy is dating a girl who looks like Mr. T. And no straight woman is dating a guy who looks like Madonna. If looks don't matter, then this wouldn't matter. But it does.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some men are mature and can see pass just looks...and whose to say that skinny is the only thing that is beautiful. I've always been thin and some guys pick my friend who is full figured over me so some people have a preferences.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have bought into what society dictates is beautiful and therefore have a narrow understanding based totally on a physcal appearance I'lll bet you don't care about the girl's personality only if she as a nice can rack and a six pack huh. Well let's hope your not going to get in the disease of the month club. You can go to the clubs with your petit girl all you want. and I hope they enjoy your brain dammage.

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