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Why Do Atheists Think They are...?

Of superior Intelligence, compared to Christians. When Christians know more about Evolution than Atheists know about the Bible. Be honest in you comments.


I've read all your answers. Some are interesting and some are not. A survay was recently taken and 89% of the population believe in God, 7% don't and 4% have no opinion either way.

Meaning that Atheists believe the majority is wrong. Hmmmm.

Update 2:

Sorry, I didn't mean to lump all Atheists together. I should have said," why do most....?

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a student of the bible for more than 35 years, I can guarantee you that I could give you more than "I'm not descended from apes" as an argument. However, that's not the question. I don't really think it's fair to lump all atheists in one category, just as we are upset when they lump all "believers" in one category. I can however understand why you ask. Often there are atheists who come into this area with the express purpose of taunting mocking and belittling those who have a belief in someone higher than themselves. THOSE atheists are often not just combative they are outright disrespectful. I keep pointing out the example of one person who's question was "How can I prove the Bible is a piece of crap?" Now was that necessary. A truth seeker on that side of the aisle could simply ask "Is the Bible really the word of God." All questions are welcome from all angles, including from atheists. I happen to believe that atheism is, in and of itself, a belief system but that's for another question.

    Now to the person who said many atheists were raised in Christian homes. You are absolutely right. But I think that the turning away from religion had nothing to do with doubting the Bible itself, but that they were seeing practices in their religion that went contrary to what the bible teaches. It's actually a smart thing to do. There is a true religion tho. One that practices what the bible teaches. You just have to look for it.

  • Elly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think I am of superior intelligence. And what a Christian knows about evolution or what an atheist knows about the Bible always depends on the person. I know that there are many Christians who believe that there is evolution and God created life this way. But the people who ask "If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" obviously don't know very much about evolution. I also know very well that are a lot of really dumb atheists, I mean those who say "I know everything and nothing in the world is amazing to me", but you can never generalize like this. Intelligence has nothing to do with what religion someone believes in or not.

    Edit: I saw the details you added. Have you considered that the majority of humanity is not Christian? If we tried to decide the truth in an election, no one could win.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you knew more about evolution that I do, you would not ask the question. In fact, every informed person in the world (believer and non-believer) accepts evolution being as real as gravity and electricity.

    The real question is: why do people who reject evolution go to doctors for medical care?

    Medical science is only real as long as the theory of evolution exists. Therefore, without the scientific theory of biological evolution, medicine (and, in fact, every live science) collapses and has no meaning or value.

    So, maybe we think we are better educated because we are.

    We also have purer souls and are better looking – and that’s the thing that really bothers you, isn’t it?


    Larry M -

    And there was a time when the majority thought the earth was flat, and an unhealthy percentage still have not figured out evolution.

    The truth is not always a matter of public opinion - and that is the precise reason that America's Founding Fathers created a democratic republic rather than a democracy, and provided a set of checks and balances.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was born and raised as a catholic. I married a full athiest, and religion is something that isn't an issue. I may have some left over beliefs as a catholic and some beliefs I have trashed, but overall this is an athiest home. We don't force evolution or creationism upon our kids. We give them a wide variety of facts and beliefs and let them choose what to believe in.

    I do not feel I'm better than my hubby, and nor does he feel he's better than me or my famiy. I feel some (not all) christians are a bit too religious. They don't need to be pushing it upon people who don't want it. Sure, all religions have the right to preach what they believe, but they don't need to force me to go to church, or pray with them. I also don't think an overall religion, no matter what it is, is smarter than another. It's the individuals that make the difference. There could be the stupidest and the smartest people in the world who worship the same god, or no god. It's the same thing with race. You can't say this race is better or smarter than another, just because there's always the "village idiots" pulling them down. The question is, race or religion, are there enough smart people to support the idiots?


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  • Jessy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Most atheists did not start out that way. Most were raised in Christian homes, and are very familiar with the Bible, perhaps not as familiar as someone who continues to study it, but familiar enough to know that the Bible is written in such an archaic and vague way that it can be interpreted to mean almost anything the reader wants. Atheists realize this, and that's why they feel superior when all a Christian can come up with for an argument is based on the Bible, which was written by men, edited and translated, and cannot be considered evidence by any stretch of the term.

  • 6 years ago

    Is religion an idea -or is it a dynamic ? Either way-- one idea of Christians is that the road is broad and wide - Says JC....If your the majority who are the many that enter there in ?? Is it actually the few-- That is the dynamic of that statement--- (Many) can be interpretive--- This is the key to religions -- The key to prophecy -- KEEP IT VAGUE--- Who cares about the day or hour-- Many attempts -- Like Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel ---claim Jesus would return by 1981-- Revised after to 1988 then Y2K-- All wrong Quote " I came close to setting a day or hour -- Didn't though ) --- Yea -- But what he did was worse !981--1988- Y2k --- ARE DATES Date setting is date setting--- He latter revised to always say SOON----------------Never heard that one ??? And who conducted this survey --Family Feud ?? Do like Jesus - say --MANY-- your posta like be as JC --Right ? So That is what jesus said right --- THE MAJORITY IS WRONG __________________RIGHT ?//// HHHHUUUMMMMEEEERRRR ----------------- Oh wait Maybe your just being vague -- RIGHT PROPHET--- or should I say Paul ??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The majority of atheists come from Christian homes and are quite cognizant about the Bible. I find that the Christians on here post questions on the topic of evolution have absolutely no idea about evolution. I find their knowledge to be absolutely appalling. Any studies on the topic of atheists and intelligence, whether they were done by a theist or a atheist, indicate that atheists, in fact, are more intelligent as well as more educated. These studies started in the 1930s and go right up to the present.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have not seen much evidence that Christians know much about evolution. I see constant misunderstandings or unfamiliarity with the basic facts. I see much more familiarity with the proposals offered by both the creationists and intelligent design proponents among the atheists than among the Christians. Even the level of understanding of the content and development of the Bible is generally higher among the atheists.

    Then of course we should be considering the effects of all those survey and census results that show atheists as more intelligent on them!

  • N
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, I think that this question is based on some false premises. Not all atheists think they are by nature more intelligent than theists. Most Christians that I have come into contact with know little or nothing about evolution; many atheists know a good bit about organised religion, including the Bible. Perhaps you are basing these assumptions upon too small a group.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, most of what you claim to "know" about evolution is wrong. Beyond that, personally, I don't think atheists are necessarily smarter. Perhaps a bit more worldly, and probably more sophisticated. We just accepted a different set of facts to explain our world, and our facts usually have a lot of scientific research to back them up (the kind of research performed by scientists with no Christian agendas). All bible people offer to prove the bible is the bible itself. Hardly what one would call objective.

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