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What things can you resolve to do that will make you a better human being?

I know it would seem obvious that I would just talk about eating and exercise in relationship to the New Year, but I believe it's really about the whole picture in regards to improving one's health and waistline -- not just about eating healthier and exercising more, but how we are living mind, body, and spirit.

It's more critical to figure out what you think is important to you in your life. What do you value? How do you want to spend your time? What is driving you -- stuff, cash, family, quality of life? Where does your health fall on this list?

So, when I ask how you can be a better human being in 2007, sure, I am trying to slip in eating better and moving with greater frequency, but we are just fit shells if we don't address the spirit within us. My body is only a vehicle, but my spirit is the true essence of who I am. If we can connect the dots, I believe that the ways we can be better are unlimited. Not to mention it can make things a lot more fun while we're here.

1,735 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you become a better human being by contributing in some way to the world. It doesn't have to be a big thing, and you don't have to have money or power. It can be little things - helping someone who needs help, working with an organization, offering simple kindnesses and common courtesies without expecting a reward. When you help because it's the right thing to do, you know it whether anyone else does or not, and you've made your corner of the world just a tiny bit better. I think that when you feel good about yourself, all the rest - the eating, and the health, and the waistline, and the spirit - take care of themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's more critical to figure out what you think is important to you in your life. What do you value? How do you want to spend your time? What is driving you -- stuff, cash, family, quality of life? Where does your health fall on this list?

    So, when I ask how you can be a better human being in 2007, sure, I am trying to slip in eating better and moving with greater frequency, but we are just fit shells if we don't address the spirit within us. My body is only a vehicle, but my spirit is the true essence of who I am. If we can connect the dots, I believe that the ways we can be better are unlimited. Not to mention it can make things a lot more fun while we're here

    Source(s): no i dony knoow
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Are you serious? To be true to yourself in all aspects, including being a better human being is not practical thinking, not everyone has the money or resources. If the real celebrity asking this question, the best advice I can give you is to read. Plain and simple. Spirituality is what makes you YOU. Mental health is more important than superficiality. I value my mind above everything else and take responsibility for my actions and words. One doesn't CONNECT the dots, if they aren't there and an individual is not open minded enough to acquire self realization. I seriously doubt you will read this but if by chance you do, I sincerely wish you all the best. Apparently and with all due respect, you know nothing about the great mysteries in life.. the great philosophers, gnosticism, alternative mindsets... Try figuring out WHO you are before posting this question in a open forum such as Yahoo. Seems to me like you're looking for self validation, which is what the thumbs up and down is for, which should be abolished. Anyway, I do thank you for your time and patience with this 35 year old. Happy 2007 to you and your family.

    Source(s): { ☼ }
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you're absolutely right! Its really about the whole picture. But how do we achieve it? Lets be honest! Is it just stuff, cash, family, quality of life, eating and exercises that can make your life better? Well I don't think so. It is obviously something more than that. If we really want to have a good waistline why go through hassle of exercising when that would be a tedious thing for most people to do. Really people likes to laze about and waste time. Why not resort to fasting instead. Perhaps that would help change your life for the better. Fasting teaches you how to control your habits. It teaches you good behaviour. Eg. Refraining from being greedy, its makes you want to share. So you dont just eat on your own but share your food wth others. It teaches that others may not be as fortunate as you and gives you a better understanding of what poverty is and makes you a better human each day. Try it. Here's how to do it. Get up early in the morning say about 6am. Take a good healthy meal which you'd like to eat and do not take in excessively. Drink enough glass of water or milk. Do not smoke, eat and drink until 1pm. If you start to be feel dizzy by then take some light meal. If you feels ok then continue without eating until 4pm and if you can hold on continue until 6pm. Have a meal after 6pm but not excessively as your stomach will not be able to acccept the load. Take something light and healthy later for supper. Do this for the next few days and see the changes it makes to your body and your life. Remember the most valuable thing of all - Disciplining oneself. Do not cheat and you'll find yourselve a winner. Good Luck!

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  • 7 years ago

    Eat healthy and stay fit. Instead of reaching for a slice of cheesecake go for a orange or bannana. Make up a training schedule to exersise at least 30min a day (the scientificly recomended length). Be happy with life. Acception is the last stage in depression, if you just accept things that would be depressing you can get on with life. Always learn from everything. All people can teach other many things, and you can teach them something also. Spread your ideas and your friends ideas around and let your ideas grow and develop. Even furry little animals can teach you things. From a ant you learn true teamwork, from a lion split up the work, and even from a mouse fight the battles you can stand up against, but run away from what you (100% can not, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and absolute lost cause) can't win (don't fight blindly). As I said there is more, but all can't be listed. Instead of just using this as guidelines for a new year try and use this for a "life long guidelines for life." Good things shouldn't be limited to a year or so you should be a good person through out life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What you need to do is resolve to be a better person all together. You need to be as nice as possible to other people under all circumstances so that they treat you the same way and support you. You want to think of the good you can do in the world, and then actually do it. For example, when you see a fundraiser you can donate a couple of dollars and know that you are helping someone else in the world. Try to give and not be jealous to receive. Try and keep your attitude positive and help others in need of emotional support.

    As for your body, you can start by eating fresh fruits, which are good for your health and will keep your positive energy up all day long. Don't forget the exercise, which releases positive horomones so that you stay happy. Try and do this excercise outside to get fresh air. While you are out, take deep breaths and clear your mind. This will also keep you fresh.

    All around, these tips will help you be the better person that you know that you can be.

    P.S.-Don't forget the actual part about being fit for your New Year's resolutions!

  • 1 decade ago

    To Be, Now

    To Be Alive, Now

    To Be Aware, Now

    To Be Awake, Now

    To See the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, Now

    To Smell the Clean, Crisp Air, Now

    To Feel the Breeze, Now

    To Hear the Silence, Now

    To Hear a Dog Howl, Now

    To Hear a Friend Laugh, Now

    To Connect With Someone, Now

    To Feel the Sun, Light and Warm, Now

    To Kiss the Earth, Now

    To See Stars, Northern Lights, and the Moon, Now

    To Play a Musical Instrument, Now

    To Sing and Dance, Now

    To Pay Attention, Now

    To Smell a Flower, Now

    To Feel Peace, Now

    To Be Grateful, Now

    To Be Gentle, Now

    To Be Open, Now

    To Be Generous, Now

    To Experience Joy, Now

    To Stand Straight with Strength and Dignity, Now

    To Serve, Now

    To Accept Unconditionally WHAT IS, Now

    To Understand the Perfection of WHAT IS, Now

    To Be Holy and Whole, Always and Already, Now

    To Be Empty, Pure, and Clear, Now

    To Be Harmless, Now

    To Be Free, Now

    To Be Love, Loving All, Now

    To Be Amazed, Now

    To Be Awesome, Now

    To Be Desireless, Now

    To Be One, Now

    To Be Eternal and Infinite, Now

    To Create, Now

    To Be Willing To Be, NOW!

    Source(s): little ole me
  • 1 decade ago

    You know, isn't this the question that everyone has asked themselves at one time or other? I'm in my 50's and it seems to me that most young men and women are so into their looks (eating and exercising) that there must not be much time for reflection. Sorry!

    No really, I just completed a class that seemed to explain that all the major religions deal with getting rid of the personal ego. I have a little trouble with that because it seems to me that anything you are constantly thinking about just becomes stronger. But I do see the sense behind the idea. I think what they are saying is to spend time thinking beyond yourself, change your world from "you" centered, to a larger picture. Try, as long as you live, to make sure that that picture gets larger and larger.

    Always remember that each person's happiness or worth is in a different place. I have always believed that when I make a decision that I'm not sure of, I ask myself, "Is this diminishing any other persons life?" Seems simple, often hard to answer.

    Be a friend. Be a friend. Be a friend.

    Love someone outside your comfort zone.

    Become involved in something that challenges your limits and lets you learn something about other people.

    Most importantly, when you start to look inside and spend time in quiet reflection...some of the answers will come. "Wanting" to become a better human being is part of the battle. Good luck. Don't put a time limit on this. You will have many rivers to cross before it's all over.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could probably go on and on, but there are a couple of very simple things that come to mind. 1) When you are walking down the street or in the mall or wherever, when you pass another human don't drop your head or look away, smile and say hello. By simply communicating with others at this very basic level you relieve a large amount of stress and thought, and guess what, so does that other person. I don't know when or why people stopped saying hi to each other even though they are strangers, but it certainly would help us all to feel better about others and society as a whole. 2) Quit criticizing or making fun of others. We all do it, but some (well these days "many") are excessive in this regard. It is total negative energy and you are fooling yourself trying to make yourself feel better at the expense of someone else. Not only have you created external negativity, but you have also reinforced your own insecurity (negative self) inside your body/mind. Therefore creating a "double negative", if you will. 3) Whatever you do in life, for work, do something you enjoy. Obviously this doesn't mean you can laze around on the couch, take this for what I mean. I know 100's of people that make lots of money and they are miserable individuals (they are typically the ones making fun of others as their life stinks). The happiest people, regardless of how much they make, are the ones doing what they like. Your friends/peers might think you are crazy for being a fishing guide or working as a waitress so you can work on your singing or musical skills, but in the end they will be the ones puffing on a cigarette, biting their nails and complaining, while you go about your life and business with a smile fulfilled to the fullest. Finally, I don't know anything that beats "good karma" as corny or hippish as that sounds. Surround yourself with people that are positive and that have positive energy, thoughts and ideas. The people that complain the most typically do the least.

  • 6 years ago

    Be happy with life. Acception is the last stage in depression, if you just accept things that would be depressing you can get on with life. Always learn from everything. All people can teach other many things, and you can teach them something also. Spread your ideas and your friends ideas around and let your ideas grow and develop. Even furry little animals can teach you things. From a ant you learn true teamwork, from a lion split up the work, and even from a mouse fight the battles you can stand up against, but run away from what you (100% can not, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and absolute lost cause) can't win (don't fight blindly). As I said there is more, but all can't be listed. Instead of just using this as guidelines for a new year try and use this for a "life long guidelines for life." Good things shouldn't be limited to a year or so you should be a good person through out life.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The thing is that I am clueless about dating and romantic relationships. It's kind of like I have a mental block for it. Oh, I can read and recite advice - that's just academic - but in practice it's not the same. My mind goes blank and I just miss opportunities left and right... or maybe there weren't opportunities... I don't know. I just know that part of my life isn't happening and it's something I feel like I miss out on. I mean, if this keeps going on I will never have a family of my own because having kids doesn't make much sense to me if you can't find a relationship, let alone maintain one or get married. I recently began pursuing Yoga more vigorously to calm my mind and life in a turbulent time. I'm a laid off teacher, single parent, underemployed, etc. I decided to pursue Yoga with more energy when I started considering, after 23 years out of the service, to enlist in the army with the intent of going to war, as a more positive situation than I am in now. I even went to the extent of filling out all the papers ... I was a physical exam away from Baghdad … and still am. I am hoping that better spiritual connectedness will make my decision, my way, enlightened. I am not there yet.

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