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dose peircing your tounge hurt your heart in the long run?

someone told me this... i didnt think it was true but i sorta like my heart cuz it makes cool bumbum bumbum noises so i want to keep it going for a while...ya know? and fellows... are girls hotter with tounge rings?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never heard of a tongue piercing affecting your heart.... I've had mine pierced for almost nine years now and I've never had any problems @ all..... I'm not a guy so I can't answer the last part of your question!! : )


    Source(s): Myself, and all of my friends that have had our tongues pierced for a long time!
  • 1 decade ago

    I dont see how it could affect your heart.... sounds false to me.

    As to looking hotter, it seems to be the trend for people to have tongue pearcings at the moment, to some people they look sexy but not all men would like it, its sometimes considered a sexual fetish thing too .... apparently.

    Make sure if you get it done you goto a really good acredited piercer as it can be dangerous and has to be done properly.

  • 1 decade ago

    It won't hurt your heart directly, but if you ever needed to be defibrillated, the metal tongue piercing (or any piercing on your body) can act as a ground and give you a nasty burn.

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't heard that. I've had mine for 9 years, and I have no heart problems.

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  • 1 decade ago

    it doesn't hurt your heart but I think it effects your brain, who wants to look at metal in a person's mouth, it's totally not too clean.

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