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Lv 4
deadly asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Where has our money gone?

If we have no money to keep the Navy afloat, make Army houses decent. Supply our fighting forces with kit and equipment. Pay pensions except to civil servents. Keep the health service open. Teach kids in schools that do not fall down. Have enough Police to do the job.Keep roads in good repair. What has happened to the excessive amount of revenue Gordon (Mr best chancellor ever) Brown has taken from us. In the last 10 years the average working person has seen a minimum of 30% rise in tax paid to the government. It has not all gone on immigrants although a great deal has. So the man who they say has done a great job has failed. Now he wants to lead us. We will not have a country left.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    An indisputable statement of fact, Britain is bankrupt. GBs foreign policy based on distortion of the truth, ie; "fighting for democracy or WMD" should read fighting for oil and any other mineral resources; coerced our incompetent TB into pursuing two wars that we cannot afford or win.No one has conquered the Afghans and how do you defeat people who want to be Martyrs.Immigration has drained our benefits system, the NHS is nearly defunct, Brown has taxed everything in site,and it's beginning to hurt. Tony B is driving people to vote BNP.

    Source(s): Every form of media.The actuallity of living in Britian and experiancing declining standards at first hand. Peoples opinions.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have always voted for the Labour Party but in recent years my income has been erroded by this government. I wouldn't mind if it was because the spending of the military had increased or policing costs had risen as this would mean the money was being spent on keeping both myself and my country safe.

    These funds have been given away to other countries less fortunate than ours where their corrupt officials have no doubt, been lining their pockets because despite our hard earned millions, the poorer people are no better off. We see this year in, year out on the news. It is an absolute waste of resources giving to these places, we might as well just chuck our cash into the Atlantic Ocean. The major concern here is that this man wants to be the next PM, so lets wait and see, I bet we've seen nothing yet! He has made clear his intentions of giving to the 'poor'. Like un-married mothers and all the idle sods who don't want to work, I see the local pubs full all day with these leaches and it's me who's paying. This slovenly behaviour is to be promoted it appears.

    So the labour Party will be voted out at the next election. I certainly won't be giving them my X. The only worry I have about this scenario is - who will be the next government? I really don't think there is a viable alternative, the Tories and the Liberals are also cretins. It's looks like we are down the toilet!

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually the immigrants pay taxes, they just don't get the benefits. Not to support their presence, however.

    Either way. The Military apparently has plenty of money, have you seen what kinda of benefits they are doling out to these "brave young men"? Civil servitude is another area that was originally done out of patriotism, but government IS big business. And health service... for who??? The rich have ample health service. And in case you've missed the pools, the rich are the only ones that matter, you know.

    Now for the big q? Will we have a country left? I HOPE NOT. We are way overdue for a drastic overhaul in all areas. Probably so overdue that nothing less than total destruction and rebuilding are in order.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Huge salaries and benefits for senior government officials and QUANGO people. Waste fraud and mismanagement generally. Total incompetence overall. VAT and tax fraud beyond belief. Social benefits that bear little relationship to need and are perverse with respect to incentive. Denuding of the public patrimony by sweetheart deals to political cronys: public-private partnerships to start with; waste of assets throughout government.

    It's been a field day for speculators speculating against Britain ever since Soros v. Lamont.

    Britain is a TAX HAVEN for the world's wealthy. But not for UK-domiciled British (and other persons, but most will be British citizens). Read the FT exchange on the French tax perversity, the Johnny Halladay affair. (The French move to Britain or Switzerland -- or America -- to get away from perverse, oppressive taxation, including a 1.8% wealth tax on top of income tax (and not creditable against other countries' income taxes).

    Immigrants are the least of the problem, although the rich (legal: EEA & US) migrants don't pay any UK tax on their unremitted investment income and gains). Fake asylum seekers are pretty much left to charity under present rules. The problem is that there is no enforcement of immigration controls WITHIN Britain -- unlike all the rest of Europe (except Ireland & Gibraltar) where ID cards and registration of residence and strict enforcement of employment rules apply. (That doesn't prevent off-the-books labor in countries that won't enforce their own laws: Italy and BRITAIN among them. If I tried to get my roof repaired off the books in Quebec, Belgium or Switzerland the worker and I would both be arrested for tax fraud, among other things. In Belgium you have to have your VAT receipt in hand when you walk out of a restaurant or bar. In Britain, Leona Helmsley's slogan is alive and well: "Taxes? Only the little people pay taxes.")

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know what you mean I live in the United States. They keep saying we got a tax cut...where?? Unless you make hundreds of thousand of dollars or is a FAT CAT in Washington of course you will pay less taxes. they are all lining their pockets at our expense. I think I'm paying about 26%. When you owe the US Govt. money watch out if you don't pay on time, interest, penalties etc. added on. example owe them $200 in about 2 years time it would turn into a thousand. Eventually the Dem or Rep. are going to have to raise taxes to pay for this what seems a senseless war in Iraq.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most of it is frittered away to the E.E.C. then other projects

    like immigrants, unmarried mothers with packs of Fatherless

    Kids, and of course all the Quango's and committe's have to be

    payed for. Huge hand outs to former colonies by the tens of

    millions, who then buy arms and kill each other, leaving their

    people as refugees and of course these have to be paid for too!

    Don't forget the M.P's copper bottomed pensions either.

    NOPE! sorry there is no money left for essentials.

    Happy new year to you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The money is wasted as they try purposely to devalue the dollar so the elites can come in and buy everything up cheap. 9/11 was an inside job and is the reason everything is the way it is today and people must all wake up to this fact. if you don't believe me please watch this video and make up your own mind. Its amazing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Money is like energy always is kept somewhere n some fashion.Maybe priorities are different.

  • 1 decade ago

    To mistakes of governments.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The government has simply mismanaged it.

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