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  • and white minstrals show how good black people are. so what's the problem. PC madness again.?

    What right has the foul mouthed Jo Brand got to report Carole Thatcher for a remark most coloured people would laugh off. It is sad that politically motivated minorities can cause so many problems. This is the first time ever i have thought of joining the BNP.

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Should 11 year olds be made to learn?

    A couple have after fostering 28 children been rejected because they will not teach new ones about homosexuals. They are good Christians and the fostered kids have all done well in life. I am a christian and have homosexual friends but why should children have to be taught about it that young?. Is it any wonder we have the problems with some kids, we do not let them be children anymore.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this right?

    Police follow you into the tube. You get on the tube and the man next to you grabs you. He holds you back in your seat so you cannot move. Then you are shot 7 times in the head. CT film shows you walk into tube. The police say you ran and volted over the barrier. Am I missing something here?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • R.H.Smallridge artist?

    Has anyone any knowledge or information about him?

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Canada Seal pups killed for profit, Polar Bear killed for fun. How sick a country is it?

    With the loss of ice flow with global warming Polar Bears have now lost habitat and no longer have the expanse of ice to roam. So Canada still allows this magnificent animal to be shot for fun. I thought the torture and killing of seal pups a few days old was sick but this is diabolical.

    10 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Seal Cull Canada?

    Last time I posted a question about this I was kicked off.

    Why do the Canadian people allow the barbaric cull of pups a few days old. Have Canadians no morals. Are they a country of animal haters. How is it the pelts are sold out of Canada and not used in their country? It is not that the meat is eaten there is none. I have to say again it is a disgrace and the Canadian people behave as lower forms than any animal to let it continue.

    3 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • 11 stone + lab fair?

    The Benton brothers were taken to court because they allowed their dog to get to over 11 stone. They feel the RSPCA were wrong to take action. I think the RSPCA were very right to take action. The court gave them a discharge. Why should we allow people to be cruel to animals and get away with it. 11 stone+ for a lab is an outrages size. The heart and all its joints will suffer. It cant go any place it can hardly move. £5000 fine and a 10 year ban would have been better.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where has our money gone?

    If we have no money to keep the Navy afloat, make Army houses decent. Supply our fighting forces with kit and equipment. Pay pensions except to civil servents. Keep the health service open. Teach kids in schools that do not fall down. Have enough Police to do the job.Keep roads in good repair. What has happened to the excessive amount of revenue Gordon (Mr best chancellor ever) Brown has taken from us. In the last 10 years the average working person has seen a minimum of 30% rise in tax paid to the government. It has not all gone on immigrants although a great deal has. So the man who they say has done a great job has failed. Now he wants to lead us. We will not have a country left.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Tony Blair a closet Bi-sexual?

    It seems that through his best friend Mandleson and the EU political Correct lobby he has given away 1000's of years of our morals and belief in a few years. I do not have a problem with two people of the same sex living together. I draw the line at the sham marraiges. Marriage is for a man and a woman to produce children. Why should two lesbians have the right to have a child with someone else's sperm when there are many couples in a normal relationship wanting children. How can a child brought up in a same sex home if of that sex not be inducted into that way of life. Blair has championed this way of life with Peter Mandleson. They have even got tax and welfare to the advantage of gay people. The Anglian Church needs to read its own Bible and stop gay marraige. For a so called Christian who should know his bible Blair has agreed some very strange new laws.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should the Church?

    Should it be made to accept new laws on homosexuals if it disagrees? I know people will say there are some in the Church. However if the Cof E do not wish to regonise them as part of their religion why should they?

  • Add Bans for food yes/no?

    The government through its Quango are to ban food advertised when kids watch TV. How is it Saturday morning BBC tv is all food programmes. This week the saviour of school meals (JOKE) Jamie Oliver did Pork with extra salt Kababs. Not he used all the fat in his sauce. So one Quango say's no adds and the other shows kids off school at home how to make fatty, suggery food.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Bring back the cane?

    Today the news is full of kids being bullied at school. I believe that six of the best in front of a school assembly would reduce bullying over night. When i was at school the bully who was made to stand in front of everyone and receive punishment thought long and hard about getting it again. Teachers must have the right to dish out punishment. A bully in tears will not frighten to many more.

    23 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Riots in France?

    Should immigrants be allowed to behave as some do. How bad conditions in France or the UK are for them it has to be better than their own country. If not why do they not go back. This is not a racist question I hope it is common sense. Why should France and the UK have to give give give only for some Immigrants to want more. It is not their country.

    10 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • English pupils should they speak Urdu.?

    14 year old Codie Scott was arrested, photographed and had he fingerprints taken. A racist comment about why should she be with 5 ethnic pupils that spoke Urdu and 4 no English. Have we not got this back to front. Why at 14 cannot the 4 pupils speak enough English to communicate. If they have all just arrived in the last few months should they not be given an intensive course in English. The school and the Police should be ashamed. Who's country is it. I always thought it was British. I welcome anyone to the UK but learn the language, the customs and the law.

    18 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Are you proud to be British if you are?

    My similar question to the Canadians was thrown out. I asked about bears and seal pups being killed seems it is more important to not upset our Canadian friends than help defenceless animals.

    35 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should the Dome get the Casino?

    Prescot, building started, Americans think they have it. How sleaze wins. They should be thrown out of the contest. The person who will decide is a Prescot side kick, come on how currupt is this.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is it right that lesbian couples should get IVF?

    The authority that regulates IVF has said lesbian couples should be given the treatment. Is it not a fact that any species that procreate needs a male and female. I have nothing against gay or lesbians but I feel that nature should be the decider in who bears children not some government quango. There are many normal couples desperate for children. I also believe children should be brought up in a normal family of a father and mother.

    31 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Should women be allowed more paid leave if a child is ill?

    Harriet Harman wants to make employers pay for women off with sick kids. I employ women on an equal basis to men. How long before she harms the prospects of women getting work with this attitude trying to win votes.

    18 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Has the time come to ban the Muslims in the uk and send them to a Muslim country even if they were born here?

    This is not a racist question. It is one someone asked me yesterday. If the mosque is a place that can produce radicals and we are unaware who they are should we not rid the Uk of all Muslims?

    28 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago