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Lv 4
deadly asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Bring back the cane?

Today the news is full of kids being bullied at school. I believe that six of the best in front of a school assembly would reduce bullying over night. When i was at school the bully who was made to stand in front of everyone and receive punishment thought long and hard about getting it again. Teachers must have the right to dish out punishment. A bully in tears will not frighten to many more.


Brain box. You are still at school and you will never of had a deterent against a bully. If you behave the cane should not worry you. You have to have respect not only for teachers but each other. To see the school bully punished and humiliated as he/she has done to the person they bully is the way to stop it.

Update 2:

Simon G i agree with you that parents have a lot to answer for. However the future of this country is worrying if SOME of the kids today ever have children. The Blair government has been to PC and soft with their interpretation of EU mandates.

Update 3:

Essex frie. Don't know how old you arebut, did you do something to deserve it. If yes I hope it taught you a lesson not to do it again.

23 Answers

  • DeeDee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hell yes bring back the cane and national service. These 'kids' have too much time on their hands. My neighbours are from Europe and their son had to go back to their home country and do national service. Sorted the bugger right out it did. All kids want to do is have unprotected sex, play on their playstation, smoke weed, have pick on innocent passers-by going about their daily lives. It has to stop. No war in IRAQ is going to protect me from teen-aged hoody yobs. No poisoned ex-spy is going to protect me when I get robbed. No 'celebrity' wedding in Italy is going to save me when I have to run the gauntlet of going pass the local housing estate to and from the main road. Unfortunately no-one will protect me if I retaliate against little 'Romeo' or 'Paris' or 'Mercedes' or whatever ridiculous unchristian, unpronounceable name they have been given.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How odd for a person called brain box to be such an immature thickie,, discipline is needed, and needed now, how many people were on asbo's 30 years ago, none thats how many. By the time the next generation are born, an asbo will be like a house point, everyone will collect them.

    The only way now, is to get to grips with these young thugs now, if they need a smack, give em one. Its a parents job to punish and teach, some parents i know think it means their kids have a personality if they play up. Well i never knew anyone i went to school with who behaved like some of these do. Time to sort them out, get that slipper

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the cane may solve some problems but the real problem lies with bad parenting . when you 9/10/11 years of age were you out On the street with older kids till midnight i would presume not . this is were the real problem lies younger kids can not be charged with minor offences so they get braver and before you know it they are into drugs hard crime , or murder . if they are caught you cant name them look at the murder of James Bulgar ,these angels could be living in your street one day as you will never know .whilst we have all the do gooders telling us right from wrong I'm afraid justice will allways l be on the side of the criminal

    and the punishment never fits the crime .wow prison 3 meals a day a warm bed clean clothes ,TV . tell that the the oap who is scarred to go out in the day let alone the night or who is to afraid to put there heating on . Mr Blair get real and become a man not a mouse take this problem by the balls and make those little fuckers squeal

  • 1 decade ago

    Just read Brain box to get an idea of what silly rude children are in the schools. Yes they should be aloud to cane bullies.

    I would like to send brats to a boot camp for a year without computer and TV and all the trappings that they have been spoilt with and make them appreciate any treats they earn, as some of the parents are failing to help their kids grow into decent human beings.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why are people mean to each other? I was mean to a kid once, and it was at a time when my self-esteem was at an all time low.

    Bullying behavoir is a manifestation of something wrong on the inside. While a little more cane might not be bad in our schools, the root problem needs to be addressed.

    The root problem is based in our culture. Something is killing our collective self esteem. Is it a pervasive lack of respect? Is it the massive indifference of our institutions? Is it because we are all strangers to each other? Is it the examples of greed and shallowness we see in our mass media? Something is very wrong, and it is difficult to see it, because one's own culture is generally invisible. Putting a bully in tears would not bring him or her back around to being a nice person. It might actually make him worse. And worse might mean another Columbine.

    Somehow we have to make respect fashionable again. This would start at the top, with good examples of respectful behavoir. People follow the example of others. The more prominent the example, the more powerful the influence. If our political leaders spend their time simply denigrating the opposing point of view without reasonable debate, is that an example of respect? If our business leaders get rich by disrespecting their workers and sidestepping environmental laws, is that an example of respect? Frankly, most of the people I see who are in a position to be examples make me sick.

    At the other end, we have to figure out how to connect with each other in meaningful ways. This would start at the bottom with individuals taking the time to do this.

    Within a saint, there is the potential to be a bully. Within the bully is the potential to be a decent human being. Somehow we have to extend our hands and invite that decent human being to come out. Somehow we have to address his hurts, and make it worth his while to turn himself around.

    The problem is complex, and I don't really know how to solve it. But I think more cane will not be enough. Maybe what's needed is more heart.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am with you on that one. I think the school system isn't taking any responsibility for the students. Yes the parents should raise them, but if you are under the schools care for more than half a day they should have some part in it. Not call the parents with the whining all the time.

    And to Brain Box: If you act right you don't have anything to worry about

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Totally agree with you, When I was at school in the 70's the thought of getting the cane stopped bad behaviour before it started

  • 1 decade ago

    ABSOLUTELY. i am still in school and it is just crap seeing what some kids can get away with, one even beat up a teacher. i think that they are going wild and there is no control. the cane will put them into line and teach them to obey authority

  • 1 decade ago


    All this human rights nonsense has gone too far. But let's not leave it with the children; corporal punishment for children according to the traditional pattern but also for adults like they used to have on the Isle of Man. A good quarterly birching for rapists, muggers and above all child abusers would do them the world of good while in prison.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For repeated bullying yes why not, but the main problem is all those parents who have no standards and don't discipline there children, hitting isn't always the answer I was telling my son off for slapping one day, how can you slap a child for slapping it doesn't ring true does it...,,,

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