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Lv 4
deadly asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Should women be allowed more paid leave if a child is ill?

Harriet Harman wants to make employers pay for women off with sick kids. I employ women on an equal basis to men. How long before she harms the prospects of women getting work with this attitude trying to win votes.


answerlady1021. I pay my staff of any sex 52 weeks a year. That includes sick days with their family. However some people I know in business would rather sack then pay out more. I have nothing but respect for all the girls who work for me.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess I will be shot down in flames for this (!), but here goes:-

    Life is a succession of choices which we are all free to make - if the choice is to have children, they consequences of that choice must be accepted by the person making the choice, and NOT by others.

    SO many times I have heard staff complain because people with children are accorded special treatment over those without. It is grossly unfair, because it is making others suffer for choices over which they had no control.

    Furthermore, how can a business be expected to function if staff are allowed to have paid time off without warning?

    A final point: Ms Harman's record of keeping to her pledges is about as bad as the rest of her lying cronies - she promised in 1997 to bring in legislation to outlaw ageism - we are STILL waiting.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Isnt that what they make FMLA for??? This doesnt make sense... how would an employer regulate days off. What if one woman does not have kids? Its not fair that she would get an additional paid day off because she popped out a kid.

    they are called sick days for a reason. You use them for your kids or yourself. Family medical leave act is jus that.. you cant be fired if you can prove that you have a sick child. But if you dont have any annual *vacation* leave, or sick leave.. the Oh freakin well..

    This would SERIOUSLY deter companies from hiring women.

  • DJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Paid leave?

    No, absolutely not!

    There should be limited paid leave in the first place.......employers pay you to WORK, they should not have to pay for you to not work!

    Giving women "additional" rights for motherhood will make them less desirable as empolyees. This kind of Social Welfare (because that's what it is) will set women back decades in their struggle to be considered as equal to men in the workplace.

    Think about it. You need to hire someone to do a job. Candidate "A" may need to take months off work for a self-induced medical condition then may take an extended leave WITH YOU PAYING THEM....because a kid gets sick.

    Candidtae "B" will not take off any time for these likely events.

    Who do you hire?

    Source(s): I just realized (excuse me, "realised"...) that this was a UK question. Glad to see that politicians over there have the same limited grasp of economics as they do here. Socialism just doesn't work because the more government does FOR people the less they tend to do for themselves. Kinda like raising spoil them and it keeps getting worse and everyone winds up unhappy.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats ridiculous and I'm a mum with 5 kids employees are not going to want to employ women and some women will just say their kid is sick when they fancy a day off.

    Yes women do need things like maternity leave and help with childcare but this is absolutley ridiculous.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think the issue is to do with women but more whether you think it is right that parents in general can get paid leave. The fact that one mentions women is totally not the issue and reflects an inherent sexist workforce.

    I principle if this kind of leave can be fitted into normal sick leave pay then there is no real problem with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some companies already allow you 5 days paid leave for a child ill if it's under 5. They may as well introduce this as most people take sick leave for themself even if it's really for their child. What else are they supposed to do? Juggling work and family life is hard enough without dealing with a sick child and work.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Harriet is right on if she wants to make employers pay for CAREGIVERS who take time off with sick kids. But not just women. Why couldn't men take time off to care for sick kids too???

    I think you harm women more by asking this question and showing your bias more than Harriet will. =-)

  • No I don't think it is the employers responsibility... I do think the non custodial parent should have to take off work sometimes and take are of the sick child...

  • 1 decade ago

    That is how it should be. Personally I feel women with kids should be home taking care of their kids. More and more people want to complain about unruly kids, yet no one wants to pay their employees enough so that one parent can work and support their families. If 1 parent were home and taking care of their kids then kids wouldnt be so unruly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think if woman get the extra incintive then men should as well. However it is known that more mothers will leave work for there kids than fathers will.

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