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Canada Seal pups killed for profit, Polar Bear killed for fun. How sick a country is it?

With the loss of ice flow with global warming Polar Bears have now lost habitat and no longer have the expanse of ice to roam. So Canada still allows this magnificent animal to be shot for fun. I thought the torture and killing of seal pups a few days old was sick but this is diabolical.


Erics rock. Yes you are right there is. I have cancer and like others wait for death. People in Africa, India and many other places have to suffer starvation, aids and worse. Man can help if he wants with all that. Animals have no say that is the difference.

Update 2:

Made in England. We supply 100's of horses for the horse meat trade to europe each year. Seal skin is not often used but is bought for use in the UK.

Update 3:

Stukov. Thanks for your answer. I have no problem with the native killing for food and if needed to cloth themselves. What we are talking about is the wholesale slaughter of seal pups for commercial reasons. Also it is the Canadian government that has agreed to shooting polar bears for SPORT. In the UK if the idiots who hunt fox needed to eat them or wear the pelt then fine. Sport that is cruel has no defence.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ANY cruelty to ANY animal is SICK! heartless scum these people!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The north is f**ked up in Canada, the Natives are having a hard time governing themselves even after we gave them a huge amount of land. Suicide rates are highest in the North, problems with Drug Abuse and homicide.

    The Natives had been doing the Seal hunt tradition for years before we came about. However, if we where to restrict them from their "Culture" the Liberals will be all over us about "Freedom and Heritage" crap, so sadly there is not much too do. It's either save the creatures and take away the Natives traditions, or allow it to be moderated. (Currently their are quotas set up to monitor the populations).

    Source(s): Canadian Citizen
  • 5 years ago

    Seals should be farmed like cattle, then the babies can be let loose in a protected envoroment and clubbed with rattan or louiseville sluggers and the polar bears can eat there share of the wild ones. Peoples in China need that baby fur to survive, polar bears need it also, so make a farm of seals, like cows, but seals. Then when the pups or babis are at the veal stage, kill em proper like they do baby cows. We could make a killing of baby seals so boring and uneventfull that the japanese and chinese peoples would release us from the debts owed and everyone could have baby seal pelt mittens and hats.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it is very sick! I joined a protest many years ago for the Harp seals. The only thing that has changed since is the "quota" which is now 200,000 i think. It blows my mind but the locals in those areas say that those are the only jobs available there and they need to survive. 99% of that fur is sold to the UK. Same with our Horse meat packing plants...It's mostly sold to the UK. As for the Polar bears, many of them venture into the surrounding towns for food and they get killed for "the safety of people". I hate it but obviously it won't change

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what's wrong with the leaders of Canada, but North America is the same way. Developers are cutting down the forests left and right, now they are encouraging deer hunters to kill the 'extra' deer--they are not really extra, it's just that humans have stolen their homes! It's disgusting. My aunt and uncle lets them go on their land to hunt. I never thought I'd see the day, I thought they were avid animal lovers--I was wrong! Why don't they hunt humans--I know this sounds awful, but why are they killing innocent animals?

  • kati
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    LC id like to know who told you that seal fur is sold to UK. i never seen it worn by anyone. we are very much against the fur trade. and as for horse meat????? we do not eat horse ever. you try finding some on our supermarket shelves. you wont

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It makes your blood boil at the frustration of not being able to stop this carnage by morons who think killing things is fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Theres a lot more worse in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well... we are a democracy (we kill people) they are... who knows what...

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