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What right has the foul mouthed Jo Brand got to report Carole Thatcher for a remark most coloured people would laugh off. It is sad that politically motivated minorities can cause so many problems. This is the first time ever i have thought of joining the BNP.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you want to go running to a Nazi party so you can be gratuitously racist and offensive then fine. The British Nazi Party welcomes morons to its ranks.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Easter bunnies have been merely made up. they have no longer something to do with Jesus Christ, Or Easter. Eater is approximately Jesus Christ no longer Bunnies or Eggs. Do bunnies lay eggs?? No! Black bunnies arent lovable thats why no person advertizes them! yet once you want a black bunny for Easter I propose you get the Reeses Peanut Butter Black Bunny or Chocolate Bunnies YUMM!

  • OGUN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    First Black people stopped being called colored a while ago. Second I know of no Black people of sound mind and dignity that will find the grotesque caricature of a golliwog or the buffoonish antics of a minstrel humorous. You are warped in your thinking if you think these are good images of Black people. Maybe the BNP is where you belong. At least you won't have to hide who you really are anymore...

  • 1 decade ago

    I read up on this now. She shouldn't have used the term Gollywog to define that tennis player. Not only is it mean to call names but because she has done this, the next time someone makes a reference to a Gollywog doll blacks and the PC crowd will be very upset. It gives them something else to complain about.

    Its a sad day when we can't make references to parts of our own culture for fear of upsetting people not of our culture. But she shouldn't have said what she said.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A black man is president of the world's only superpower. The world's top Formula 1 driver is black as is one of the world's top golfers and two of the world's top female tennis players. It's time for black people to be proud of their race and to stop being offended by it.

    As for golliwogs, they are the English version of the Swartzpetr doll who never has been an afro-caribbean man. He was the fellow St Nicholas sent down the chimney and his face and hair are black with soot. I think the queen should stop selling dolls that suggest that white men dress up as yeoman warders.

    Now that America has a black president, it's only a matter of time before the CIA is forced to stop funding white supremacist organisations around the world. If you're planning to join the BNP, you'll need plenty of cash - racism doesn't come cheap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is just silly we all know the words we that shouldn't utter in public and that includes off camera .where there's a group of people one doesnt know well "that's in public" . golly wog ,******, rag-head ect ..turn this on its head if there were a little old church going lady in the room and jo brand said you that scottish c**nt !! Murry. what then?

  • 1 decade ago

    You must realize that two wrongs do not make a right being foul mouthed is wrong but it is equally offensive to make racist comments. In public life you should consider what you say.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a golliwog as a toy when I was a boy, and never associated it with black people until this political correctness came along. As for the black and white minstrels, they were whites dressed and made up in black make up, again I didn't associate them as rascist or against blacks. They sang songs for gods sake. if there was six white and six black, then they could be the black and white minstrels. It was only the time and circumstances where there weren't many black singers around to fulfil the role. I don't take offence at being called a Yorkie/Brit/Limey etc. political correctness is sick

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's got human rights!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    '' a remark most coloured people would laugh off ''

    oh really ? how arrogant are you ? who are you to address them '' coloureds '' ? do you know they like THAT term ? do you know every '' coloured '' person to know what they feel and what theyd laugh off ? NO you dont, you speak for yourself and no one else dear man. and anything like that will always be offensive to black people or people of colour, after all it was THEM not YOU who was subjected to racisim and slavery , so if i was you i would keep that UNEDUCATED opinion to yourself.

    and i dont care what so ever about thumbs down.

    Source(s): mixed race
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