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Lv 4
deadly asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Are you proud to be British if you are?

My similar question to the Canadians was thrown out. I asked about bears and seal pups being killed seems it is more important to not upset our Canadian friends than help defenceless animals.


It seems the general view is that its great to be English, Welsh or Scottish but only a few feel British. I also accept the politics of the last few years have not helped.

Update 2:

Allmariex yep but what do we do about it?

35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i am british and i am not proud.....this lil island aint what it used to be anymore, we let too many people in, to take our jobs, take our money and then for them to receive government handouts when we cannot even ensure that the great british public are financially stable. You cannot speak your mind for fear of being attacked as racists....jeeeeez what a wonderful place to live!!! We got to toughen up here or we will be over run by these numb nuts!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a Brit (I'm from South into that what you will!) but I live here. I find it amazing that you okes want to be English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish. Why not just be British?

    Listen. If you lived in Africa you would find that you Brits are almost universally admired, often because of the Empire (rather than despite it). You brought law, language, trade/commerce & an impartial government system. Your mistake was leaving us Africans in charge!

    When I first came here you lot were Brits. Since Tony Blair sold you Scottish & Welsh parliaments (how did he do that? Who in their right mind would pay for more bureaucrats?) you seemed to change & fragment.

    South Africa is trying to build ONE nation from several hundred, you guys are doing the opposite. I think your driver (my old China Tony) is taking you in the wrong direction!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am proud to be British, not for any political reasons or reasons based on race or ethnicity. I love my country, I'd love you repressent Britain in many things such as sport or the army. We may be put down for things going on at the moment politically and are also considered a nation of moaners but I am proud of the way we help other countries, the way we look after people that reside in our country, the way our medical care is free and the way that we unite during hard times. There are things I don't like but that comes with every nation, and mainly there are a small few that give us a bad name. For every one person that commits a crime there are ten that will help in a crisis, if a women on the street is being hit someone will usally help her, if a child is missing we unite in the hunt! we are not so bad. Pride for Britain. We are muti culteral country and we open our doors for those in need of shelter.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am. I am proud to live in a country that is open and liberal. London is one of the most exciting cities on earth. Our TV is the best in the world and in my opinion our shops are amazing! There are so many great places to visit and I think the city of Bath is one of the best places to chill out and lose a few hours.... Not everything is perfect, the standard of housing here is a joke compared to somewhere like America or Australia but I think there are faults in all countries but I am proud to tell people I am British when I am overseas.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a difficukt question to answer. Many things about Britain make me proud - such as Britain's leading role in psuhing for a more equitable sytem of international trade. At the same time I am ashamed of atrocities which Britain has been complicit in throughout history: the Boer War in South Africa, Suez, the Mau Mau war in Kenya, the Falklands war, Afghanistan and Iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not really either proud, or ashamed to be British/Scottish. Personally where someone comes from is not that important to me, lets face it every country in the world has their fair share of things to be proud of, and things that they would never want mentioned again............. being British is no worse than being any other nationality

  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of benefit to being a Brit.

    But nationality and patriotism...what a load of $hite we have to put up with because of it. Why can't all nations just play nice?

    Sadly, being proud to be English or Scottish or Welsh seems to involve hating anyone of the other nationalities.

    Childish and pathetic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm still hanging in there...still proud to be British, but I must admit this feeling is only with me while I'm in Britain. I travel a lot in business and I can see all around me that the respect Britain once enjoyed from other countries is in steep decline.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm proud to be British but not when it comes to my goverment.They suck BIG TIME.Going to war has made us more hated than ever.And,of course,the people never had a say in that,like everything else this Labour goverment has ever done.We are percieved by the rest of the world as aggressors.Well thanks Blair and co.Thanks to his international policies I'll never feel my daughter is safe anywhere and at any time in the UK.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm proud to be Scottish, and its good to see that the English ppl are also proud to be English. If we all take pride the may-be we will get GB back on the straight and narrow.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope - I'm proud to be English but choose to deny all knowledge of the discrace of being British.

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