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Should the Church?

Should it be made to accept new laws on homosexuals if it disagrees? I know people will say there are some in the Church. However if the Cof E do not wish to regonise them as part of their religion why should they?


Tuberoot Church of England. I am not judging homosexuals that is their own life. Its the principle.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course not.PC people are the first to complain if someone tries to force their opinions on them.Most people in the church and decent people really think that homosexual practices(not people as such) are abhorrent.What if paedophiles tried to force you to accept what they do,that you HAD to accept them into your home,give them a job etc,you'd be mortified.This is how we feel about HAVING to accept these new lawson homosexuality.

  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion the church should allow people to live as individuals. Yes the church has an opinion but so does everyone else. The church is so good at saying the bible says this the good lord says that etc but what you have to remember is that the bible has more contradictions than a government inquest. The way i see the bible is because it has so many contradictions it is therefor up to each and every person to read into it what they will but that also leads to people using it to be bigoted, small minded idiots. The sooner the curches butt out on trying to decide how people should live the better. So what if some people are homosexual or bisexual, everyone is different its what makes this world an interesting place to live in.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A church that does not apply the Gospel needs to change it's leadership. Jesus was called the 'friend of sinners.' He was also accused of drinking and eating much food. Jesus Himself admitted to it.

    Matthew 11:18 "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." ' But wisdom is proved right by her actions."

    If Jesus would hang around 'sinners', that is; those that knew they were sinners, then do you think that amongst the society of misfits that there MIGHT have been a homosexual amongst them? I do not think that it would make much difference to Him who was a sinner. It made a difference to Him about those who thought that they were just and right. i.e, the Pharisees. The religious ones who practiced the Law of Moses, and were responsible for keeping the word of God intact. They were the ones Jesus had problems with.

    I see that today with many Christian denominations. They impute the phrase, " You cannot be a Christian and do that." Which is NOT the Gospel message. The Gospel message is that if you believe in Jesus being the Christ, and that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved. Gay then means little. The position of being Gay might not be what God wants to address, as His Spirit is promised to enter into the believer, and change occurs according to His will. It might not be the Gay issue, but it could be. That's between the believer and God, who's relationship is personal to both God and the believer.

    Just letting you know, I don't know what 'C of E' is. ( ;

  • 1 decade ago

    God said homosexuality is an abomination, and no law passed by any government can change that, so no, the church must not accept any law that says they have to quit telling god's truth about the perversion of homosexuality.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's been my opinion that even though every religion can't agree on what's right they can all agree on what's wrong. Every religion sees murder and stealing as "bad things", not every religion sees women as evil or gays as heathans. With that said, every religion does have their own set of rules and if you don't fall under them, then you're not one of them! I can't see how a church or any other religious establishment will be kicking you out for not doing EXACTLY what they believe because that would be hypocritical of them; not everyone is perfect that's for sure! If you believe in Heaven and Hell and you believe in sin you know that ANY sin will send a person to Hell, and it is ONLY through your God where your judgment stands.

  • 1 decade ago

    If it is that important to us, we will start our own church. I know that there are several groups in Central NY that sprang up for that reason. Homosexxuality and being Christian do not need to be mutually exclusive items, and once the churchh realizes that, it may realize that the decline in attendance could be reversed. Of course, being raised catholic, I find it interesting that a HUGE majority of the organists for the catholic churches are gay. (I have yet to meet a straight organist for a catholic church)

  • 1 decade ago

    Churches should be free to do whatever it is they believe in without government interference provided their activities do not infringe on people outside the church's purview. If homosexuals want to belong to a church that opresses or condemns them that is their choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just as the government should stay out of the personal lives of individuals as far as marriage is concerned, the government should not interfere in with religious institution's right to accept/deny whoever they chose.

  • 1 decade ago

    that's like saying should we force Muslims to eat pork its wrong in there religion as homosexuality is in Christianity

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hello? "Separation of Church and State"?

    If you want to separate the church from the state, then you'd damm better well separate the state from the church.

    Are you trying to start a war?

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