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Lv 4
Dark asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Mexican Insurgents?

This month armed gunmen attacked a National Guard observation post on the Mexican boarder. I'd really like to see comments from all those thay say all the people coming across the boarder just want a better life and are good people who love this country.


Made this question in a hurry. Let me add that I don't believe that the majority of those coming across are bad people but I do believe that much of the traffic HEAVILY contributes to drugs and other violent crime. Illegal immigration cost this country far more than it gains and it's getting worse and more violent every day. It MUST be stopped. We have no obligation to Mexico's citizens.

Update 2:

And, carlosp, are you trying to say that U.S. policy in the Middle East has something to do with this? You're trying your damndest to spin this every which way but the right one. Mexican's, whether they were drug smugglers, coyotes, Mexican government agents, whatever crossed the U.S. boarder and attacked U.S. soldiers on U.S. soil. American troops haven't set foot in Mexico sense the Mexican American war. Some Mexican's seem to think they have a RIGHT to come here and act any which way they want and that becomes more obvious with each new assault on our boarder, so try as you might to paint the American people as evil it just goes to show what lengths some will go to to justify their criminal activity. If you really think we're as evil as you say then please leave this evil place and never return.

12 Answers

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There were many conflicting story's written about this.There were only 4 guardsmen at that outpost.They didn't say for sure if there was gunfire or not.I'm not sure it was an "attack" not in its true form.Don't get me wrong,I think that drug and human smugglers will do anything to accomplish their shady business.But I'm not sure this was a real serious intrusion.Although they had no business in the USA anyway. Its very interesting.I would have liked to have seen it to know the real facts.I'm not talking any illegals side I just think its been blown our of proportion by the medias of both pro and antis.

    I live in Arizona and my husband and I belong to the Minute Men

    So we will find out what happened from the Minute Men that are going to help.

    Gun-carrying volunteer members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps have launched patrols along the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona in support of National Guard troops who just 48 hours earlier were attacked by gunmen and had to retreat, according to officials.

    "We cannot allow this to happen," Minuteman spokeswoman Carmen Mercer told WND. "They were being attacked and had to retreat [because] they do not have permission to defend themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem with people of the USA is that they are used to attacking others without expecting retaliation. That's how many invasions happened before, in the 70s and 80s: Panama, Grenada, etc.

    But now it's the 90s, and people all over the world have access to information. And information is power. Once people realize they can and should strike back, the bully cannot hit others with impunity.

    Wonder why those National Guard troops had to run into Mexico to save themselves? Think about it.

    You are used to getting into other countries uninvited because if anyone protests, you use the "we got more f-cking nukes!" line. Not anymore. You get your troops into foreign soil without proper documents, they WILL get shot. You get rowdy as tourists, you WILL get shot. You invade a country on false premises, your troops WILL get shot.

    The world has changed, and they are not scared of you any more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is the direct result of the Democrats, LULAC, American GI Forum and ACLU's refusal to allow our govt to protect the southern border from invasion, armed or otherwise.

    Thank Solomon Ortiz (D) TX. and his cronies who want an open border and amnesty for criminal Mexicans so as to increase the Democratic Party's influence and their personal fortunes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a wonderful way to put it!!!!

    Thanks for those links.

    Sadly, even though there is proof, there are still those bleeding heart liberals that care more about the criminals than their fellow Americans.

    What a shame what is happening to this Country and we can all thank the politically correct idiots.

    You are so right, but do expect some nasty comments from some of these ignorant people.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like I said in my prior posted question,!

    Nothing is going to alter the plan to take over this country by low cost and dare I say pretty stupid illegals. Its not the illegals plan, thier incapable of such plan. they are told what to do..get across the border with the help of your government supplied GPS, take any job or sign up for hand outs, squirt out a few anchor babies. Its the globalists with the plan ie Ford foundation, CFR, Bilderburgers and so on. MALDEF has millions and millions of dollars to fight all of us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aren't going to get an argument from me. I've met very few who fall under the good people catagory.

  • 1 decade ago

    We all want a better Life and that includes SOMEe peace of mine that all is an equal balance and everyone has the same opportunituies to pay equal amount of tax and etc etc

  • 1 decade ago

    The border fence would stop a lot of this....

  • 1 decade ago

    I say it is a war against America to satisfy their interests only!!~ and some of our own people are helping them!

  • 1 decade ago

    Them illegals are just a bunch of filthy criminals that pick lettuce by day and smuggle dope by night.

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