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msqtech asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

BCS Controversy??

So now that we have one undefeated(Boise State) team, why is there no clamor for them to be number one. Why is everyone silent about the teams that are cut out of contention by the BCS? Is it because they arent in a major conference that is making the big money from the BCS? Boise St. has as much right to claim the national championship as USC did when they weren't Champs but ESPN decided they deserved the title.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its all about strenght of schedule, Boise just doesnt play enough top tier teams every year, yeah the deserve credit for going undeafted, but unil they play more top tier teams every year they will never be number 1


  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, they weren't "cut out" of contention. They were awarded a BCS bowl game because they finished the regular season ranked 12th or higher. They were not awarded a title shot due to the fact that their regular season schedule is relatively weak. But after seeing what they did to Oklahoma, I DO empathize with your main thought here. It is about the money, but it's also about the "sexy" matchup. Had Oklahoma finished ranked higher than they were and not been screwed by the officials in the Oregon game, do you think they'd still be forced to play Boise State? I think not. Boise would still be there, but against who? OSU? Hardly. Until there's a PLAYOFF that employs the BCS ranking system, there will NEVER be a true champion in my book except for the ones that finish undefeated. They need to PLAY for the title shot AND the title, not have the whole thing orchestrated by some yahoo's computer idea. All I ask is that the BSU'S of the world not get screwed because of their schedule. Sure, let the computer seed the teams based on won-loss record against strength of schedule, but nothing more! Let the players PLAY!

  • Adam
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The BCS blows, I think alot of teams deserved a title shot, thats why we need a playoff....You are exactly right about boise state.

    I would have liked to see the following 8 team playoff:

    1.Ohio State(would have been seeded before last night obviously

    2. Florida

    3. Michigan (again seeded before rose bowl)

    4. USC

    5. Lousiville

    6. Boise State(Undefeated anyone?)

    7. LSU

    8. Wake Forest (gotta reward them for winng ACC)

    Ok so thats not perfect either, but regardless of the seeds, those are probably the 8 teams that most desevered a shot, and also, you could argue wisconsin and arkansas,

    either way even what I have is alot better than the bcs

  • 1 decade ago

    It has a lot to do with their schedule difficulty, and credit they get from broadcasters like ESPN. If the Rutgers were to go undefeated this year as well i highly doubt they would have played OSU. The bigger named schools are more well known and are given credit for their past accomplishments. f.e. N.D., USC, Florida, and OSU. Also look for Big Ten teams to start moving up in the polls because ESPN is now going to be affiliated with the Big Ten. Boise State deserves a title shot, and that's why A LOT of people are wanting a playoff for the NCAA champ.

    Source(s): ESPN radio
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  • 1 decade ago

    The only real team Boise State played all year was a down year Oklahoma, who they barely beat. When Boise State wants to schedule some real teams for the regular season, then maybe they'll get some respect. Do you think Boise State goes undefeated in the Big 10 or the SEC? No way.

    Source(s): Logic
  • 1 decade ago

    Boise State has the same problem as Ohio State- they don't play anyone. Ohio State just had the benefit of a pre-season #1. Don't get me wrong- Boise State played a HELL of a game against Stoops' boys, which really got everyone's attention, but they have to play more of those BIG games to get higher rankings. Who knows how far they could go? No one, and that's the problem.

    Playoff, anyone?

  • 1 decade ago

    its the same thing that happened to auburn 04 season undefeated and still finished 2nd because we played one bad team that year, boise has done well this year but they didnt play extremely hard teams either, i would have to say the SEC is the hardest district to play in

  • consider this... if we DID have a playoff system, the Boise State / Oklahoma game wouldn't have happened, and fans would have missed out on one of the greatest college football games of all time.

    However, their strength of schedule is such that they don't really deserve to be national champs. Florida would have mopped the floor with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why should there be clamor for them to be #1? They went 13-0 against a schedule that most Division III teams wouldn't play.

    13-0 against the nobodies they played would be about equivalent to 9-4 in a BCS conference. They should be happy to be #5.

  • 1 decade ago

    its Strength of Schedule...and theres is weak. Nothing else you can say about it ...i do wish Boise State was in a Stronger Confrence so they would either 1 Make some noise in the BCS...or 2 Do nothing which is why they were moved to a weaker confrence to begin with...ESPN is right...they dont deserve the Title.

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