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18 Male Living in Syracuse/Buffalo Love American Sports

  • Tom Brady flopping?

    I know this is quite late but Im a busy college student give me a break...

    Who else fell out of their chair laughing when "perfect" "best quarterback of all time" Tom Brady threw the interception at the end of the game, I mean come on hes supposed to be the "greatest clutch passer ever" well he didnt look to clutch to me when a guy wearing the wrong color jersey caught the ball, bet he misses Viniterri now doesnt he??

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Sam Mitchell, Class Act!?!?

    In tonights NJ-Toronto game, Vince Carter was poked in the eye accidently by anthony parker and fell to the floor. In order to stop the clock so they could protect Vince, the Nets commited a touch foul. During the time out, Sam Mitchell the raptors head coach, apparently instructed his players to return the foul to the Nets, because on the next play the raptors committed a touch foul intentionally. Im pretty sure Mitchell felt it was wrong that the raptors scored on two foul shots just because the nets wanted to protect and injured player, and felt it was right to return the favor....Does anybody else think its nice to see a touch of Class in todays classless game??

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • NJ Nets Fans???

    The nets have a ton of talent 1-3 positions but not great 4 and 5

    Obviiously you have Kidd, Carter and Jefferson

    but then coming off the bench you also have Hassan Adams, Marcus Williams, Boone, and Wright.

    Unfortunately as im sure you've noticed none of those are really big guys.

    Your the GM, how do you fix the problem given the players above and the draft picks??

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Qur'an translation??

    Can anyone reccomend a reliable translation of the Qur'an(Koran which ever you prefer) I need it in english but I have heard that many translations are inaccurate.....

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jemarcus Russell??

    I heard today he has declared for the draft, even though I think he should have stayed in college, hes certainly the best QB in the draft, you think the raiders will draft him or will they wise up and draft an O lineman or somebody

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • The bible says....?

    Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart…Psalm 37:4

    I've just been doing a lot of thinking, and I just wanna know what you guys think, does that mean that he will help you get what you want, or help you be happy with what you have? or anything else really, I just want some outside views on interpretation i guess

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it really a sin to commit suicide??

    After all isnt it true that god has your whole life planned out for you, so if you committ suicide wouldnt that have to have been his plan?? I mean, I can see how it would also be considered murder, but wouldnt that mean if you committ suicide god planned it for you and he planned you to be a murderer, and if god planned it does that make it a sin??

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hall of Famer???

    Can someone please explain to me why Art Monk is not in the Hall of Fame yet?? Untill Jerry came along this guy was the best there ever was, granted Jerry is much better but Monk is a huge snub and deserves to be in already, why the hold up?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Jim F*cking Delaney??

    This is on the Yahoo NCAAF page;_ylt=AsRWQvGVo....

    Anybody else read that story and think how fuc*ing rediculous it is that one man can stand in the way of America getting what it wants, every year more and more coaches of Major Schools and recently even the presidents of major Universities have joined the fight against the BCS and he can hold them all in it?? According to the Article the Pac-10 and the Big Ten Threaten to take the Rose Bowl out of the BCS system if the other conferences push for a play off, Who's going to bother watching th erose bowl if every year its either USC-Michingan or USC-Ohio State. This man is the more rediculous Greedy controlling P.O.S. ever and if this story is true and its really his fault. He deserves to at least lose his job if not get shot. He even admitted that he knows america wants a playoff but said its not going to make him enough money so he wont

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Russell from LSU??

    This guy is crazy good, Im watching the sugar bowl right now, he's 6'6" 260 pounds, bigger than most of the ND defensive players..He just made a throw that literally made my Jaw drop, he threw it about 60 yards on the run, Now The commentators say he can throw 85 yards from his feet, 60 yards on his knees and 40 yards sitting down. Thats amazing. He also had a 20 yard or so scramble earlier, plus another for a touchdown, hes no mike vick but hes pretty mobile, like the bus at that weight I mean come on...Im convinced this guy is going to make a huge Impact in the NFL, has he declared yet? and if he does will he be lucky enough to not be drafted by the Raiders or will he be unfortunately their man..Opinions also welcomed

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Vince Young, Rookie of the Year??

    Does anyone else think its BS that He won rookie of the year?? He is pretty good, but his numbers arent great for a quarterback, even amongst rookies..and What about McNeil in San Diego?? LT didnt block for himself you know. Or Marques Colston?? he broke many rookie records even in an offense thats full of talent.

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What is the ashes?

    All I know is it is something to do with a sport. Im an American and tend to stay wrapped up in football and basketball, but I've seen alot of stuff on here about the ashed and im curious to know what it is...any information would be appreciated

    9 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Best Professional Sports Rivalry Ever?

    Im a redskins fan and a yankees fan so Redskins-Cowboys and Yankees-Red Sox are my picks but I know im baised and their are other huge rivalries name some??

    5 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Kolb....??

    Im looking for information on Kolb the QB from Houston, I try to keep myself well Informed about all things football and have never heard of him before, although I have heard he is quite talented. Im also a beleiver that stats dont tell the real story, So I guess im looking for fans of his or the team that have seen him play that can tell me about his talent level etc.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Lens Scratches?

    Is there a product to fix scratches on the lens of my prescription glasses, like to fill them in without being noticable or an obstruction...this may just be wishful thinking, but I dont really wear my glasses enough to pay to replace them over this but it is pretty annoying when I do wear them instead of my contacts, am I just wishfully thinking or is there an actual product? and if so where can I find it?

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Favorite Food thats not hard to make?

    Whats everybodies favorite food that a regular person can make easily in their own kitchen...Mines probably lasagna

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I have a theory....?

    Does anyone else think that the majority of Answers users just do it to distract themselves from their reality, whatever the problem may be?? I do not doubt that the questions asked are legit questions, I'm speaking more of the way people will just sit and answer questions for long periods of time...My theory is its just a big distraction...agree or disagree? Im open to all views

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Answers?

    Is there anyway to see how many people are logged into yahoo answers at any given time??

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Dont you realize?

    Doesnt anyone realize that these polls like who likes bush and who supports the way he runs our country are just going to be innacurate anyways??...People are only going to bother wasting their time if they feel strongly one way or another so 9/10 people arent going to answer, and usually people who hate him or whatever the poll is about will answer because the people who support him, know..hey hes in office what do i care what you why bother wasting your time when you know the answers you're gonna get??

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • NCAA Rankings?

    I beleive UCLA is ranked 1 right now, but with all the number twos who has lost and I dont really think that highly of UCLA. The whole nation seems about even, is there a lot of really good teams, or is nobody that good??

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago