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Lv 4

I have a theory....?

Does anyone else think that the majority of Answers users just do it to distract themselves from their reality, whatever the problem may be?? I do not doubt that the questions asked are legit questions, I'm speaking more of the way people will just sit and answer questions for long periods of time...My theory is its just a big distraction...agree or disagree? Im open to all views


Yea I'll admit it I fall in my own theory, alot of sh*t has been happening to me and when I cant sleep at night I find that thinking about the answers to these questions keeps me from thinking about my yes

Update 2:

the person who talked about the tough choice, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing i cant tell?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i sit in a wheelchair,been bound to it for two week now,motorcycle accident,leg broken and both feet,nearly got it amputated.

    but yes,i would say your right and wrong,when i first joined as you can see i'm very new to this,it was addictive,i felt i was among people,i could interact with them for the time i was sitting here,it feels good when someone says,hey that was a good question,or when you see a thumbs up at your answer,it needent be the best,but its enough for me.

    to have your opinion heard is an emotional exercise of releasing energy clogged up,to see what you can answer and what you cant,to see an interesting question or answer and just looking at it.

    so yes in a way i believe your right.

    good question.

  • 1 decade ago

    It appeals to a certain type of individual. Checking out some peoples points I would have to say even addictive. I only go on site whilst at work due to the computer being heaps faster and the boredom. I have to burn 12 hours tonight so what better way than to answer and ask a few questions. Plus some of the chicks sound hot.

  • Jaded
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Anything can be an escape from reality, if you make it so...movies, music...anything that can distract really..but that is not the initial reason people make movies or music, see?..its about art and entertainment..and Yahoo! Answers is interesting too, bcuz we as humans find answering questions, and asking them to be interesting...but the intial point of it is to help people find questions that maybe they´ve always wanted to know the answers to but could never find..its to make things easier to figure out..or at least, its a source of information...and believe me even if no one can help you directly bcuz its the internet...just listening to people´s thoughts and opinions can help a whole lot...

    So, you´re asking if i think its just a big distraction? No, i dont think it is the purpose of Yahoo! Answers to be a distraction...but as i said, anything, can be a distraction if you want it to be.

    This is just my opinion though, so i dont really know the true purpose of anything for sure.

    Thanks for the interesting question.

    Hope you have a nice day. :)

  • LC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree.

    I get on Yahoo answers not only to pass time at the boring job on the night shifts but because it distracts me from my daily problems. It's like my therapy and I feel much better after being on here.

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  • mom
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This American likes to answer Yahoo questions for something fun to do.

    I do not take it seriously.

    I disagree with your theory that it is a big distraction, that makes it sound so serious.

    I am just surfing the web, no big deal.

    What are you doing here?

  • 1 decade ago

    uhhh lets see?

    I can spend my interminablly boring 8 hour shift reading the news and seeing how many more of our boys and innocent civilians are being killed in iraq, that the world's temperature is increasing out of control and that experts believe we'll have this entire planet decimated in 50 some years, read about more child molestors or crazed parents that put their kids in the microwave, etc.


    i can answer a bunch of questions, making myself feel just a little superior in that my opinions must mean something to somebody

    tough choice

  • 1 decade ago

    All forms of entertainment are a distraction. So, you're correct - though I don't fully agree with the nuances of your thesis.

  • Tish P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you whole heartedly. I do this all day to distract me from the long hours of doing not very much at work.

  • 1 decade ago

    I stay on Y!A for ling periods of time only when I feel very busy and stressed, but when I have nothing to do I usually go to other sites..

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh No!!! Your finally catching on!!!

    No!!!!!! or (atleast for me) my answers are to help people who are in need of advice, or sometimes their sarcastic to lighten up the mood!!! Yahoo answers is based on helping people not to escape from reality!!!!

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