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Yahoo moderators strike again -what do you think?

Hello Tim S

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines. As a result, your content has been deleted.

Question: I bet nobody else has 1400% best answers....?

Deleted Answer: You are showing me up! I was very pleased with my 100% best answers until now!! ( having said that - as a result of answering this question I have gone down to 97% - hopeless)

Reason of Violation:Chatting & Personal Communications

(It was voted as a best answer as well!!)


ps for those who didn't know it was a day when a computer glitch gave everyone silly points and lots of people were having a light hearted joke about it

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was indeed a good answer. The Answers "team" is staffed by two 12 year olds with no sense of humour or an iota of intelligence between them.

    Bet this gets a violation notice as well, for insulting other participants!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think this is becoming a breeding-ground for fascists and racists actually. Maybe eventually the two will cancel each other out and we can all be left in peace!

    Oh, and a few minutes ago I was informed that I had 24 points, no Best Answers and was on Level -1. And on the glitch day I had 120% Best Answers and over 20 thousand points - did my self esteem no end of good!

  • 1 decade ago

    I had 245% the other day so must try and catch you up. It said I had 75 best answers but only 28 answered questions. I'm trying to work out how I could have done it. Good glitch that!

    Now I'm gonna get a violation too! As most of the time questions are just asking for opinions rather than specific answers we are all in violation anyway. I can't think why anyone would report your answer other than them being a total *** hole (another violation for me I guess) and we all know they are out there!

    Does anyone think Yahoo actually reads questions and answers that are reported? I dont.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, they're tools. I just deleted a violation notice from them not more than 20 seconds ago. The reason? I was insulting to the person asking the question, which should be ok since she was spouting hate and bigotry at people. Maybe the sad cow just couldn't take it and reported me.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • mcfifi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In my experience when you get a violation notice for something that clearly isn't a violation, you have upset someone on another question or answer.

    They (and their friends) then go through every question and answer you have and report it.

    There are groups of nutjobs operating on Y!A (and I don't mean the staff!) who make a point of ensuring people with whose views they disagree get violation notices.


  • Spud55
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My first thought is how does a person have 1400% best answers? If every answer was chosen as best you'd only have 100%, and that would be pretty unlikely unless you've only answered one question and got lucky.

    Having said that, you're right; the facist commie censors are always at it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    It takes a couple of minutes to make a sparkling account so banning them may not be adequate. we ought to continually have a cap on what number posts a person can make (even intense leveled ones). 10k responses in an afternoon is ridiculous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice, hunh? Espcially, since someone was on here yesterday w/ the same spam about 5 times, talking about how to make $ at home and it still hadn't been taken off. At least yours was an educated answer, unlike some that are on here. ;)

  • Roxy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I fail to understand how replying to an answer is chatting. If it is, we're all in breach of the guidelines! Naughty Roxy, slapped wrists for you, girl!

  • Mary W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So many of us have received violations for 'inappropriate' answers or questions. Including me.

    Too many out there who are bent power-trippers and kill-joys.

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