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what did you eat??

Im sure this question has been asked before but when you where pregnant what did you eat, crave? This is my first child and I'm 8 weeks and 4 days i know each person has different taste just wondering what you liked....

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Black olives and paper towels. Of course I couldn't eat paper towels, but I would open a roll and just sit and smell!!! I know it's crazy but I couldn't help it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pretty much the entire first trimester I wanted pickles ALL THE TIME...I also really liked to drink the pickle juice (i know it's weird but it was so salty and delicious!) I never craved sweets, usually just salty/sour/vinegary things....

    I have gotten over that, but now I'm obsessed with mustard! I've never been a fan of mustard before but now I'm always eating hot dogs basically as a vehicle for the mustard! I also have an unusually high desire for mayonaise...

    Weird, I know :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Cauliflower, the canned frosting for German Chocolate Cake, and Shake n’ Bake pork chops.

    The only thing that tasted bad was tomato-based products in the first trimester. I also craved Kentucky Fried Chicken one day, but it grossed me out once I got it (go figure!)

  • 1 decade ago

    Before I found out I was pregnant I craved crab cakes and here lately I have been craving Big Macs. Congratulations

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  • 1 decade ago

    Pickles with peanut butter all over them with my first son and with my daughter i craved the smell of the green goo ( kids get it in the 25 cent machines at stores) I knew I couldn't eat it but i sure loved to smell it. With my pregnancy now I'm always wanting cake and water.

  • Gig
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    suprisingly i craved the things my body needed. with my first born i craved hamburgers! I was borderline vegiterian eating only fish, and the red meat was like heaven to me haha. Guess my body needed it. This time around I crave water... i'm thirsty all the time, i drink 10 bottles of water a day. I love it! Guess my body needs that too :P

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A-1 sauce with everything! 22 weeks pregnant with # 4

  • 1 decade ago

    i didn't have any wild cravings...i was waiting for em, but didn't get em.

    the only things i can say that i kind of craved was chocolate milk (i drank it almost every day...couldn't get enough!), and everything had to be fresh, like fresh fruits and veggies. loved em!

    couldn't stand ground meat, though. hamburgers made me ill and i still don't eat them unless it's mcdonald's or something.

    my best friend used to want onions on everything, though, and she HATES onions, normally.

    take care and have fun! you'll miss being pregnant after the baby gets here, but that's o.k. b/c you'll be so happy about the baby:)


    lollipops, too. i liked lollipops and hard candies.

  • 1 decade ago

    I craved mexican food with my first. I had gestational diabetes with my second pregnancy and I ate peanutbutter and banana sandwiches for breakfast almost every morning. I don't know if I craved them becasue they were so yummy or because that was one of the few things I could eat for breakfast that kept my sugar down!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Shrimp cocktails (a bit spicy), pickled okra, pickles, Coco puff cereal, string cheese sticks. Allot of other stuff too, but I didn't eat them all the time.

    I don't even like most of that usually, but they are very good right now.

    Source(s): 5 months pregnant
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