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Guy problems...........?

Ok, so I'm asking again for a friend,

My friend is married to this guy for a little over a month, and they have been together for 2 1/2 years. They have 1 daughter, and she is almost due to have their second child. Anyways....

She caught him talking to girls on the internet, about personal stuff, and sex. He's done it before, and promised he would quit, and as it turned out, he lied. He just hid it better, but not good enough,as she found out again. On the site he says he will relocate for the right girl, WTF! So.....if you were in her shoes what would you do? Would you stay with him (as he claims he still loves her) or would you leave his sorry @ss? Remember, he's done this before and promised to quit.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's going a bit over board with this knowing it upsets his wife quite understandably and should have kept his promise even if he just does it for his own amusement which may be the case. I'm married and talk with both male and female on line friends but not in such a manner as that . My wife knows because I do or say nothing to hide from her and if she was the slightest bit bothered I definitely wouldn't do it even to the point of getting rid of my computer altogether to calm any misgivings she may have . He's acting like a clod as far as his wife's feelings are concerned and should get rid of his computer , a small price to pay to atone for his foolish behavior though at this point perhaps shouldn't develop into a marriage breaker I hope . His wife has a right to call him on the carpet about this and he should be ashamed of himself .

  • 1 decade ago

    One word....divorce! I know that sounds harsh in a sense. But he obviously was not ready to be a family man and he is not husband material. It is one thing if a guy were to have casual conversation with another girl on the internet it is another if sex talk and personal matters are discussed. Your friend deserves so much better than that.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they are married I would do marriage counseling first. The guy is being an ****** and they need a professional to help the situation. If after that there isn't any change, then she can leave his sorry @ss.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some guys have problems with stuff like this. I don't know why, though. Some go online and watch porn and stuff all the time and they said they'll stop. It's an addiction. Tell your friend to get her guy to get help.

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  • 1 decade ago

    print out all evidence; get a good lawyer. take his as_s through the cleaners. there is no point of trying to save something that can't be save. words are just words to him; it's just meaningless. it's just sad that he'll just look for the next-best-thing that will come along. pack up her bags and her kids and find a good lawyer.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would make him go to marriage counseling and if he refuses, I'd kick him to the curb fast!

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats just like cheating...3 strikes and your out is my rule!

  • avechm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You know this, and hopefully, you'll get a lot of answers like this and show her: he won't stop, she needs to leave!!!

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