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Why dont USA just take over IRAQ?

They, now, know any govt of Iraquians will be just as bad as Saddam...same ideals of a dictatorship and lack of order. Theoretically, what would happen if USA just installed their own govt with all the benefits that USA social security, free cheap TVs and repaired homes, USA magazines, cheap fastfoods, supermarkets, pretty up their places of worship for them.

Would the people be disarmed by user friendly goods and services or fight to be back with their old regime?...even if USA didnt say they couldnt have their God...just like all other immigrants to USA? How many would really resist honey if they only have had vinegar right now and for a very long time...even if it also meant the lands goodies (ie oil) also went to provide that and USA? England took over many countries until it was time to let given the instability....perhaps Iraq needs the same until they get with globalisation and the needs of the planet?

If there are any theorists out there?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LET THE POWER OF MY ENCHANTED RING ENLIGHTEN YOU...The USA has to a degree taken over Iraq. Bush and his supporters hoped to overthrow Saddam's regime, to be welcomed as heroes and liberators,and establish a Jeffersonian democracy in Iraq. The first part is done but the second and third parts are lacking. Fully taking over Iraq could be attempted, but would fail. Establishing a Jeffersonian Democracy in Iraq as it is in America would mean overcoming two important elements:

    1.Separation between church and state. This is where Christianity and Islam outlooks are vastly different. We in the US have established for the most part a separation of federal/state government and religious ideology. In Islam the two can not be separated and religious ideology reigns supreme.

    2. Freedom of speech and the press. We enjoy being able to say and think what we want over just about everything. Again the difference in religious ideology, would prevent this element from being fully implemented in Iraq.

    Lest, lets not forget that the Iraq has more history than the US and England. The Iraqi people are proud of their culture and civilization. Having cheap fast foods, USA magazines, and so forth may seem desirable some to folks but an insult to others.

  • Webber
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually, Saddam's government did not have lack of order. That is what is so particularly galling.

    If the US just installed their own government they would be failing to take into account the tribal and religious aspect of the nation. The fact the US is not wanted in Iraq is a biggie. The people are not going to be bought. With their houses destroyed and half their family dead, a cheap TV is an insult.

    The situation in Iraq has gone from bad to worse, and is truly a no-win situation. This is my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    The U.S. has already taken over Iraq. We are an occupying force there and the government is really a puppet government at this time. What is going on there is imperialism, though it isn't called that. Iraq is a bit far away to become the 51st state and there are a couple of territories ahead of em right now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ... if the US had done the logical thing that any 6th grader could figure out, and had took over iraq from the start and disarmed and made peace over there ... then the actual plan to stay in the middle east indefinitely and eventually put down iran and syria couldnt have been done .... the problem is the american people are kept in the dark about why we are there ... we havent "lost" the war .. and the "civil war" is part of a preconcieved plan and is allowed and even instagated ... why? well, ur looking at it now ... israel is going to be working with us and we have bolstered ship strength in the gulf .. and now more troops to continue on and attack iran and syria next ... the idea is to root out anyone and anything in the middle east that will oppose american policy in the future ... eventually they want things to be rather peaceful there and to run the whole thing ... they want to militarize the entire middle east as a strategic move that will put the us in a position to stay strong in the face of the next emerging superpower .. China... so in conclusion, since the cold war ended american foreign policy has looked at the overall world situation into the future and has predicted the main threat to the existance of the united states ... and this IS about war with china.

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  • 1 decade ago

    are you serious or just kidding?

    free cheap TV, cheap fast food as important beneficial cultural items? And have you looked at the problems of US social security lately?

    You like me to come to your house and redecorate it for you? I am pretty sure I have better taste... Give me your address and I throw all the kitsch out and put some real good stuff in there. You are bound to jump for joy for that offer! I can guarantee you that you will be completely disarmed by my good taste and friendly smile, even as I throw out your long-cherished seashell-decorated box from great-auntie. And oh, by the way, you certainly won't mind if some of my relatives happen to drop by tomorrow for an indeterminate stay. I am sure you will put fresh sheets on the beds in the master bedroom with a song on your lips and joy in your heart.

    I think you are kidding!

  • 1 decade ago

    The USA tax payers now own Iraq. We broke it we must pay for it.

    Watch the oil distribution deal in Iraq. In that deal you will find truth.

    The Iraq war will cost working class tax payers $2 trillion over ten years. Bush will in February will ask Congress for another $100 billion for Iraq. The new 21,500 service members in Iraq will cost tax

    payers $5.6 billion. We currently have a $9 trillion debt over the next ten years, working class tax payers will pay that.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    existence less than Saddam changed into undesirable yet little ones were not demise like insects. existence less than Saddam changed into undesirable yet little ones of all sects even the Christan little ones went to college . existence less than Saddam changed into however the little ones had water to drink. existence less than Saddam changed into undesirable yet he saved the terrorist far flung from the little ones of Iraq. The terrorist are there because us of a is there. Your president suggested that's larger to strive against them there then in us of a. Your president does not care what number little ones die in Iraq as long as you're save in us of a.He did say no American baby must be left in the back of. yet look if he look after the little ones who're the sufferer of Katrina

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Once upon a time, there was a President named Bush who had a merry band of neocons who dreamed of doing just what you propose. Problem is it wasn't as easy as they thought and.....guess what?.......the Iraqis just don't want to be Americans! I know that is just hard to fathom but it is true!

    Those ungrateful Iraqis had the audacity fight back! SOME PEOPLE........!

  • 1 decade ago

    Given all the contracts awared to US companies to rebuild Iraq I thought they already had taken over!

    America isnt interested in Iraq as a country - only access to cheap oil. The whole Iraq situation has nothing to do with people - its about money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because America already has access to the one thing they wanted... Oil. Taking over the country now would just be an inconvenience.

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