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Single mother of 3 children, 44, live in Adelaide Australia.

  • Porcelain behind teeth?

    I have fairly thin teeth. I smoke and drink red wine. I get my teeth de-tarred every year or two. I hate it when my teeth look grey...not because of the front of them...they look fine...its because the back get black from tar, etc.

    I have an old porcelain tooth mid-back that has NEVER got tar stains upon it...its the same color as when I got it 20+ years ago.

    My question is....if my teeth look good in the front, nice shape and color when the backs are cleaned...why dont dentists offer to thicken the BACK of the teeth with white stuff (porcelain?)so that the darkness doesnt show through or so that the tar doesnt adhere?

    Is there a reason porcelain wont cling to the back of the tooth as opposed to the front? If I had icky front teeth I'd go for veneers but they are lovely when the back of them is why cant they glue something in back so they look clean regardless and enable flossing still?

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How to move to USA?

    My 18 yr old daughter, caucasian, (Australian Citizen) wants to live in USA. She doesnt know anyone there. She doesnt have a job but is keen to have one. She doesnt have much money. Is her wish an impossible dream? How hard is it to find an honest job and place to live? Over here its relatively easy to find work and safe digs but I have no idea what she could do to change her life in that direction.

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • 2 sisters have different fathers, same moms. They both have children to different men.?

    What is the relationship between the offspring? Are they cousins or something removed? If they havent met does it make any difference?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Death penalty in Australia?

    I am curious that John Howard would say that he thought it would be very bad if the Bali Bombers did NOT get the death penalty for their actions.

    If he believes in it, for other countries, why doesnt he try to reinstate it in Australia? Maybe there should be a referendum on the subject? Why we should feed and clothe, serial killers/rapists, pedophiles, at the taxpayers expense is beyond me.

    I'm not condoning hanging or painful deaths...just sleeping pill with lethal injection. It would not be for revenge, simply a removal of a person that can never be socialised or let out of prison again. With the DNA testing these days, the likelihood of getting the wrong perpetrator is far less likely (which is why they stopped it, too many wrongful deaths?).

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do UK chinese curries taste so different?

    I used to love UK local chinese food...the curries. I live in Australia now I have never found the same taste. Does anyone know what the difference is, besides the colour of being yellow instead of brown? I long for a good British chinese curry recipe.

    5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Why ISNT it embarrassing for coloured people to believe in God?

    Tribal Africans did not know of a God. Did they have one or were they free of all godlike entities? Only white people taught about Jesus. They enslaved them too. When Africans were free, why didnt they return to Africa or at least the beliefs that went before.

    I find it astonishing that the newer generations cling to Christianity, after all their forebears went through. Why dont they go back to their homeland and re-establish themselves....with their newfound knowledge and technology. They arent poor why dont they go home and help their own people that really need it?

    It seems like they shut their eyes to the requests on TV for monetary help for starving children. I have never heard of an African American donating anything or adopting African they not care or are they repulsed by their own race now? With so many Africans doing so well come they arent creating large adoptive families to protect their own links?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How death occurred? Neck compression due to hanging.?

    My spouse died due to suicide but I cant get a handle on what he went through and I need to know. It was a short drop from a pergola...he kicked away a stool he stood on. His face was white when I found him (maybe 4-5 hours after the fact) protrusive tongue...peaceful expression on his hands from blood flowing back to them I guess...he had clothes I dont know the rest.

    Its like....10 years later but I still need to know how long or if he suffered at all. No-one has been able to say or havent and its...I just need to know. Ive been clouded in judgement and fear but my best friend died and I want to know how he felt. I want to be with him when he when he comes back to me, as he does sometimes (all the time). Maybe it will lay some of my questions to rest. I know why but dont know how.

    Do any medical people, mediums or afterlife people.....please no guessers or comedians reply. Please tell me how my 18 year old marriage ended as it did...why?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who sang "You Dont Own Me" in the 70/80's?

    It sounded like the Osmond Bros but it was some other male group...with a "Brothers" in the title. Yes I know Lesley Gore, Wild Orchid, Bette Midler and the Dirty Dancing film all had the same song but I want to know which Brothers in the 70/80s had the song because they did it the best and I cant find it on Bearshare.

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Robert Downey Jnr?

    Why are there no GOOD fansites for this guy. He's talented, sings beautifully and I, for one, want more, more, more and MORE. More ghosty stuff, more loving, more Vonda Shepard plus HIM music. Why cant I find a website to tell him that? He knows he's brilliant but he needs to get more work done....for us...the world. Please dont let him die before he fulfills his overload of good movies? Tell him people. Freaking work your ass off, we want you up there on the screen for many more years. Directors (Spielberg) pick some magic roles to see him in please? Spielberg your things suck lately and we need more magic and less seriousness. I miss him so much because he just wraps up chic flicks and paranormal so big brother and annoying but steadfast lover in one. An idiot, sensible, intelligent bad boy, who has a lovely voice and is so nice/huggable. Keep him working as long as you can? Duets work best.....we girly girls need our fill of hear me?

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is there a site dedicated to classical music that has been updated to contemporary with lyrics?

    Like Robin Thicke (and Guy Sebastion?) has copied Beethovens Fifth (When I Get You Alone) and Louise Tucker did a few (Midnight Blue, Only For You, Graveyard Angel).....have any other artists copied classical music with lyrics.....that I can download?

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Would you support a worldwide database for DNA?

    At the moment Australia has a national database for victims of crimes and criminals. Wouldnt it make more sense to DNA test all babies at birth (and incoming refugees/migrants of course)?

    It would prevent and identify so many problems, that I really cannot understand why advanced governments are not willing to go the extra mile and provide free DNA testing, as they do for all other newborn blood tests etc.

    I know its costly but so is dealing with the crimes/fraud that could be easily solved....maybe that would balance the accounts? If a rapist/murderer is caught the first time due to evidence how many lives would that save (if it was to be the beginning of a serial case (as so many turn out to be). John/Jane Does would be immediately identifiable.

    Would you baulk at having your newborns mouth swabbed for DNA.....even though it is innocent now but could be a victim OR perpetrator in the future?

    Would Big Brother be such a bad thing if its also your best protection?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Sleeping pills awakening coma patients?

    There are thousands of coma patients worldwide and the info that Ambien or other-named sleeping pill DO wake some coma patients up, must have been why arent newly awkened victims coming to light? Why isnt it presribed to every single coma patient on earth just in case? If it is...why isnt it reported or documented for the general public?

    I dont get why we only heard of the miracle (ok joining of axioms or electrical impulses in the brain) for such a short time but why every single case wasnt reported upon. For each family...the good or bad facts would be why the silence?

    Please dont answer if you dont know...but any scientist, healthworker or FDA person....SPEAK UP because Im at a loss as to why such an important study isnt accessible on the net. Its not that new...and its infuriating that there seem to be no statistics or proper worldwide investigation. Surely no-one would leave any person in a flux if the cure was a pill away?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when you pee fluorescent thick yellow jelly?

    Im not now but have done when I didnt eat much and drank a lot of wine a few years back. Just wondering long term effects and how my system managed that anyway?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • If the oldest woman in the world smokes and drinks....?

    Jeanne Calment is 122+ and she has always smoked and drunk red could it be that the 2 habits even each other out medically speaking?

    Why does it seem that people who give up smoking get disease whilst those who NEVER quit seem to stay fairly healthy? Just looking at the oldest people on earth and most of them seem to be smokers.....

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Why dont USA just take over IRAQ?

    They, now, know any govt of Iraquians will be just as bad as Saddam...same ideals of a dictatorship and lack of order. Theoretically, what would happen if USA just installed their own govt with all the benefits that USA social security, free cheap TVs and repaired homes, USA magazines, cheap fastfoods, supermarkets, pretty up their places of worship for them.

    Would the people be disarmed by user friendly goods and services or fight to be back with their old regime?...even if USA didnt say they couldnt have their God...just like all other immigrants to USA? How many would really resist honey if they only have had vinegar right now and for a very long time...even if it also meant the lands goodies (ie oil) also went to provide that and USA? England took over many countries until it was time to let given the instability....perhaps Iraq needs the same until they get with globalisation and the needs of the planet?

    If there are any theorists out there?

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • My sons cellphone got splashed with water and doesnt work now...?

    Is there any way to fix this besides buying him a new phone?

    7 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How to find out plane crash passenger names, on the net?

    I knew some people years ago that supposedly died in a USA plane crash and never found out what the cause was or if their names were on the passenger list. I can find details of the flights of either 1982 (Pan Am 759) or 1985 (Dallas/FtW?) but no memorial/victim/obituarying reports at all.

    Not even the legal cases give specific names of all the victims. Yes I am a morbid sod but also curious as to why the secrecy and not a rememberance site (eg like the 911 victims had).

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I just watched Loose Change 2 on the History Channel. It was very convincing stuff!?

    Has all America watched it, I mean has it been widely broadcast on TV over there? If it IS true AND would that effect the peoples perception of the government and could anything be done about it?

    I know in Australia, if a government deception is suspected or known....the people can demand Governer General intervention/investigation and dissolution of the Prime Ministers term. Do you have a similar thing in USA?

    In the light of so many unanswered questions....why is the government not allowing all video tapes, black box info and entire calls to be freely available? I just dont understand why the government are not transparent in their dealings with the American people...and why the people including TV presenters dont demand it also?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Anyone had cheek implants or facelift in Adelaide, Australia?

    I am looking to get a facelift with cheek implants, fairly soon, and was wondering if anyone has had either procedure done in Adelaide. If so, it would be appreciated if you could let me know what were the results (good or bad) and who the Surgeon was (just initials will be fine if you had negative results, as we dont want to slander anyone)?

    4 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade ago
  • If anyone has a Borner V- Mandoline Slicer, is it dishwasher safe?

    I have checked the instruction book but cant find that info at all. So for anyone that uses one....what happens if you DO shove it in the dishwasher? Thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago