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why r u doing this?

Salaam Alikum,

I am Muslim and not with anyone insult others, coz it seems for me u r so angry but u don't have to insult anybody and this is not the right way. In this section we r trying to make our religion clear for anyone needs clarification and Islam is not only for us, its for every person wants to know about it, so please don't do this again brother and Allah says :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[109:4] And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

[109:5] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

[109:6] To you be your Way, and to me mine.

r u agree with me if not say why?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well people here was spoon feeded of hatred and lies about islam .....

    a lot is trying to spread heatred and lies here too .... see exmuslim , propet mohamed and more and more ....

    just see booh asnswer .... just islam is not from god ... that's all what she knows about islam

    look at yahoo itself

    hundreds of posts daily insulting islam and our phorphet it keeps it

    if any insult against christians it's deleted at once

    that's not fair at all

  • Yes I agree with you and may Allah bless you sister.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    43:11 I dont understand your question.

    27:22 Is this some sort of Davinci Code ?

    s t I realy like cryptanalysis.


  • 1 decade ago

    New technologies in general and internet in particular are evil instruments and all believers should avoid to use them as vehicles of propaganda.

    Do you agree with me and if not say why?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No because Islam is wrong!

  • Tara
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    thank u

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