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what do you think about the new Draft bill for people 18-42??

WSWS : News & Analysis : North America

Democratic Congressman reintroduces bill for military draft in US

By Joe Kay

12 January 2007

Charles Rangel, the Democratic chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, reintroduced a bill on Thursday that would institute a military draft for all legal residents of the United States between the ages of 18 and 42.

In his press release announcing the move, Rangel—a liberal Democrat who claims to oppose the war in Iraq—made clear that the central motivation for the bill is to alleviate the strains on the military, which will be further overextended as Bush moves to increase the number of troops in Iraq. A draft would also provide sufficient cannon fodder to use in Iran, Somalia, North Korea or any other country the United States decides to invade.

“The military is at the breaking point with more than 50 percent of our combat troops already deployed in Iraq,” Rangel said. “The question is: where will the additional troops—including those that may follow if the war is escalated further—come from?” He noted that many of the 21,000 additional troops that Bush is ordering to Iraq “are already on the ground in Iraq and will have their deployments extended. Almost 250,000 of the troops currently deployed in Iraq have served more than one tour, and some have been deployed as many as six times.”

Not only is the Bush administration escalating the occupation of Iraq, it is also increasing the threat of military action against Iran, while launching air strikes against Somalia Rangel pointed to these tendencies in November 2006, shortly after the midterm elections, when he said on CBS’s “Face the Nation, “If we’re going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea . . . we can’t do that without a draft.”

Notably absent from Rangel’s press release announcing the move was any suggestion that the bill is intended primarily to deter further military action or the deployment of additional troops in Iraq This is a rationale that Rangel has advanced in the past, suggesting that politicians would not launch wars if the sons and daughters of the wealthy would be subject to conscription.

Rangel claims to be opposed to the war in Iraq, as well as the plan to introduce more troops. He is attempting to justify his draft bill by couching it in the language of “equality of sacrifice.” The draft is necessary, he wrote in his press release on Thursday, because “if Americans are to be placed in harm’s way, all of us, from every income group and position in society, must share the burden of war.”

Indeed, Rangel’s bill would require that a significant portion of the population take up this “burden of war.” Not only is he calling for a draft of all residents between 18 and 42—an age range that far exceeds previous drafts and would include immigrants as well as US citizens, women as well as men—but his bill would also deny all deferments for college students. This is the product of the recognition that a large proportion of young people of military age are attending college or university.

If such a measure were actually put into law, it would mean something on the order of 100 million people subject to conscription. Rangel’s bill provides that those not selected for the military would be required to carry out some other form of “service,” such as policing or border patrol.

The various demagogic arguments for the draft advanced by Rangel at one point or another are merely covers for policy the aim of which would be to provide more cannon fodder for present and future wars waged by the American ruling elite.

A real campaign against the occupation of Iraq would take the form of a demand for the withdrawal of US troops. This demand has not been raised by the leadership of the Democratic Party because whatever tactical disagreements they have with the Bush administration, they support the occupation of Iraq and the basic aims of American imperialism. The party leadership, which gained control of Congress on the basis of the enormous antiwar sentiment expressed in the November elections, immediately ruled out cutting off funding for military operations in Iraq.

The question of the draft is the subject of serious discussion within the political and military establishment, though this discussion is occurring largely behind the backs of the American people. When Rangel stated in November that he planned to reintroduce his bill as soon as the new Congress started, his position received prominent media coverage. This was a highly conscious move, intended as a trial balloon to gauge public reaction and prepare the population for the possibility of a draft.

It is the Democratic Party that has particularly been pushing for discussion on the reintroduction of military conscription. Calls for some form of “universal service” were ubiquitous in the policy documents of leading Democratic strategists during the lead-up to the November elections.

While there is enormous concern within the ruling elite over the potentially explosive domestic consequences of a draft, there is equally great concern over the deterioration of the military as a consequence of the protracted Iraq occupation. Volunteer recruitment is down as a result of public opposition to the war, and yet both the Democrats and Republicans enthusiastically support a permanent increase in the size of the military. The military has already been forced to relax its standards in order to meet its recruitment quotas.

The question of the draft will now become an issue for discussion within the political establishment, as it conspires new ways to force the American population to kill and be killed in the interests of the ruling elite.

10 Answers

  • Mark F
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it just plane sucks!!...

    If it realy is going to happen that is!!

    It is also a mistake!!

  • 1 decade ago


    I call BS! I have searched the Major and reputiable news outlets like CNN the most liberal of them all, foxnews, and msnbc and not a single one has any reference to a military draft or the afor mentioned bill By Charles Rangel. While he is on the Ways and Means committee a search of the Congressional web sight has likewise yeilded no such bill having been introduced by Mr. Rangel. He did introduce a bill to roll back subsidies for Big Oil. The link below is my source for that bit of info. I do not consider the World Socialist Web Site a repudable source of information and there for this is nothing more than propaganda. There are other sites like craig's list that list this same propaganda but unless its on CNN, Foxnews, MSNBC, I don't believe a single word of it and even then I would go to the horses mouth first. Once again I call BS!

  • 1 decade ago

    A terrific example of the Democrats "sky-is-falling" tactics... scare the HELL out of the American voter by threatening a draft.

    I DO think the American people are WAY out of touch with the War on Terror, the US Military, and any sense of sacrifice.

    Amazing how the Democrats spent 1992-2000 downsizing the military to half it's size of 1990... and NOW they scream that our military is too small !!

    I'm 42 and therefore too old for the draft... also was discharged for hearing-loss from the US Navy 1998... I tried to go back to the Navy in 2001, and then sought a commission in the US Army but they wouldn't take me due to the hearing loss.

    Source(s): General reading and 15 yrs of service in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club
  • 1 decade ago

    There will be NO DRAFT There will be NO DRAFT

    It was a democrat ploy to put fear in the children and turn them against America as the Democrat Party has turned against America because of loosing the 2000 and 2004 elections

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  • 1 decade ago

    See what happens when you let democrats run things? It hasn't been a whole year and now they think we need a draft.

    It's this kind of junk that causes them lose the military votes...... You know like cutting pay and giving out food stamps to soldiers... How do you expect to win votes like that? No wonder why bush won....

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that Rangel is acting as a hypocrite, and hope that there will never be another draft. Too many friends and loved-ones have been lost in past wars--no more--not my children too!!!

    (I have a 19, a 26, and a 35 year old son) This would mean that none of them would be safe--I hope my three daughters would not also be in jeopardy (with equal opportunity, etc).

  • Well , put it this way , you know the "coward " letter Clinton signed to avoid being drafted , well I think ALL the members fo my family would sign it , if it was good enough for him then it would be good enough for me .. I'll be the first one to serve in the milatary when we actually start to fight to win again and not just use it as a method of population control.

    Source(s): History - It tells us that the dirtest fighter wins .
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Put it to a vote and make them vote yea or nay! I would not mind seeing it. Maybe some of the squall @sses in the country would move to Canada!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh if you vote in the republicans they'll bring back the draft! This is the absolute epitome of liberal ignorance, lies, and deception.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very difficult to answer!

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