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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsAlternativeParanormal Phenomena · 1 decade ago

What sort of food do most outer space aliens eat?

I need to know pretty soon. Thanks.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they eat Sncker Bars - However, read on (taken from the Harvard log):

    I (not me someone else) merely asked what would be at the top of the first extraterrestrial food chain we discover, and seemed to find myself in a discussion of whether or not the Earth is alone in the common sense of biology.

    So setting your pale sarcasm aside, I was wondering if you might answer a couple of things. Once upon a time on this planet, there was naught but water and tectonic heat. Though it is dangerous, I'm assuming that, as a scientist, you do not subscribe to the six thousand year-old Earth of certain religions. Thus I ask you: What happened to cause life on this planet? What specific processes occurred in nature that cannot occur elsewhere in the solar system?

    Okay, try this from the other direction: Take the "grey" alien of the Ufo stories. Regardless of whether or not they exist, we can theoretically ask in what kind of environment would such a creature have evolved? Could higher gravity on a home-world account for the compact size? Is that related to their commonly described quickness?

    As humans travel out into the universe, I believe the first extraterrestrial life we encounter will be microorganisms trapped in ice on a nearby celestial body. So I'm curious, if everything in nature has it's place, where would that first-encounter organism fit into the local food chain. That's actually the question at the heart of this mess.

    Okay, I haven't read Beak of the Finch. However most of what I'm seeing of it on the web has to do with affirming Evolution and the religious implications thereof. I don't need another book to tell me how evolution works, unless a chaos mathematician works out a pattern.

    What I don't understand is how evolution theory limits where life can occur. What was present here, on Earth, that isn't or wasn't once present elsewhere in the solar system? Sure conditions might be extreme, but life does enjoy finding a way.

    See - it seems someone else needs to know too.

  • John B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't know why everybody is treating this question so lightly.

    Aliens eat Pizza which is why you can find Pizza Hut in nearly every corner of the world. To humans, Pizza tastes like cardboard but to aliens it is the perfect food. The franchise is actually owned by the martians.

  • 1 decade ago

    They generally eat cockroaches. Why? Because I said so. Sometimes, though, they eat green jello, but I hear that the price of space jelly just went up, so they might off that. Instead, they'll probably end up eating hippo.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mars Bars

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  • 1 decade ago

    Aliens are fond of most human foods...

    Anything that has to be microwaved.... they actually prefer the microwave macaroni packets "Macaroni in a Minute".

    They like to be able to zap it with their lasers and enjoy healthy wholesome irradiated food products...

    Source(s): However they have recently discovered that TOFU is BAD for most aliens as is anything grown in California.... something about the "it's good for you" essentially turns out to be bad for Aliens.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Respectfully. they'd look unintelligent and the spacecraft would look on autopilot, yet issues are not often as they look. Sending a attempt spacecraft to a unique equipment will be fairly severe priced so the mum deliver must be interior of attain. likely waiting to be sure how we manage their pets earlier they attitude us.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your pineal gland.

    Dude, next time describe the alien.

  • 1 decade ago

    They usually eat two points.

  • bargod
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Iv'e heard that theyre fond of cereal.

  • 1 decade ago

    They say we taste like chicken.

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