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How do I convince my brother that his drug abuse is tearing our family apart?

My brother is a drug addict, 22 and still lives at home. My parents are constantly fighting about it. He steals from us constantly and my mum is so stressed I am sure she will have a heart attack soon. He has hit me before and I am scared he will hit my little sister. My Dad wont kick him out cause he doesn't want him living on the streets. What do I do???

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you cant convince a drug addict cuz theyre still influenced by the drugs even when theyre not using. he needs professional help...youre not a professional and dont pretend to be. take that weight from your shoulders and tell your's a number to your son! peace

  • 1 decade ago

    As a Mom who had been through the very same thing, and not wanting to kick my son out, or call the Cops on him; His dad and I bought a Camper Trailer for a couple thousand bucks and set it up in the back yard. I was tired of the fussing, the arguing and him stealing from us. This really did help OUR problem anyhow. But as far as the Drug problem, I gave him an Ultamatum, you either check yourself into drug Rehab or we will go to the Judge and get a Court Order to have you commited, since you are over 21. He decided to check himself in, and Thankfully 6 years later he is Drug free, and our family is alot happier..

    Source(s): Been there..
  • 1 decade ago

    Your brother does need professional help but the problem is no one but he can get it. He has to be willing to get the help himself. Your parents do need to step up though and show some tough love, maybe what he needs is a dose of the streets. It will either make or break him. The only thing you can do is make sure you and your sister stay clear of him for your own sakes. Have you told your dad of him hitting you? Maybe you should have a talk with your dad also.

  • rosey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing that you can do. A drug addict cannot be convinced to stop using. He has to be the one to make that decision himself. Your parents are going to have to show him some tough love. They need to let him know that his behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated while he is living in their house.

    Usually, the most common way for an addict to realize that he needs help is to hit rock bottom. If your parents are enablers and continue to let him live at home while doing drugs, more than likely he will be doing drugs for a long, long time and will not stop until he decides he needs help, or is busted and sent to jail or overdoses.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one and I do mean no one - can convince a drug or alcohol abuser of ANYTHING!!! Talk to your dad - let him know that if he doesn't stop enabling his son - your brother will continue to live in the hell he has created for himself. Which is worse, dad, "hell or the streets". Get your entire family and his sober friends together and do an intervention. If you don't know how - go to the library and learn. Good Luck and God Bless All of You.

  • 1 decade ago

    CALL THE POLICE. You have to make a choice between your brother and your family. It is obvious that your brother has no respect for his family or for himself, so he has to GO. Give your parents an utimatum - either your brother goes or you go. And, if possible, take your little sister with you. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET YOUR BROTHER OUT OF THERE. Call the police, get a lawyer, report your negligent parents to Social Services, ANYTHING.

  • stacy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    YOu need to convince your dad that if he won't kick him out, he needs to get him help- rehab, etc. Ppl under the influence of substances that dull their reactions, nerves, reflexes, etc are a danger to themselves and all around. Under the influence of over abuse he can and will hurt family members. Also the ppl he purchases from may be a threat you have not considered. Depending on the local law, the entire family can be taken by the police, althought hey may not be able to charge all of you, it can take a toll on all of you.

    If your dad refuses to get help for him, you, ur mom and the lil sis need to remove yourselves from the potentially dangerous situation. Do not wait for a fatality to say ...we should have....

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't talk to him, he will only see it as you attacking him and he will act out badly (that's what drugs does to you, makes you paranoid and unreasonable).

    You can't help him until he realizes he needs help. It's not up to you. Only thing you can do is move out to get away from that crap but really, your parents should kick him out. It's not fair of him to stress you all out like that.

    I understand, I have a brother who is just like that. Hooked on drugs and acting like a jerk 24-7. I left home as my mom wouldn't kick him out and I got sick of being stressed over it.

  • 1 decade ago

    ur brother needs professional advice

    ur parents are over protective

    they love him so they let him steal and keep him at home

    ur dad is right to not let him be in the street but it's wrong to think that u can take care of him all by urselves

    he need to be treated

  • 1 decade ago

    Without a doubt your brother needs professional help. It can be very hard to talk to your brother because you are not talking to him but to the drugs. There has to be action taken in the direction of medical help. Somehow get him into rehabilitation where he can get counseling and support. Hopefully this will help him understand what he's doing to himself and his family.

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